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The other games today - 2011/12


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I was very young, but I do remember it being a very ugly game indeed.


I seem to remember SId Cowans taking a penalty, your keeper saving it, Cowans netting the rebound, and the keeper kicking Cowans' legs from under him! If you did that these days, you'd get a 10 match ban. I don't think he even got booked.


Happy days.


I mentioned that game a while ago on here as the reason I've never been a fan of Barca. I remember seeing it on one of the midweek highlight shows (Sportsnight?) as a kid. As well as that fantastic penalty foul, I distinctly remember a Villa ball over the top that the Barca CB just jumped up and caught with two hands. Did he get sent off?


Oh, those innocent childhood days when I supported all the English sides in Europe (apart from Arsenal, obviously).


There's a bit of it here - a lot of faffing about, but check the pen at about 4:30:


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Are Villa low on funds, btw? I don't understand why they are playing such a high number of youth and homegrown players. I suppose it is admirable in some ways, but clearly they need o reevaluate the strategy.


Check out the Swiss Ramble, Baba:




A few issues, but essentially their wages went crazy under MON and the transfer fees weren't much better for players who were often mediocre. He would then treat them idiosyncratically. Apparently Lerner questioned why MON had all this money sitting on the bench or in the stand, and suggested that if he wanted more he could offload some of his junk to pay for it. MON threw his toys out of the pram.


They have a great youth set-up and scouts (poached a couple of foreigners and players from clubs like Watford) but with a couple of big injuries (Bent, Petrov, Dunne, Cuellar) they have been forced to play more kids than they'd like. The last match was instructive - kids like Weimann, Bannan, Lichaj, Herd, Gardner, Baker are all good but are still at the stage when they should be introduced two or three at a time max. You could see it in their play; some nice football but still learning the ropes and unable to step up the gears. They were getting muscled-out. If they come through this they'll have some good experience, but if they have to play three or four more matches together then Villa will be very, very nervous.

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Are Villa low on funds, btw? I don't understand why they are playing such a high number of youth and homegrown players. I suppose it is admirable in some ways, but clearly they need o reevaluate the strategy.


Check out the Swiss Ramble, Baba:




A few issues, but essentially their wages went crazy under MON and the transfer fees weren't much better for players who were often mediocre. He would then treat them idiosyncratically. Apparently Lerner questioned why MON had all this money sitting on the bench or in the stand, and suggested that if he wanted more he could offload some of his junk to pay for it. MON threw his toys out of the pram.


They have a great youth set-up and scouts (poached a couple of foreigners and players from clubs like Watford) but with a couple of big injuries (Bent, Petrov, Dunne, Cuellar) they have been forced to play more kids than they'd like. The last match was instructive - kids like Weimann, Bannan, Lichaj, Herd, Gardner, Baker are all good but are still at the stage when they should be introduced two or three at a time max. You could see it in their play; some nice football but still learning the ropes and unable to step up the gears. They were getting muscled-out. If they come through this they'll have some good experience, but if they have to play three or four more matches together then Villa will be very, very nervous.



The financial issue is that under MON the wage bill spiralled out of control. Heskey is on 65k a week until he's 35. Something has to be done about that. People forget, though, it's only just over a year since we broke our record and spent 20 odd million on a striker.


The irony of the kids is that the reserves (who seem to win the league most years) play really nice football. What happens when they encounter the genius of McFuck and his acolytes is a mystery. You can't really read too much into last week's game, though - we were playing an experienced Champions League side, after all. The only reason they got that fourth was because we were pouring forward to try for the equaliser.


Yes, though, the reason we're starting with so many of them now is due to injuries. McFuck should have been more ambitious (well, less gut wrenchingly soul destroyingly negative) earlier in the season when we had no injuries, and we wouldn't be scrabbling around for points like we are now.


He is now rapidly approaching O'Leary levels of hatred amongst our fans, and that's including those of us who weren't really bothered about his former employer (well, not beyond the fact he got them relegated twice).


Lerner was right to handle MON the way he did, and Houllier wasn't a crazy appointment, but it's hard to see how he could have made a more damaging appointment than this one.


Season ticket sales next year will be atrocious. It's the only way people feel they can hit out. I won't be renewing, and I've got 35 plus years of support (most with a season ticket) behind me.


