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Hatem Ben Arfa


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Just watched the "BEN ARFA - NEWCASTLE UNITED NUMBER 10 {NUFC_COMPILATION}" again. Can't wait for the new season to start, and seeing players like him play for us.


Thanks for mentioning that! Just seen it. What a blinding player ffs :lol: There isn't a player like him in the league.


The 2 first halves away to WBA and home to Liverpool  :yikes:

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Watched that Ben Arfa compilation yesterday, the amazing thing about it all is that it's a 13 minute video with clips between the end of feb to beginning of may. :lol:


If he was fit all season i'm not even sure 30 mins would cover it lol.

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Guest Spiria

Just watched the "BEN ARFA - NEWCASTLE UNITED NUMBER 10 {NUFC_COMPILATION}" again. Can't wait for the new season to start, and seeing players like him play for us.


Hopefully he will be fit all season, and for the next season there will be several video of 13 minutes.

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Guest Spiria

Newcastle : Ben Arfa sanctionné à cause de la FFF ?


Invité de dernière minute à la FFF vendredi dernier, où il n’avait, dans un premier temps, pas prévu de se rendre, Hatem Ben Arfa pourrait être mis à l’amende par son club, Newcastle, en stage au Portugal et qui ne souhaitait pas le libérer.


Le 27 juillet, Hatem Ben Arfa et Jérémy Ménez, tout comme Samir Nasri et Yann M’Vila, étaient tous les deux convoqués devant la commission de discipline de la FFF pour leurs écarts de conduite durant l’Euro en Ukraine. L’un a décidé de se rendre à Paris pour s’expliquer contre le gré de Newcastle, l’autre a préféré rester aux Etats-Unis en stage avec le PSG et y envoyer son avocat ainsi qu’une lettre d’excuse. Résultat : « HBA », à qui l’on reprochait d’avoir eu un accrochage verbal avec Laurent Blanc après la défaite contre la Suède (0-2), n’a eu qu’un rappel à l’ordre, Ménez, lui, pour avoir insulté Hugo Lloris et l’arbitre Nicola Rizzoli durant le match contre l’Espagne (0-2), a écopé d’un match de suspension ferme. Seuls les membres de la commission de discipline, qui ont pris leur décision dans la foulée des auditions, et les dirigeants de la « 3F » le savent, mais, forcément, la présence de l’un et l’absence de l’autre ont pesé dans la balance au moment de la décision finale. « Cela montre son respect des instances, cela montre son attachement à l’équipe de France », appuie l’avocat de Ben Arfa, Jean-Jacques Bertrand, ce mardi dans France Football.


Ben Arfa mis à l’amende par Newcastle ?

Si la présence d’Hatem Ben Arfa boulevard de Grenelle vendredi a fait parler d’elle, en raison, notamment, de l’altercation entre son père et son conseiller, Michel Ouazine, elle n’était pourtant pas prévue au départ. Son club, Newcastle, avec qui il devait reprendre l’entraînement en début de semaine dernière et partir en stage au Portugal, n’y était pas favorable. Mais l’enfant terrible du foot français, soucieux de se justifier, de se défendre et, surtout, d’assurer son avenir chez les Bleus, a préféré faire faux bond aux Magpies et passer la journée à Paris. Une présence qui s’explique, selon L’Equipe, par la décision de Newcastle de finalement le libérer. « Il aurait pu se retrancher derrière son club, il ne l’a pas fait. Il en assumera les conséquences », souligne pourtant son avocat, Jean-Jacques Bertrand, ce mardi dans France Football. Le bihebdomadaire explique ainsi que Ben Arfa, s’il n’a pas été sanctionné par la FFF, pourrait être mis à l’amende par son club pour s’être rendu à Paris. S’il n’a pas pris part à la victoire en amical contre Braga samedi soir (2-1), Hatem Ben Arfa, l’esprit tranquille, a toutefois rejoint ses coéquipiers au cours du week-end. Reste que le bon sens devrait l’emporter, mais affaire à suivre…


So according to the 10sport, Newcastle could punish Ben Arfa because he came  personally speak to the FFF the 27th July when they didn't want to free him at the beginning.


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He is going to have to put some work in to be ready for the new season.


I fear it's gonna be another season where he starts on the bench again missing games where we will really need him!


Obertan starting against Spurs :undecided:.

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Obviously the monumental effort he put in during the Euro's means he needs a longer break than everyone else.




He didn't punch Ribery/Nasri/Benzema in the face. That's got to be exhausting.

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Dont get it. Why is his disciplinary issue with the national team preventing him from joining our pre season tours/friendlies?


Wasnt it just because by the time the hearing was over we would have been well into the games in Portugal. Sure I read he has just been training here instead.


That being said, as much as I love the bloke, things always seem to be difficult with him. Nothing ever seems straight forward.

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Dont get it. Why is his disciplinary issue with the national team preventing him from joining our pre season tours/friendlies?


Wasnt it just because by the time the hearing was over we would have been well into the games in Portugal. Sure I read he has just been training here instead.


That being said, as much as I love the bloke, things always seem to be difficult with him. Nothing ever seems straight forward.


Ya but couldn't he just fly back to France from wherever our pre season is just on the hearing day itself? Why does he have to be in France whilst waiting for the hearing?

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Dont get it. Why is his disciplinary issue with the national team preventing him from joining our pre season tours/friendlies?


Wasnt it just because by the time the hearing was over we would have been well into the games in Portugal. Sure I read he has just been training here instead.


That being said, as much as I love the bloke, things always seem to be difficult with him. Nothing ever seems straight forward.


Ya but couldn't he just fly back to France from wherever our pre season is just on the hearing day itself? Why does he have to be in France whilst waiting for the hearing?


Well, this is what im saying. He seems to need/get the special attention. You never seem to know whats going on with him. That being said, we know fuck all about why or where he has been so there could be a perfectly logical explanation. But yeah, It would have been nice seeing him back in training when Cabs was back.

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