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Flash in the pan or here for good?

Guest sicko2ndbest
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We're getting better every week. No reason we can't continue to improve with another good transfer window.




This is where I see us heading. I've said it before - the club is finally in a position to realise its potential.


Onwards and upwards.

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Certainly it's hard to see a better opportunity to really go for it.

It's all about us at the minute, and all for positive reasons and that brings it own pressures and benefits.

Good players will want to be linked with us, that the most obvious one for me.


Bring it on!!!

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Guest Brendan_Rice

I am trying to think of a better Newcastle team that I have seen. Keegan's team that threw away the title was class to watch but a bit ropey in defence, Bobby built up a decent squad of players bu ti think our current sqaud is one of the best we have had.


Am I alone thinking this?

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I am trying to think of a better Newcastle team that I have seen. Keegan's team that threw away the title was class to watch but a bit ropey in defence, Bobby built up a decent squad of players bu ti think our current sqaud is one of the best we have had.


Am I alone thinking this?



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I am trying to think of a better Newcastle team that I have seen. Keegan's team that threw away the title was class to watch but a bit ropey in defence, Bobby built up a decent squad of players bu ti think our current sqaud is one of the best we have had.


Am I alone thinking this?


Definitely the best NUFC team I've seen. But then, I think the first thread I read on this board (and about the time I started following NUFC, give or take a few months) was discussing Roeder's permanent appointment. So I'm working from a low base. :)

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All depends on in and out comings.


We need to keep our best players and add some more real quality, if we do that then we have a chance. Europe will take a lot out of us next season to the point we might drop some places in the league. We should be aiming for top 7 though without a doubt, even if we sell Ba, Tiote and Krul, I think we can replace them.

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Guest sicko2ndbest

I don't know about anyone else but I really don't want us to sign any recognised big players, like what 'Arry always does. I hope to god we stick to our transfer policy it has helped create not only one of the best sides in the prem but also probably the best team spirit

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Definitely need cover for the ACN in January.


I look at our team and I see that we are a CB to go alongside Colocinni and a new full back away from being a very good side.


Depth will be an issue next season however and we need to fill the squad out and improve in certain areas of the squad.

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Guest sicko2ndbest

Definitely need cover for the ACN in January.


I look at our team and I see that we are a CB to go alongside Colocinni and a new full back away from being a very good side.


Depth will be an issue next season however and we need to fill the squad out and improve in certain areas of the squad.


Victor Moses would be perfect


I would see him pushing for that left berth that Ba operates in. When Ba and Cisse go to ACoN he can play through the middle pushing Shola and Best for a place

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Just think how this season could have gone if we had had this team and formation from the start of the off. Next season we can have it for a full season, its so exciting to think what we could achieve.

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Should make this a poll really.


I think it depends massively on who (if anybody) leaves us, rather then who we add to the team. I just can't see it next season.


I was thinking yesterday, I really.. really.. don't want to see this first XI broken up (apart from Simpson maybe, and perhaps Taylor in for Williamson in an ideal world).


If you look at it this way, if this team gets you to a position where you make something like £20mil+ from getting 4th / champions league, a player may be sold for £20mil but they need replacing and risk not earning that 4th spot again the season after, losing out on money again.


Just makes sense to me to keep everybody we have and add a little bit more quality to the overall squad.

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Definitely need cover for the ACN in January.

Totally agree. We were lucky Senegal got knocked out in the group stages this season. You'd imagine they'd get further next time. Ba and Cisse (assuming they're both still at NUFC) will be a big miss for January and February next season. Tiote (if he's also still at NUFC) is again likely to get to the latter stages with the Ivory Coast.


We need another decent, striker. Preferably a European one. When Ba and Cisse were away Best and Ameobi were a poor second choice. Lovenkrands will be leaving. NUFC want rid of Ranger. Xisco will be loaned out for the last season of his contract. I doubt Sammy or Vuckic will be the ACN striker solution next season. Hopefully getting a good striker won't be a problem with us qualified for Europe.

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We have the infrastructure and players to stay here for good, but we need to adjust our "buy low, sell high" strategy and stay away from the self-destruct button that this club is so used to. Personally I don't think we'll be here for good, but will hang around the top 6 for the next 3-4 years.

