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Who could go...

Guest VaVaVoom

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Guest VaVaVoom

...and do you really think they will?


I think there are a few who clubs are looking at (Colo, Tiote and Krul) but apart from the obvious three i cant see any others leaving.


There is the possibility that Guthrie and Simpson could go if a decent offer came in. Simpson may want a move back down south with his new family and Guthrie will want regular football at his age. I'd not be bothered about Simpson leaving if it ment we went out and got Cissokho but i doubt that very much. Guthrie on the other hand id like us to keep and seal a new deal but i couldnt blame him for leaving.


Back to the big three...


Coloccini i think is the least likely to go as i beleive he genuinly wants to stay but i do think it will all be dependant on how the window goes for us in general whether he signs the deal or looks to leave. If he does leave i dont think it will be until the summer.


Krul i dont see leaving neither, again he seems to love the club and has that genuine ambition and drive to succeed here, he has worked hard for his chance. Rumours of Spurs being in for him may well be true but would Spurs drop an in form Friedel? I doubt it, however if they did want him i dont see Krul leaving till the summer.


Tiote is the one i see leaving and i'd so far as say im 80% convinced it will be to Chelsea. For all i would be dissapointed if he left, if we received a fee of around 20-25mil for him then youd have to take it. We are not in a position to be able to fend off the big clubs and i dont see Tiote as the loyal type neither. Would move Guthrie, Gosling, Vuckic and Abeid forward in the order too. We could use the money to get Giroud, Mbiwi and Cissokho and come out of it a stronger side.

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Guest BlacknWhiteArmy

Tiote- gone in Jan.

Colo- summer.


I'd say those two are fairly definite.

Simpson to Bolton or Birmingham or something in the summer. Looks unlikely he'll sign a new deal and was supposedly close to being sold at the end of the Summer window.

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Guest VaVaVoom

Firstly we don't have to take any offer for anyone. Secondly,use the money to buy players? Are you on crack? Money made on transfers doesn't affect how much we've got to spend.


Surely FMA wouldnt be so stupid again?

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Firstly we don't have to take any offer for anyone. Secondly,use the money to buy players? Are you on crack? Money made on transfers doesn't affect how much we've got to spend.


Surely FMA wouldnt be so stupid again?


Stupid as in  making us more financially sound and playing a part in moving us up the league you mean? [/notmyview]

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Firstly we don't have to take any offer for anyone. Secondly,use the money to buy players? Are you on crack? Money made on transfers doesn't affect how much we've got to spend.


Surely FMA wouldnt be so stupid again?



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Do we really need threads like these?


Not IMO. Hopefully a win on Weds will bring a bit more positivity around the place although with the inevitable talk of fans favourites leaving (+past behaviour) it's hard to ignore.


Be better off having the old net spend / players poll up again.

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Any of them if the price is right. [/obvious]


Same goes for most players at most clubs too, all depends how desperate the buyers are to do business. If any of them do go then I also think we'll get top dollar for them but it's irrelevant if the owner is unwilling to invest the money back into the first XI.


We've been here before and been left bitterly disappointed and the cynicism is justified.

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Who is buying with money? Chelsea / Man United? Do Liverpool have loads of money left? Hmmmm, only Tiote is susceptible there and he isn't good enough IMO for Man U/Chelsea at the moment so we should be 'reet.


End of the season, different story.

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Do we really need threads like these?


Not IMO. Hopefully a win on Weds will bring a bit more positivity around the place although with the inevitable talk of fans favourites leaving (+past behaviour) it's hard to ignore.


Be better off having the old net spend / players poll up again.




Been said before but I'd much rather just enjoy watching our current team at the minute without speculating who may leave. Just isn't needed, talk about them leaving when/if they do actually leave.

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If the people in charge have any ambition for the club whatsoever they'll see our unexpectedly great first half of the season as a reason not to sell any of the first team rather than as a safety net in case they do sell someone and it all goes to shit. Not arsed in the slightest who we could bring in as 'replacements with the money' (:lol:), we've got where we are with this set of good players. Add one or two to it with cash we already have and see where it gets us, don't fucking break it up. Simple as that really for me.

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I'm trying not to get myself worried about it like I have in the past though I know I'll be livid again when it happens.


I know the best players are going to be sold, be made out to be cunts and the money won't be spent. Sure as night follows day. Little point worrying about it tbh. The people making the decisions at NUFC are cunts and will never be anything else.

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I think we have some players who are genuinely happy to be here and would want to spend the majority of their career with us but they must be aware they are only here until they can be sold for a decent profit.  I find that quite sad.  Cabaye for example has spent his whole career up to now at one club and it will have been a big decision for him to make such a move.  I just don't see him as someone wanting to move on at the first opportunity that comes along.


Looking at the team that started on Saturday, there were only 3 players in it that were with us when we got relegated (Krul, Colo and Jonas) and one of those was not in the first team at the time.  That is a huge turnover of players.  Very few teams (especially the successful ones) have that sort of turnover of players.


In 2 years time, will it be a completely different team again?  I cannot see us progressing much if that is the case.  We are now at the stage where we need some continuity with our players and maybe replace the odd one.  Selling our 3-4 best players every year will not improve the team although the bank balance may look good.




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tiote, very possible (if only because all the press speculation seems to make it irresistable) but it will take an offer over 20mill.

colo may be like enrique in which we have to cut our losses in order to get anything back.

harper, simpson gone in the summer.

guthrie to stay.



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Players that I would move on in the Summer:

. Alan Smith (out of contract at the end of season)

. Ryan Taylor (best time to get rid of him)

. Danny Simpson

. James Perch

. Steve Harper

. Peter Lovenkrands


Must keep the following key players:

. Frabicio Coloccini

. Cheik Tiote

. Yohan Cabaye

. Demba Ba

. Tim Krul

. Jonas Gutierrez

. Davide Santon

. Steven Taylor


Leaving us needing to buy a new striker, right winger, centre half , keft back and right back



. Krul

. Forster

. Elliot



. Coloccini

. S. Taylor

. Williamson

. Santon

. New rb

. New cb

. New lb



. Cabaye

. Tiote

. Gutierrez

. Obertan

. Guthrie

. Marveaux


. Gosling

. Abeid

. Vuckic

. New Right Winger



. Ba

. Best

. Ameobi

. New striker

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Who is buying with money? Chelsea / Man United? Do Liverpool have loads of money left? Hmmmm, only Tiote is susceptible there and he isn't good enough IMO for Man U/Chelsea at the moment so we should be 'reet.


End of the season, different story.


With Fletcher's career now in jeopardy with this illness, we will be looking a new enforcer and Tiote definitely fits the bill. We won't pay £20m+ though.

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