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The other games today - 2011/12


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What exactly was Terry appealing for at Spurs goal? I used to actually quite like him and the way he would always fight for his club. Now I just think he's a cunt and a poor mans Steven Taylor...

He always has been a cunt. Always bullies referees, always appeals when theirs no ground too. The guy is a fucking cunt and the sooner he fucks off from English football the better.
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Guest bimpy474

You see people being brought back for a yellow card after the advantage has happened.  Shouldn't it be a red card here?


The offence is denying a goal scoring opportunity. The opportunity hasn't been denied so no red card.


Doesn't quite work that way, you can give advantage anywhere on the pitch and go back and book or send someone off, but when its the GK and advantage is played it never happens.


Its like an unwritten rule, just very odd.

Be a bit hard to deny a clear goalscoring opportunity elsewhere on the pitch mind.


True but its advantage played i was more aiming at, wherever it is on the pitch the ref can go back and give any punishment he feels, if advantage was played after a yellow/red card offence, yet with the GK it never happens if that advantage leads to a goal.


He should have been booked. Am pretty sure it actually says in the rules or a fifa guidebook or something that if advantage is played when a clear goal scoring opportunity is denied then the ref can go back and book the player, but not send them off.


Totally agree, its an oddity that always baffles me.

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You see people being brought back for a yellow card after the advantage has happened.  Shouldn't it be a red card here?


The offence is denying a goal scoring opportunity. The opportunity hasn't been denied so no red card.


Doesn't quite work that way, you can give advantage anywhere on the pitch and go back and book or send someone off, but when its the GK and advantage is played it never happens.


Its like an unwritten rule, just very odd.

Be a bit hard to deny a clear goalscoring opportunity elsewhere on the pitch mind.


True but its advantage played i was more aiming at, wherever it is on the pitch the ref can go back and give any punishment he feels, if advantage was played after a yellow/red card offence, yet with the GK it never happens if that advantage leads to a goal.


He should have been booked. Am pretty sure it actually says in the rules or a fifa guidebook or something that if advantage is played when a clear goal scoring opportunity is denied then the ref can go back and book the player, but not send them off.


Would agree with that.


Then it seems Atkinson didn't see it a foul ffs.


Maybe he didn't see it as a foul worthy of a booking?

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Drogba doesn't dive so much anymore. Certainly cut the silly s*** out his game (bit too late, mind :lol: )


:thup: was thinking that earlier. Several chances he had to go down like he used to (trademark fling of the legs), but he decided to use his strength to stay on his feet. Surprised me.

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Drogba doesn't dive so much anymore. Certainly cut the silly s*** out his game (bit too late, mind :lol: )


What, apart from a few weeks ago in the Champions League?


He's still prone to the odd incident, aye, but nowhere near as bad as he used to be.

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