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Vurnon Anita (now playing for RKC Waalwijk)


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If we're going to play with a front 3 on the counter im not sure what he's going to bring to the table.


This is exactly it. He's basically a good footballer but I do think his strengths and weaknesses are all wrong for the PL.

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If we're going to play with a front 3 on the counter im not sure what he's going to bring to the table.


This is exactly it. He's basically a good footballer but I do think his strengths and weaknesses are all wrong for the PL.

Pretty much.


The only viable role for him as the anchor in midfield covering attacking central midfielders and marauding fullbacks only problem is he lacks the strength to impose himself in the role.

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If we're going to play with a front 3 on the counter im not sure what he's going to bring to the table.


This is exactly it. He's basically a good footballer but I do think his strengths and weaknesses are all wrong for the PL.


I think that part of the problem is as fans we have mediocrity forced upon us, so someone who is clearly a good footballer (like Santon) is seen in isolation as a positive for the squad. The on-field reality is though that there's unlikely to much offered by him, unless we suddenly transform into a possession orientated side. Plenty are quite sensibly advocating 4-3-3 ideally you wouldn't want Anita or Colback in that 3.

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Guest Rent-A-Quote

Let's just forget we don't play a "front three", so we can pretend Anita doesn't fit in, eh? He's better than Colback and Tiote. The lad saying De Jong will ideally play there...what planet are they on? De Jong is not a central midfielder. De Jong is a number 10 who got played up front in Holland because it's an easier league.


So many delusions of grandeur. A front three...HA HA we are the most negative team in the league. We only play on the counter because we're negative in possession...players like Anita let you hold on to the ball and he doesn't hide like Colback the coward.


The only real problem people seem to have with Anita is he's not 'big enough' for the prem. Surely it's time we got away from these big cloggers who chop people down like Tiote and played people based on their footballing ability? He done well until he got hooked, for Cisse who did zero. No surpise the midfield got over-ran.


For me, it's Anita OR Colback and I'd pick Vurn every time. Vurn and Abeid central midfield pair. Sissoko is too undisciplined to play there and he's off soon anyway. De Jong will take his number 10 role and we'll go back to one up front, with Gouffran and Ameobi on the wings. Proper big lads.

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Let's just forget we don't play a "front three", so we can pretend Anita doesn't fit in, eh? He's better than Colback and Tiote. The lad saying De Jong will ideally play there...what planet are they on? De Jong is not a central midfielder. De Jong is a number 10 who got played up front in Holland because it's an easier league.


So many delusions of grandeur. A front three...HA HA we are the most negative team in the league. We only play on the counter because we're negative in possession...players like Anita let you hold on to the ball and he doesn't hide like Colback the coward.


The only real problem people seem to have with Anita is he's not 'big enough' for the prem. Surely it's time we got away from these big cloggers who chop people down like Tiote and played people based on their footballing ability? He done well until he got hooked, for Cisse who did zero. No surpise the midfield got over-ran.


For me, it's Anita OR Colback and I'd pick Vurn every time. Vurn and Abeid central midfield pair. Sissoko is too undisciplined to play there and he's off soon anyway. De Jong will take his number 10 role and we'll go back to one up front, with Gouffran and Ameobi on the wings. Proper big lads.


:notbad: :thup:

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You lost me at "doesn't hide". He does it frequently. He's good at helping out full backs but often lets CM runners jog past him. He doesn't make a big effort to show for the ball. His passing is fairly quick and crisp but not enough of them are forward. He doesn't even run forwards with the ball to get us up the pitch. He makes covering the pitch look like such hard work. He has zero presence in midfield. He'll not contest headers from the oppositions goal kicks or clearances giving the other team momentum. He's no better than Jack & Tiote.


We are a slow, small and weak team. It's awful to watch.


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Let's just forget we don't play a "front three", so we can pretend Anita doesn't fit in, eh? He's better than Colback and Tiote. The lad saying De Jong will ideally play there...what planet are they on? De Jong is not a central midfielder. De Jong is a number 10 who got played up front in Holland because it's an easier league.


So many delusions of grandeur. A front three...HA HA we are the most negative team in the league. We only play on the counter because we're negative in possession...players like Anita let you hold on to the ball and he doesn't hide like Colback the coward.


The only real problem people seem to have with Anita is he's not 'big enough' for the prem. Surely it's time we got away from these big cloggers who chop people down like Tiote and played people based on their footballing ability? He done well until he got hooked, for Cisse who did zero. No surpise the midfield got over-ran.


For me, it's Anita OR Colback and I'd pick Vurn every time. Vurn and Abeid central midfield pair. Sissoko is too undisciplined to play there and he's off soon anyway. De Jong will take his number 10 role and we'll go back to one up front, with Gouffran and Ameobi on the wings. Proper big lads.


I agree with the majority of what you say, but to me, Anita is basically Joe Allen/Leon Britton. Unless we want to adopt a Swansea of old style of playing Barcelona football without the penetration, then he's not useful. Anita is far too safe with his passing and both him and Colback are guilty of cowardice in posession.


Colback's style of defending is to press regardless of who presses with him, while Anita sits and holds off. I'd say that sums them both up, Colback more forward thinking but not always to the benefit of the team, Anita's game is ruled by safety and unambition, and not making the most of his superior technique.

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Guest Rent-A-Quote

You lost me at "doesn't hide". He does it frequently. He's good at helping out full backs but often lets CM runners jog past him. He doesn't make a big effort to show for the ball. His passing is fairly quick and crisp but not enough of them are forward. He doesn't even run forwards with the ball to get us up the pitch. He makes covering the pitch look like such hard work. He has zero presence in midfield. He'll not contest headers from the oppositions goal kicks or clearances giving the other team momentum. He's no better than Jack & Tiote.