The reason I won't be renewing is because it's so gloomy and unambitious. I've been actually ashamed of the side several times this season, and that is totally unacceptable.

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McFuck and his acolytes is a mystery


:lol: Quality. Love the subtle play of words on his real name.


Sadly a number of our employees have earned such soubriquets of late. Emile Heskey = usually known as "Emile Fucking Heskey" in the same way Harewood was always shortened to "MFH".

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Guest BlacknWhiteArmy

Even when he was seen as a 'decent option' or whatever in 2007 or whenever he signed I've got no idea how you would justify that. :lol:

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Even when he was seen as a 'decent option' or whatever in 2007 or whenever he signed I've got no idea how you would justify that. :lol:


Imagine if Heskey goes to the mackems and gets offered a similar wage. Oh my.....

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Guest neesy111

Heskey's on 65k a week?! :lol:


Heskey is on 65k a week. As revealed by the son of an AVFC board member, so an actual decent source.



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Can you imagine what it's like watching Heskey hobble around pointlessly, and he's playing for YOUR TEAM?


Now imagine seeing him played in MIDFIELD. Because your manager thinks he stiffens you up defensively, and he does it every time you play someone in the top third of the table.


Despite it NEVER having worked. Literally, not one single time.


Honestly, after all this Muamba and Petrov stuff, clubs should be sending their players out to warm up with t shirts saying "Villa Fans. Our thoughts are with you" and on the back, "666" with "Heskey" across the top.


I am so deeply, deeply unhappy.

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Can you imagine what it's like watching Heskey hobble around pointlessly, and he's playing for YOUR TEAM?


Now imagine seeing him played in MIDFIELD. Because your manager thinks he stiffens you up defensively, and he does it every time you play someone in the top third of the table.


Despite it NEVER having worked. Literally, not one single time.


Honestly, after all this Muamba and Petrov stuff, clubs should be sending their players out to warm up with t shirts saying "Villa Fans. Our thoughts are with you" and on the back, "666" with "Heskey" across the top.


I am so deeply, deeply unhappy.


Well we did have Alan Smith playing for us.....

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Honestly, I know you think I am exaggerating but I am a 43 year old man (44 next month, fact fans), and the above is a sight that depresses me like nothing else. It actually makes me almost (were i capable of expressing emotions like a normal adult, which Mrs Brummie assures me, I am not, so I can't) cry.



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Guest neesy111

Honestly, I know you think I am exaggerating but I am a 43 year old man (44 next month, fact fans), and the above is a sight that depresses me like nothing else. It actually makes me almost (were i capable of expressing emotions like a normal adult, which Mrs Brummie assures me, I am not, so I can't) cry.





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The irony of the kids is that the reserves (who seem to win the league most years) play really nice football. What happens when they encounter the genius of McFuck and his acolytes is a mystery. You can't really read too much into last week's game, though - we were playing an experienced Champions League side, after all. The only reason they got that fourth was because we were pouring forward to try for the equaliser...


I agree with you about the reserves, but disagree about reading things into last week's game. You still have two or three of those sides to play, so the way the game panned out at least gives you an idea of how the remaining games will pan out. Luckily you only really have one game against a side fighting against relegation, but I saw a team that played some nice football at times and kept the ball well, yet you always felt the oppo were bigger, stronger and more incisive. I suspect that you can say the same of most of the teams you will play for the rest of the season.


The game against Sunderland will be the key, I feel. Imagine the atmosphere if you win.

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The game against Sunderland will be the key, I feel. Imagine the atmosphere if you win.


I'm not going, in case we lose.


The thought of the vindictive pube-headed prick doing cartwheels if they score makes me want to vomit.

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Honestly, I know you think I am exaggerating but I am a 43 year old man (44 next month, fact fans), and the above is a sight that depresses me like nothing else. It actually makes me almost (were i capable of expressing emotions like a normal adult, which Mrs Brummie assures me, I am not, so I can't) cry.


Not compound your misery mate, but what would the outlook be for Villa if relegation were to happen?


Like us, would it perhaps be a blessing in disguise (shifting the shite, rebuilding, etc) or would it have cataclysmic repurcussions?

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The game against Sunderland will be the key, I feel. Imagine the atmosphere if you win.


I'm not going, in case we lose.


The thought of the vindictive pube-headed prick doing cartwheels if they score makes me want to vomit.