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Can't see Liverpool being THAT much better imo; hell of a lot of damage has been done there. I wouldn't count on Suarez sticking around and do these owners want to plow money in like the arabs/ruskies do? It'll take a lot of time for them to adapt tbh. Chelsea and Arsenal will strengthen though.

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Can't see Liverpool being THAT much better imo; hell of a lot of damage has been done there. I wouldn't count on Suarez sticking around and do these owners want to plow money in like the arabs/ruskies do? It'll take a lot of time for them to adapt tbh. Chelsea and Arsenal will strengthen though.


If Dalglish is still in charge for next season, then I can see Liverpool's indifferent form from this season continuing on to the next. Also, like you've pretty much said, can't really see the owners providing the club with a substantial transfer kitty (especially not after the amount that's been spent so far!). Arsenal/Chelsea could improve, aye...


Regarding us, for us to sustain a challenge for the top 6/7, what's needed are defensive reinforcements and for our big guns to stay on board (the likes of Tiote, Ba). Don't think we'll be in a position to challenge for the CL again and I don't mind that really. As long as we're still amongst the top 6/7 come next season, then I'll be happy.

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Contrary to most peoples views on here, I do think we will be challenging next year for the champs league places, reason being that we have "stumbled" upon the formation which suits the group of players we have, this 433 or 4231 has been a revelation and our players have adjusted and embraced it completely.

I honestly think that with 3 good players signed and a couple of "up and comings" we would be sorted:

3 = Centre Back, Full Back, Striker

2 = Striker, Full back


P.S. Don't think our players would leave for Chelsea/Liverpool/Tottenham if we got Champs league. They seem a level headed group. Can only see simpson and guthrie leaving for obvious reasons (Money/Playing time).

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Echoing a lot of thoughts, but as long as we're challenging for Europa again next season we'll have gone a big step to cementing our position.


Pretty sure that we're also the only club outside the traditional top 4 who have qualified for the CL in successive seasons before this (Citeh have done it this season). Shows just how difficult it is to break into that club.


Put it in another thread earlier, but I see us as being one of the teams that the media like to fawn over in Europe for being vibrant, young, up and coming and exciting. Feels good.


Would love to see no first teamers leave this summer and bulk up the back line and maybe a forward. I reckon if we spend £10m we could do it well by looking at Bosman's and clauses once more.

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To me it depends on player retention 100%. If we lose a Krul, Tiote, Ba. Then we need replacements in who are starters. So a 1st choice young keeper, a first choice destroyer, and a first choice striker/winger on the left. Who those are, no idea - crazy is now, I trust we will get replacements in thanks to Carr and co.


But having prefaced that - if we keep our starting unit together (apart from Simmo) and with a healthy Saylor, Marveaux, Sammy et al and add players in the class of Douglas/Vort and Debuchy/Pieters to our starting 11 then we will be challenging for sure.  But again - player retention is key. But the nucleus is there - its all about our spine for me. Krul - Colo - Tiote being the base for our squad. Add in Cabaye, Cisse, Ba, HBA and our attacking play is set.


I'm quietly excited to see who we bring in, and absolutely scared at the summer transfer rumors of the out goings.

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To me it depends on player retention 100%. If we lose a Krul, Tiote, Ba. Then we need replacements in who are starters. So a 1st choice young keeper, a first choice destroyer, and a first choice striker/winger on the left. Who those are, no idea - crazy is now, I trust we will get replacements in thanks to Carr and co.


But having prefaced that - if we keep our starting unit together (apart from Simmo) and with a healthy Saylor, Marveaux, Sammy et al and add players in the class of Douglas/Vort and Debuchy/Pieters to our starting 11 then we will be challenging for sure.  But again - player retention is key. But the nucleus is there - its all about our spine for me. Krul - Colo - Tiote being the base for our squad. Add in Cabaye, Cisse, Ba, HBA and our attacking play is set.


I'm quietly excited to see who we bring in, and absolutely scared at the summer transfer rumors of the out goings.

a lot could depend on champs league qualification (or not) as it would see a substantial influx of cash meaning less need to sell should a stupid offer come along.
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