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Guest neesy111

To be honest, the metro link to that fucking sesspit should never have been opened in the first place.




Waste of money, they rejected the metro when it 1st opened.  Firstly just about no fucker uses the line from South Hylton.  Needs to come to Washington ffs.

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comment on that link:

"Is this the "Magedia" doing their usual rubbishing of all things good on Wearside".


I bet thats from someone on here. :lol:


"Pennywell Perry" :lol:


Mick Allan - Uncal on 31 May 2012 at 15:20

Looks like it Marra. They don't know what it means to be a Mackem and to live in a state of Mackemdom. FTM.

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Right, own up, who on here is Sir Ricky?  :lol: :lol:


"Sir Ricky Sbragia on 31 May 2012 at 21:54


The tenticles of the magedia stretch further into the very foundations of society; desperate in their attempts to crush everything that mackemdom stands for. To soil, tarnish and destroy our very name. Do not let the thatcherite ideals of the mag stand in the way of our cause. A belief in democracy, decency, socialism and fraternity amongst humanity. We are a community and a social institution that must continue to stand strong."   


from the bbc link

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Anyone see the mackem woman on The Chase who said she changed her last name to Quinn by deed poll after she was divorced because 'Sir Niall Quinn' was her favourite person in the world?




I watched an old episode of 1v100 on Challenge like 2 days ago and she was on that as well :lol:


I used to work with her - she's been on a few other quiz shows as well. We used to torture her over her Mackem "Affiliation"

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Anyone see the mackem woman on The Chase who said she changed her last name to Quinn by deed poll after she was divorced because 'Sir Niall Quinn' was her favourite person in the world?




I watched an old episode of 1v100 on Challenge like 2 days ago and she was on that as well :lol:


I used to work with her - she's been on a few other quiz shows as well. We used to torture her over her Mackem "Affiliation"

affliction shirley ?
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Anyone see the mackem woman on The Chase who said she changed her last name to Quinn by deed poll after she was divorced because 'Sir Niall Quinn' was her favourite person in the world?




I watched an old episode of 1v100 on Challenge like 2 days ago and she was on that as well :lol:


I used to work with her - she's been on a few other quiz shows as well. We used to torture her over her Mackem "Affiliation"

affliction shirley ?


Bit of both!!!! For a Mackem she's ok, well as far as mackems go.........................

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Workers going on strike just to SPITE sunderland.


nee way man!


I wouldn't be surprised if this hasn't partly been influenced by certain businessmen wanting to sabotage Sunderland's chance of being a music venue.

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Love this comment about Simpson;


'He's a goalline defender. Always looks good when you lump it off the line. But really it shows poor positional sense. Anyone can wait around on the line. In fact I think he made more goalline blocks than anyone last season.'


so according to mackem logic, preventing goals is poor defending?

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