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The other games today - 2011/12


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Why would people cheer for Arsenal today? Draw or Chelsea is where it's at.


If Chelsea goes past us it doesn't really matter, we need to focus oon getting by Spurs or Arse, then we'll be in front of Chelses anyway.



What? Do you really expect Chelseato be in front of two of us, tottenham and Arsenal, by the end of the season?


Expect no, but it isn't impossible as you seem to suggest.

I know it isn't impossible, but it is the best possibility for us IMO, so that's what I'll be cheering for.

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Fuck it, rather than hoping for one team to beat the other and trying to work out what's best for us, I'm going to wish for as many injuries and sending offs as possible.. :lol:


Aye, a bit of food poisoning a la Spurs a few years back would be nice too. :lol:

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Couldn't give a shit what happens at the Emirates although as I prefer Arsenal I guess I'd favour them. If we get in the Champions League, added brilliant. If we don't, brilliant anyway.

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f*** it, rather than hoping for one team to beat the other and trying to work out what's best for us, I'm going to wish for as many injuries and sending offs as possible.. :lol:


Aye, a huge brawl with red cards aplenty and both sides being docked points is the preferable scenario.

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Personally a draw is the best result but other than that id prefer an Arsenal win to a Chelsea win......


Mainly because it would send us 5 points clear of Chelsea and nearly puts them out of the race altogether.


provided we win of course.

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Arsenal win:


3. Arsenal 35 - 67

4. Spurs 33 - 59

5. Newcastle 33 - 59

6. Chelsea 34 - 57




3. Arsenal 35 - 65

4. Spurs 33 - 59

5. Newcastle 33 - 59

6. Chelsea 34 - 58


Chelsea win:


3. Arsenal 35 - 64

4. Chelsea 34 - 60

5. Spurs 33 - 59

6. Newcastle 33 - 59



Considering we still have to play Chelsea at their place and Arsenal have more points in the bag rather than points they could potentially get, my order of preference is: 1) draw, 2) Arsenal win, 3) Chelsea win.


A draw means Chelsea will be almost out of it if we win today and next week; even if they beat us we stay ahead of them and there is a good chance Spurs will be out of sight anyway, so they will probably not play their strongest 11 against us with the cup final coming up days after. Also, a draw ensures Arsenal is still on edge and cannot afford to drop points or Spurs and/or us could go past them.


Second best IMHO is Arsenal out of sight (with three relatively easy fixtures coming up and points in the bag) and Chelsea further behind, meaning a straight fight between us and Spurs.


I can't see the benefit of a Chelsea win other than it's essentially a race between 4 teams for 2 spots, with the other 3 teams having easier fixtures, more experience and arguably stronger squads then us.

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we got chelsea away, could do with them having nothing to play for


But then I think chelsea fixture pile up and run in is tough, dont fancy them for top 4. If they win, its in our hands to finish above arsenal


Il go for draw

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I'd like Chelsea to win, because we can still get some distance on them by beating them ourselves and Arsenal losing would bring them within range.

If Arsenal win, they will be few games left to catch them.

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I'd like Chelsea to win, because we can still get some distance on them by beating them ourselves and Arsenal losing would bring them within range.

If Arsenal win, they will be few games left to catch them.


Disagree. What it comes down to is a good result for our chance of finishing third (served best by a Chelsea win) reduces our chance of finishing in the top four/fourth (served best by an Arsenal win).

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draw. Beating Wigan and Stoke would mean we are at least on the same point as Arsenal and Spurs and two points ahead of Chelsea with three games to go.




Check out my edit before your post. :pow:

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Put it this way, if Chelsea win. It's in our own hands to finish 3rd/4th


If Arsenal win/draw we still need other results over the next few weeks to go our way, I think

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