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Vurnon Anita (now playing for RKC Waalwijk)


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I could see Anita going on to being our Ramires, based on nothing but being a quick, small, battling, shuffling, foreign black player who many thought lack the physicality to succeed in the PL.


ATM Jonas has that kinda Ramires role (of last season) where he plays like a very narrow wideman who helps out in the middle without any of the running in behind Ramires does. I think Anita could do that job better than Jonas.


It makes me laugh when people still talk about size and its relevance to the premier league.


Size got nothing do with it.  When midgets like Gianfranco Zola and Claude Makelele have flourished in this league and arguably when it was even more physical back then compared to the whistle blow happy refs we got today.


Apart from decent skills, Aggression and the hunger to fight in games is what players need at least to survive in this league.  Not size.




How many diminutive central midfielders are there in the PL though? Makelele yes, a world class player by all accounts. Makelele was very strong too.


I either case I think Anita can do it, he just needs time and patience.

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There was an article in The Journal or The Chronicle last week (I can't find the article as the search engine on ICNewcastle is shite) where Anita said how he was spending extra time in the gym doing weights to bulk up so he can compete better in midfield in the Premiership. Santon took awhile to bed in. Anita could take a season too. Not every player adapts to a new league instantly.

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There was an article in The Journal or The Chronicle last week (I can't find the article as the search engine on ICNewcastle is s****) where Anita said how he was spending extra time in the gym doing weights to bulk up so he can compete better in midfield in the Premiership. Santon took awhile to bed in. Anita could take a season too. Not every player adapts to a new league instantly.


and we have a winner

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Guest magpie99

The Anita signing seems to me to be a bit of a conundrum.


My feeling is that he was signed to cover two areas, defensive midfield and full back, in case of injury. I also think the club expected to lose Tiote last summer and looked upon Anita as his natural replacement. I still think we will sell Tiote of a suiitable offer comes in.


On the subject of Jonas, I think many underestimate his value to the team. His workrate and ability to reliever pressure is crucial to us against difficult opposition, as shown again by his display at Sunderland. Also, with him as vice captain, it is going to be hard for Pardew to drop him. Therefore, it is going to be even harder for Anita to find a starting place in midfield.

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Personally don't think people underestimate Jonas. Everyone recognises how useful he can be at relieving pressure and helping our defence on the left-side. In spite of this, everyone recognises his limitations and having someone in who can actually attack as well as defend would help us relieve pressure in a different fashion. If people were shit scared of our left side along with our right-side, they might not commit as many men forward, thus relieving the pressure off us that way. As it stands, no team is going to be even remotely scared of Jonas, save for his exceptional ability at winning fouls and free kicks in good positions

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Jonas was bloody useless against Sunderland. Anyone thinking he was 'crucial against difficult opposition' in that game needs something checked.


He was when we was playing Raylor at LB but Santon has improved to the stage where he does not need a body guard holding his hand.


I personally would rather see Ferguson given a go in the coming weeks as we are far too ineffective down that side.

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Jonas was bloody useless against Sunderland. Anyone thinking he was 'crucial against difficult opposition' in that game needs something checked.


He was when we was playing Raylor at LB but Santon has improved to the stage where he does not need a body guard holding his hand.


I personally would rather see Ferguson given a go in the coming weeks as we are far too ineffective down that side.


Pardspeak is sweeping the forum :laugh:

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Struggling to identify what his best position is, or what his best assets are so far.


People say 'tidy in possession', but his passing is relatively unambitious from what we've seen in his few appearances for us. Interesting to see how he is deployed as the season wears on and our fixture list gets more congested.

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Jonas was bloody useless against Sunderland. Anyone thinking he was 'crucial against difficult opposition' in that game needs something checked.


He was when we was playing Raylor at LB but Santon has improved to the stage where he does not need a body guard holding his hand.


I personally would rather see Ferguson given a go in the coming weeks as we are far too ineffective down that side.


Pardspeak is sweeping the forum :laugh:


Quite a few picking on Mole's posts recently. Feel sorry for him.


