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Hatem Ben Arfa


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I still don't get how it's so difficult to play 3 in midfield and say to Tiote/Anita "When Hatem's attacking, just come over to the right in case he gets caught out high up the field."




"When Atam's attackin, jus come ova the roight in case he gets cor owt igh up the fiel."


I can see how there might be a problem like.  Bloke talks like a facebook update.


Poor Anita wandering round the dressing room after going "What is a Atam?"

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Guest firetotheworks

If Pardew starts Ben Arfa at the weekend then I think it shows just how much Pardew has lost the plot and the pressure he is under.


Not saying it's the wrong decision, but it is indicative of Pardew losing control of the playing squad.


Good point.

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Guest firetotheworks

He wipes the floor with Ginola statistically like, but then you think about the one area where they're both ahead. Assists.


Ginola: Shearer, Ferdinand, Asprilla and basically everyone else getting in on the act

Robert: Shearer, Bellamy, Speed, Dyer.

Ben Arfa: Carroll, Best, Ba, Cisse, Remy.


Ben Arfa obviously has lower quality to aim at but the proof will always be in the pudding when it's hypothetical like that. I know what I'd love to have seen HBA under Keegan or Robson though. I think that's something that tends to be said quite a lot and it's absolutely true.

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He wipes the floor with Ginola statistically like, but then you think about the one area where they're both ahead. Assists.


Ginola: Shearer, Ferdinand, Asprilla and basically everyone else getting in on the act

Robert: Shearer, Bellamy, Speed, Dyer.

Ben Arfa: Carroll, Best, Ba, Cisse, Remy.


Ben Arfa obviously has lower quality to aim at but the proof will always be in the pudding when it's hypothetical like that. I know what I'd love to have seen HBA under Keegan or Robson though. I think that's something that tends to be said quite a lot and it's absolutely true.


Yeah I think Ben Arfa's stats are very good considering the team he's playing in and the manager he is playing under. We were one of the best teams in the league when Ginola and Robert played


Robert's stats man :lol: holy shit.

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"These people, their lives are humdrum, their jobs make them humdrum. They don't have much money in their pockets but they like a pint and they want to talk football. So it's your job on a Saturday afternoon to give these hard working people enough conversation for the whole week. You've got 90 mins every week to do it. It's your job to get on that field and have as many shots on goal as possible, to create as much excitement in the opposition penalty area as you possibly can. Every time you get on the ball you've got to give them something to remember, something for their weekly conversation in the pubs."


"Above all, don't let coaches talk you into anything other than what you've been bought for, that is to score goals. Every time you get the ball, you must think "how can I score a goal?". You've got to do your damnedest to stick it in the net. Remember, the opposing half is your stage. There are 10 others in the team to look after everything in the other half and 11 being there isn't going to make that much difference."


"There is one thing you must ensure. It is that during the game, you must maintain enough fitness, strength and stamina to be a threat right till the end. In the last minute, when the ball is booted out of defence, you've got to fight tooth and nail to get it, control it and the be able to run with it from the halfway line. You are going to have people kicking at you, pulling you and doing everything in their power to stop you, but you've got to have the strength to see them off. Then, when you've got to the opposition penalty area, you've still got to have the stamina to compose yourself and beat the goalkeeper. All this, because you are the match winner. Let nobody talk you into being anything else."


That's what Jackie Milburn said to Malcolm Macdonald when he signed for us. Contrasts nicely with the "Defend or your dropped" approach favoured by our beloved.

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Miburn said: “I used to work a mile down under that shaft and so do a lot of the Newcastle fans today.


“They slog their guts out, never see the sun shine and emerge black from coal dust to go home and start all over again the next day.


“They do that right away through to the Saturday morning when they get up, put on their proper gear and get the bus into town for a couple of pints.


“Then it is up to St James’ Park to watch the match.


“You, the Newcastle centre-forward, are the holder of their dreams. They would all be you if they could but instead they hero worship you as the No 9. They live their lives through you. You make their week after the sheer hell of the pits. Remember that and don’t ever let them down.”




Another variation. Not even sure if this stuff is depressing or inspiring.

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I still don't get how it's so difficult to play 3 in midfield and say to Tiote/Anita "When Hatem's attacking, just come over to the right in case he gets caught out high up the field."


It really is that simple. Quite unbelievable that it hasn't been tried all season. 15 starts for hatem all season man, what the f***

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Yeah, great quotes. The game is so cynical nowadays. Wonder if anyone still thinks that way.


It really repulses me when you hear people like Allardyce drone on about nothing but the result mattering. It's just absolute nonsense.


It's still supposed to be entertainment, and every fan wants to see their team, or at least some of their players play with some freedom and flair.

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Guest firetotheworks

We know, Hatem. We know.



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