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Dogawful Officiating: PL to keep VAR next season (official)


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37 minutes ago, Optimistic Nut said:


All that will happen is forwards will edge a bit further forward to make the most of the rule change, defenders will still be able to step out and play them off. Will just make it a lot more black and white and easier to see. 

If I were playing as the attacker I’d actually try and wait for the defence to step up and make my move at the same time. There’s a good chance I’d be onside with this rule.

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It would make it simpler to determine what offside is, but think this relatively small change would drastically change football is played.


Not sure if it'll lead to lower defending blocks even by the better teams, maybe even bring back the sweeper position or lead to more goals and exciting games with less frustration over tight offside decisions (like Isak vs Liverpool). Will be interesting to hear the results of the test.

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1 hour ago, NobbySolano said:

FFS that's a terrible change. In that example, the attacker is blatantly gaining an unfair advantage. 

Disagree. Think it’s an excellent idea and something I’ve called on.

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3 hours ago, Tsunami said:

You either don’t have VAR and give the attacker a slight benefit of doubt or, you use VAR and if any part of your body you can score with is ahead of the defender, you’re offside.


I’m accepting here that VAR lines etc will be correctly applied.

Option A please!

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3 hours ago, AyeDubbleYoo said:

That suggestion is effectively abolishing offside. There’s almost never a case where the whole body is off. 

Obviously there would be if that rule came in, since attackers would start running mega early. 

Happy it’s just a test. 

Probably the ideal would be judging offside by the attackers arse.


Daylight between his arse and the defender? Offside.


Just a hand, chest or shoulder as he leans forward to run? Not offside.


VAR is the cause of these conversations...

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Do the people who think it's a great idea want to expand on it?


This isn't a solution to VAR, we can bring in other things to do that, it's a change that will drastically change the way teams setup.



Edited by Hanshithispantz

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Doesn't matter what they do, it'll still be open to interpretation and seeing as the vast majority of the blokes using the technology are either absolute fucking divvies or bent as a nine bob note (or both) we'll still see baffling and shite decisions all over the shop.



Edited by Pilko

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15 minutes ago, Hanshithispantz said:

Do the people who think it's a great idea want to expand on it?


This isn't a solution to VAR, we can bring in other things to do that, it's a change that will drastically change the way teams setup.




I'm not quite in the 'great' camp, but I'm broadly in favour of this (fully expecting to be brought back down to earth by VAR though).


I imagine it results in linemen assuming a player is offside and raising their flag after goals, and I prefer the idea of VAR ruling goals in rather than out i.e. receiving nice surprises like Joelinton vs. West Ham rather than horrific ones like Isak vs. Liverpool. One attacker being offside and another not due to the different sizes of their nostrils is not something I can respect.


I agree it will change the way teams set up, but that's already happened with the current abnormal offside law we have now. Historically teams could not in any way rely on a stray toe giving them permission to play a high line and condense play in midfield. What we have now is not normal.


As I was getting at earlier with my arse post, the truth is offside functioned predominantly as a deterrent, and was not expected or intended to judge situations with millimeter accuracy. It was about whether an advantage was gained, and truthfully in most situations about midway through someone's body is roughly where that happens. And even that's dependent on where on the pitch you are.

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5 hours ago, Hanshithispantz said:

Do the people who think it's a great idea want to expand on it?


This isn't a solution to VAR, we can bring in other things to do that, it's a change that will drastically change the way teams setup.




More goals scored in short.


Basically have two VAR lines per player covering the width of their movement and if there is an intersection of either one then the forward is onside. 

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I don't think CB pace is going to be a solution to runs in behind, the CB is often facing the wrong way and not even trying to run back. 


Personally I would like to see more goals from through balls, because they look sexy. But that earlier proposed change would be very dramatic, almost to the point of making offside obsolete. 


If the intention of the offside rule is to just stop goal-poaching, then it will still do that. But we've had decades of it stopping any kind of minor advantage, which would go away. 

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It also makes the job of a human linesman basically impossible. A lino looks along the line now and if the attacker is in front of anyone it's offside. With this change, the crucial sight point isn't the furthest forward on the attacker's body, it's the furthest back, which is much more difficult to see in real time (and also completely the opposite to what you've spent your career training on, so a very difficult transition).


The game's governing body probably also needs to try and consider games other than those with a dozen cameras dotted round the ground.

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On 07/07/2023 at 07:00, Hanshithispantz said:

It isn't luck now though. Playing an offside trap isn't just random, and the rule change doesn't remove fine margins.



Being caught offside because your nipple might be a bit further ahead of the back part of the defender is a wank law. With the new law, it's much easier. If you're a lower league or non-professional level, you're also going have a better chance of seeing if there's clear daylight now over marginal body parts being offside. 

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25 minutes ago, Optimistic Nut said:


Being caught offside because your nipple might be a bit further ahead of the back part of the defender is a wank law. With the new law, it's much easier. If you're a lower league or non-professional level, you're also going have a better chance of seeing if there's clear daylight now over marginal body parts being offside. 

What's this based on though? Like Wullie has said, the way it is now you have a very clear reference when looking down the line.

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