He obviously adores the Pards :)

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Far too early to say Anita's a poor player, but all I've seen so far is:


+ Energy

+ Tidy passing

+ Quite quick

- Not showing any ability to take people on

- Only passing over short disance

- Not showing any shooting ability

- Not looking like he can put tackles in


Maybe some of those minuses can be turned round in time as he shows more, but that's what I'm seeing now.

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Quite a few picking on Mole's posts recently. Feel sorry for him.


He obviously adores the Pards :)


I'm not doing it right if i don't have haters  O0


Harsh but true. He does all the simple stuff, cleans up, gives a quick easy pass. He doesn't look to be a great creator as of yet.


Hopefully just resting him as he will replace Tiotes at the weekend.


That's what he is tbf and quite frankly that's what i thought he was bought for so we could play a possession game more effectively and stop horror shows like Fulham away.


He's someone who fits into the cog of a team but not the difference maker and if we actually stick to a possession game with 3 midfielders ( regardless of system ) we would probably see that in the long term.


I always thought the plan was Tiote the destoyer, Anita the deep playmaker just distrubuting the ball around Cabaye ahead as the goal threat advanced playmaker of sorts.


Maybe it will be in the long term but at the moment we are far away from that.

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Last night, that midfield 3 seemed a right clusterfuck.


At times you had Bigi further forward than Cisse, Tiote playing the anchorman role (which I think suits Anita more), whilst Anita himself seemed to be playing as a box to box midfielder.


He clearly hasn't got the attributes to do that and he has looked uncomfrotable with our style of play so far.  In the videos I saw of him at Ajax, he seemed to just sit really deep, almost like a midfield sweeper and just pick the ball up from the centre backs.  We usually don't have a link between defence and midfield, so I'd like to start seeing him do this. 


At the moment, games just pass him by.  But he's barely played for us and I think he'll be a useful addition in the long run.  Would still probably play Perch in Tiote's absence though.

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Last night, that midfield 3 seemed a right clusterfuck.


At times you had Bigi further forward than Cisse, Tiote playing the anchorman role (which I think suits Anita more), whilst Anita himself seemed to be playing as a box to box midfielder.


He clearly hasn't got the attributes to do that and he has looked uncomfrotable with our style of play so far.  In the videos I saw of him at Ajax, he seemed to just sit really deep, almost like a midfield sweeper and just pick the ball up from the centre backs.  We usually don't have a link between defence and midfield, so I'd like to start seeing him do this. 


At the moment, games just pass him by.  But he's barely played for us and I think he'll be a useful addition in the long run.  Would still probably play Perch in Tiote's absence though.


That's exactly what I was aiming at earlier in this thread. I sincerely hope that is what we bought him for.

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I think a fullback was obviously more needed. But his versatility will mean a lot to us. He seems to be able to play everywhere, although none of those exceptionally well he does a decent job whereever he plays.

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So far he's looked better at fullback than in the centre. He is neat and tidy but he needs to be more active in moving around the pitch taking the ball and bringing someone else in to play. Also needs to get forward to shoot.


Not sure if he is a DM, CM or an AM really... seems more a DM. So far him and Perch feel the same player in the middle.

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Last night, that midfield 3 seemed a right clusterfuck.


At times you had Bigi further forward than Cisse, Tiote playing the anchorman role (which I think suits Anita more), whilst Anita himself seemed to be playing as a box to box midfielder.


He clearly hasn't got the attributes to do that and he has looked uncomfrotable with our style of play so far.  In the videos I saw of him at Ajax, he seemed to just sit really deep, almost like a midfield sweeper and just pick the ball up from the centre backs.  We usually don't have a link between defence and midfield, so I'd like to start seeing him do this. 


At the moment, games just pass him by.  But he's barely played for us and I think he'll be a useful addition in the long run.  Would still probably play Perch in Tiote's absence though.


i think anita sees himself more of a defensive midfielder, such as the tiote role.


last night he and tiote were stepping on each other's toes.

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