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Mathieu Debuchy


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The just criticisms of Simpson were regarding his touch and attacking ability. Debuchy is certainly better on both counts, but I have to admit I've seen very little so far to suggest he's a better defender. And he runs like he's waist-high in treacle.


Sounds like another shitter today. :(

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Guest Haris Vuckic

Not a shitter per se - but it only takes a second to concede a goal.


After several decent games in a row he disappeared again.

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The just criticisms of Simpson were regarding his touch and attacking ability. Debuchy is certainly better on both counts, but I have to admit I've seen very little so far to suggest he's a better defender. And he runs like he's waist-high in treacle.


Sounds like another shitter today. :(

everything I've seen of Debuchy while here has suggested he's a considerably worse defender than Simpson even at his worst was. And he's not so much better on the first two that its worth the trade off. We've bought a dud simple as that

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Simpson may have been dire.... but he was never woefully out of position like Debuchy was today.


He was. Many, many times.


Maybe i trained myself to forget it or my rage is blinding me but i really don't remember him being out of position that much.


He was woeful going forward and in possession as well as always inviting players on to him but i don't remember him going walk about leading to gaping holes in the area where he's suppose to defend.

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I think he's the polar opposite of Simpson. This guy seems to be all over the place with positional sense and is always diving into the tackles whereas Simpson would be in the right place but just back off, back off, and back off some more.

Somewhere in the middle would be great :(

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Simpson was a perfectly fine starting RB until we finished 5th. Then, all of a sudden, he wasn't good enough for the club.


Meanwhile, Debuchy has been responsible for more goals conceded than goals created, despite his "strength" in going forward. It's really wearing thin. Simpson isn't a world beater, but Debuchy has been really poor defensively this season.

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Pardew doesn't know how to construct a defensive unit so that people know where they're supposed to stand. That's been obvious for a while.


He jumped on the coat tails of a well drilled back four that had mainly been playing together for years and tried to use it as evidence that he was a good coach, which he's not. He can't do it himself, there's absolutely no evidence for it.

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Pardew doesn't know how to construct a defensive unit so that people know where they're supposed to stand. That's been obvious for a while.


He jumped on the coat tails of a well drilled back four that had mainly been playing together for years and tried to use it as evidence that he was a good coach, which he's not. He can't do it himself, there's absolutely no evidence for it.




The whole defence is too strung out for too long in games. I mean for starters and this is pub stuff...the full backs should tuck in when we're defending..:lol: No what you see is Debby at right mf somewhere near the horizon and Santon playing with his hair..The times Yanga and Collo were drawn wide covering I lost count.

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Just in case revisionism is still flowing nicely this evening, here's a few (amongst many, many more) charming bon mots about Danny Simpson after the boxing day game at Old Trafford last season -


Hopefully should never play for us again.


Utter s***. Wish this c*** would get injured so I never have to see his talentless c*** face ever again.


Probably one of the worst full-back performances I've ever seen.


Someone break his f***ing legs.


Cannot wait until this c*** leaves. Horrendous footballer, and a con artist of a defender.


Useless, just f*** off Danny.


Played that little Mexican c*** on for the winner - absolute basics of fullback play, you never get caught behind your centre-halfs


Got in to so many good positions offensively, imagine if we'd had Debuchy there instead, what a difference he would have made.





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I always maintained that Danny Simpson was a solid defender. And when Debuchy came in he played very well imo when he had the chance. Think we should've kept him for competition at least


He wouldn't sign a contract tbf. I agree in principle.

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He fucked up on the first, although massive questions need to be asked of the midfield as to what they were doing to protect the middle.


As for the next 2, I really don't see how he's to blame. For the third, HBA will have to actually do some defensive stuff from time to time, he can't get a free pass. He's not being asked to do an awful lot for that goal but he neglects the most basic of tasks. And whoever is meant to be marking Aluko deserves to be shot with shit.

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Can't make up my mind if he was crap today or if he was just totally let down by Ben Arfa. Probably a combination of the two but I do feel he should stick to his position a bit more. Let the midfield deal with the guys in the center rather than leaving your area of the pitch when you know you have our most attacking player infront of you likely not covering.

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If you're talking about the first goal, Mole, then the midfield really needs to be asked what the hell they were doing. It was a completely preventable situation and you could also say Colo could have called it much better as well. Defences that communicate well don't operate like that.


Tbh i have calmed down a bit since then and i agree.... but still all he had to do was keep his position and not wander in field and its not a goal.


It wasn't the only time it happened either.

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I don't remember other occasions but I had my head in my hands for most of the game :lol:


He's obviously got a big bit of blame to take for the first but it was just a comedy of errors overall. For a team that works on defending, we were shambolic. I'm thinking that Pardew might have over-complicated things from the off, we just didn't seem at all solid, it was the complete opposite of last week.

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Not sure what is going on with him, even when he is there in a defensive position he is usually very rash. Look at very early on when the ball was tight in the corner, he was rash going into the back of the player and was lucky to not give them a freekick. The lad was going nowhere there was no need to fly in.

Most of their stuff came down his side, I think a lot of teams target him and see him as our main weakness.

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