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Flash in the pan or here for good?

Guest sicko2ndbest
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Guest sicko2ndbest

Is this season a one off or are we capable of challenging year on year


What will it take to sustain our position?


I am seriously enjoying this season and will do so whatever the outcome. It has been over 10 years since we have challenged like this and it may be that again if things go tits up?


A lot of things have gone in our favour this year


The main ones for me being,


1) nearly all of our signings have been world class

2) Liverpool have had a mare

3) Harry has had his season disrupted by the England manager talk

4) Norwich away aside injuries havnt really disrupted us


I really hope we push on and for that I believe we need


1) to keep our current squad

2) add a couple of defensive reinforcements and then like for like if anyone leaves


This summer is our most important for years. Fuck it up and we could fuck the best chance we have up of making it a top 7!

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Entirely depends on our ability to keep the squad together or replace the squad well. We have a great spine. My main worry is that this season the pressure has seemed off ever since our early run of wins, everything else was a bonus. Next season when we may actually be aiming for top 4 the fun of it may disappear a bit. We've seemed to swashbuckle and be underdogs, and I'd want the same spirit of just going for it to remain, and nerves not to kick in.


That said, with any luck a full season of HBA and Tiote, who both have probably been really involved less than half this season, staying in form we'll do fine.

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Guest sicko2ndbest

I think the top 7 will be a lot tighter next season on the whole and hopefully we'll still be part of that.


I agree


Liverpool will come again, Chelsea will be stronger, Arsenal will spend


It's definately a now or never situation for me

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There is only one reason I can see why we could not replicate this seasons heights next season and that is transfers, out going more than incoming.

IF we can keep this squad together then we could have one hell of good season, the starting we have 11 now Pardew got together late in terms of Cisse only signing in January and Hatem getting his chance. The formation and the way its worked for our squad is no fluke no one off its a fantastic system and if its added to with the same kind of Carr signings there will be no stopping us.

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For me one of the highlights of the season has been watching players all but written off come in and more than do a job for us. Perch has been heroic, Ryan Taylor Over The Wall,  even Shola has carved out a niche for himself.


Keeping the stars is relatively easy if we have European football, keeping players that may not start every game but can deliver when called upon is key.

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As long as Dagliesh is in charge liverpool will struggle in the league.


Chelsea I'm skeptical over unless they have a really proper rebuild under a great manager. I suspect they'll replace the manager and buy some people at random and they'll be no better.

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If we're challenging for Europe/honours next season I'll be more than happy tbh.


It'll be important for the fans not to become expectant though and keep the patience they've shown this season for the most part.


We've overachieved to an extent but it's a great chance to build on it. Strike while the iron is hot like we should have done pre-Partizan debacle.

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3 good signings from keeping ourselves in the top 7 for the next few seasons, hope we capitalize on it, not just let this opportunity to pass us by.


Saying that, quite happy for the board to pass on players chasing money or those that they don't have faith in.


We lucked out at the start of the season results wise, but it looks like were ending the season a better team than we began it, that's massively encouraging since it wasn't the case last season.




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I don't think this team has peaked by any means. Players like Ben Arfa, Cabaye and Santon are improving as individuals with each game, and the team as a whole are getting used to one another and the new system.


Add into the mix there are some weak areas in the team which shouldn't be too difficult to strengthen. So yes, we'll be operating under more pressure next season, but we should also have a better side.

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I don't think this team has peaked by any means. Players like Ben Arfa, Cabaye and Santon are improving as individuals with each game, and the team as a whole are getting used to one another and the new system.


Add into the mix there are some weak areas in the team which shouldn't be too difficult to strengthen. So yes, we'll be operating under more pressure next season, but we should also have a better side.


We have matured a hell of a lot in the last two months. While our results were decent early on, our football looked disjointed. The signing of Cisse and the introduction of ben Arfa has seen us move to a different level. The system now suits the players and we look like we are all on the same page, and if anything learning to win under adversity is making it even easier now we are playing confident passing football.

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If we can keep our key players and strengthen the weaker positions then I think we've got legs.

It really hinges on keeping the spine together. That's my main concern.

Yes, we've done extremely good business lately but I'm not sure you can continue to chop and change every season and keep the whole thing rolling along.

CL or EL football would (I imagine) keep everyone on board.


It's going to be a very interesting summer.

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In terms of the spine, I can't see any of Krul, Colo, Cabaye or Cisse leaving this summer. So whilst some key players may go, we'll still have the basis for another good season next year. Hopefully we won't sell anyone of note but if we do then we'll just have to trust the club to replace them adequately. We've been ridiculously successful at this in recent times. Problem is I'm wondering how we improve on players that are IMO already about the best we can get with our present status and wages offered etc. At some point with the sell and replace stategy we're going to go backwards on some transfers, it's a logical certainty.

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