I have a good friend who usually sits behind/beside the dugout but is quite ill. I'm not sure if it is a good idea for him to go or not. Honestly, I think you'll be OK if you get something from that match. If you lose (after the next three tough matches), well, shit.

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The game against Sunderland will be the key, I feel. Imagine the atmosphere if you win.


I'm not going, in case we lose.


The thought of the vindictive pube-headed prick doing cartwheels if they score makes me want to vomit.


I have a good friend who usually sits behind/beside the dugout but is quite ill. I'm not sure if it is a good idea for him to go or not. Honestly, I think you'll be OK if you get something from that match. If you lose (after the next three tough matches), well, shit.


We're not going to get relegated. McLeish is a shit manager, but we're not that poor a side, plus there are a number of teams below us who are far shitter than we are.


If you look at the league table for this time last year and how many points the bottom four or five had, then look at this season, it's quite noticeable how shit the bottom sides are this year. 36 points will probably be enough this year.


The problem in my eyes is that whilst our squad is not a top six squad, it's not a bottom six one, either, and McLeish has made us look like less than the sum of the parts.


Incidentally, a friend of mine sits near the dugout, and was telling me that for weeks now, every time McLeish or Peter Grant stand up, there's a cacophony of "sit down you stupid twat, you don't know what you doing" etc


It's not a nice atmosphere.

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Honestly, I know you think I am exaggerating but I am a 43 year old man (44 next month, fact fans), and the above is a sight that depresses me like nothing else. It actually makes me almost (were i capable of expressing emotions like a normal adult, which Mrs Brummie assures me, I am not, so I can't) cry.


Not compound your misery mate, but what would the outlook be for Villa if relegation were to happen?


Like us, would it perhaps be a blessing in disguise (shifting the shite, rebuilding, etc) or would it have cataclysmic repurcussions?


I genuinely don't know.


I think the main problem is the manager. Unfortunately, I don't think Lerner would sack him if we went down, he's bought into this McLeish nonsense so thoroughly.

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I do think it's up there with one of the most mental managerial appointments in the history of the Premier League. There's been plenty worse for sure, but it's in that top percentage. Just made absolutely no sense; managed the enemy, had a garbage track record.


Loving 'McFuck' btw, not even an attempt at wordplay - just replacing his name with the word 'fuck'. :lol: Class.

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The game against Sunderland will be the key, I feel. Imagine the atmosphere if you win.


I'm not going, in case we lose.


The thought of the vindictive pube-headed prick doing cartwheels if they score makes me want to vomit.


I have a good friend who usually sits behind/beside the dugout but is quite ill. I'm not sure if it is a good idea for him to go or not. Honestly, I think you'll be OK if you get something from that match. If you lose (after the next three tough matches), well, s***.


We're not going to get relegated. McLeish is a s*** manager, but we're not that poor a side, plus there are a number of teams below us who are far shitter than we are.


If you look at the league table for this time last year and how many points the bottom four or five had, then look at this season, it's quite noticeable how s*** the bottom sides are this year. 36 points will probably be enough this year.


The problem in my eyes is that whilst our squad is not a top six squad, it's not a bottom six one, either, and McLeish has made us look like less than the sum of the parts.


Incidentally, a friend of mine sits near the dugout, and was telling me that for weeks now, every time McLeish or Peter Grant stand up, there's a cacophony of "sit down you stupid t***, you don't know what you doing" etc


It's not a nice atmosphere.


Sounds like our thought process 3 years ago.

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Sounds like our thought process 3 years ago.


Yeah, and what's worse is I was hanging around this place that season as your relegation unfolded, and am now trying to convince myself there are no parallels at all.



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I do think it's up there with one of the most mental managerial appointments in the history of the Premier League. There's been plenty worse for sure, but it's in that top percentage. Just made absolutely no sense; managed the enemy, had a garbage track record.


Loving 'McFuck' btw, not even an attempt at wordplay - just replacing his name with the word 'fuck'. :lol: Class.


It is almost as if Lerner thought "what can I do this summer that will damage the club most, alienate the fans as much as possible, and reduce season ticket sales to an all time low?


And then he did something even worse.


it makes zero sense on any level. What is even more mad is that his choice before McFuck was Martinez - another "bottom feeder", but one who at least tries to play football. So how did he go from Martinez to McFuck?



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