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The other games today - 2011/12


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Guest ObiChrisKenobi

Is it bad I'm hoping for a West Ham/Birmingham play off final with Birmingham winning.

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Cardiff fans were ridiculous last night :lol:


Spent the entire first half abusing Nolan ("Nolan, you're a wanker." Why do they even hate him so much?) , and the entire second half abusing Green ("You let your country down." Wait, aren't you lot not even English?) Seemed to fixate on these two for no reason in particular to the detriment of actually supporting their own team.


What chants they did have were either banal or completely disconnected from reality. ("Cardiff City, the best name in football, the world has ever seen." Really?) The only thing more ridiculous I heard all day was the West Ham supporters claiming that Ricardo Vaz Te "scores when he wants."


Also, their team was utter shit. Don't even know what they're supposed to be good at.


Oh, and they're sponsored by Malaysia for some reason.


Underwhelming day out all around :lol:

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Guest neesy111

Cardiff fans were ridiculous last night :lol:


Spent the entire first half abusing Nolan ("Nolan, you're a wanker." Why do they even hate him so much?) , and the entire second half abusing Green ("You let your country down." Wait, aren't you lot not even English?) Seemed to fixate on these two for no reason in particular to the detriment of actually supporting their own team.


What chants they did have were either banal or completely disconnected from reality. ("Cardiff City, the best name in football, the world has ever seen." Really?) The only thing more ridiculous I heard all day was the West Ham supporters claiming that Ricardo Vaz Te "scores when he wants."


Also, their team was utter shit. Don't even know what they're supposed to be good at.


Oh, and they're sponsored by Malaysia for some reason.


Underwhelming day out all around :lol:


Malaysian owners.


A few championship teams are in Thai ownership now as well.

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