We are a slow, small and weak team. It's awful to watch.


More strong big lads eh?


Well if you kept reading after 'doesn't hide' you will see it was followed by "like Colback the coward."


Which he doesn't from where I sit. Now I'll not childishly dismiss your post because it doesn't agree but I'll give you my reasons why, not just cliches.


He is told to stay back, it's obvious. There will be times when he shouldn't really take the ball, but he does. Sometimes he loses it, fair enough, but I can't have people saying he hides more than Colback. The same lot usually complain he loses the ball as he's 'weak in possession' how can he have possession if he's a coward who hides? It can't work both ways. The way it is made out like every ball he gets he loses and doesn't complete a pass. He's always on the move trying to create space. Not just hang back and hide behind players like Colback, who unbelievably has been given more license to go forward.


I'm sure with more movement in front of him and more license to go forward he would be better.


Getting to the point where his weaknesses are 'he doesn't contest goal kicks or punts' and 'no presence' (AKA not tall enough) is just desperation. His job is to get it and to give it to more talented players. If we had more than just Ayoze with good movement, maybe we would see more from him. OR if we defended as a team he wouldn't be hung out to dry as much? Football isn't all about goal kicks and clearances although after 4 years of Pardiola I can forgive you thinking it is.


We need to get away from these Cloggers, no surprise they're all English.

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Guest reefatoon

You lost me at "doesn't hide". He does it frequently. He's good at helping out full backs but often lets CM runners jog past him. He doesn't make a big effort to show for the ball. His passing is fairly quick and crisp but not enough of them are forward. He doesn't even run forwards with the ball to get us up the pitch. He makes covering the pitch look like such hard work. He has zero presence in midfield. He'll not contest headers from the oppositions goal kicks or clearances giving the other team momentum. He's no better than Jack & Tiote.


We are a slow, small and weak team. It's awful to watch.


More strong big lads eh?


Well if you kept reading after 'doesn't hide' you will see it was followed by "like Colback the coward."


Which he doesn't from where I sit. Now I'll not childishly dismiss your post because it doesn't agree but I'll give you my reasons why, not just cliches.


He is told to stay back, it's obvious. There will be times when he shouldn't really take the ball, but he does. Sometimes he loses it, fair enough, but I can't have people saying he hides more than Colback. The same lot usually complain he loses the ball as he's 'weak in possession' how can he have possession if he's a coward who hides? It can't work both ways. The way it is made out like every ball he gets he loses and doesn't complete a pass. He's always on the move trying to create space. Not just hang back and hide behind players like Colback, who unbelievably has been given more license to go forward.


I'm sure with more movement in front of him and more license to go forward he would be better.


Getting to the point where his weaknesses are 'he doesn't contest goal kicks or punts' and 'no presence' (AKA not tall enough) is just desperation. His job is to get it and to give it to more talented players. If we had more than just Ayoze with good movement, maybe we would see more from him. OR if we defended as a team he wouldn't be hung out to dry as much? Football isn't all about goal kicks and clearances although after 4 years of Pardiola I can forgive you thinking it is.


We need to get away from these Cloggers, no surprise they're all English.


Your seat must be facing the wrong way then as he goes missing loads.

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Guest Rent-A-Quote

Let's just forget we don't play a "front three", so we can pretend Anita doesn't fit in, eh? He's better than Colback and Tiote. The lad saying De Jong will ideally play there...what planet are they on? De Jong is not a central midfielder. De Jong is a number 10 who got played up front in Holland because it's an easier league.


So many delusions of grandeur. A front three...HA HA we are the most negative team in the league. We only play on the counter because we're negative in possession...players like Anita let you hold on to the ball and he doesn't hide like Colback the coward.


The only real problem people seem to have with Anita is he's not 'big enough' for the prem. Surely it's time we got away from these big cloggers who chop people down like Tiote and played people based on their footballing ability? He done well until he got hooked, for Cisse who did zero. No surpise the midfield got over-ran.


For me, it's Anita OR Colback and I'd pick Vurn every time. Vurn and Abeid central midfield pair. Sissoko is too undisciplined to play there and he's off soon anyway. De Jong will take his number 10 role and we'll go back to one up front, with Gouffran and Ameobi on the wings. Proper big lads.


I agree with the majority of what you say, but to me, Anita is basically Joe Allen/Leon Britton. Unless we want to adopt a Swansea of old style of playing Barcelona football without the penetration, then he's not useful. Anita is far too safe with his passing and both him and Colback are guilty of cowardice in posession.


Colback's style of defending is to press regardless of who presses with him, while Anita sits and holds off. I'd say that sums them both up, Colback more forward thinking but not always to the benefit of the team, Anita's game is ruled by safety and unambition, and not making the most of his superior technique.


I would take Joe Allen and Leon Brittan over Tiote and Colback every day of the week. Sorry, but I like the pass and move game. I don't like this punt it up to the lad who can't even hold it up so it bounces back and we have to squabble for it and hit a flukey goal. What you described is pretty much what I think; Anita is more disciplined, Colback just wings it. Both limited but wouldn't you rather the limited player who listens?


People need to realise of course I want a player better than Vurn, but at the minute, we're shite and we aren't going to attract central midfielders who do it all (We have one in Abeid, but he was nearly let go to Greece) so for me Vurn is the better long term choice for type of football and discipline.

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Guest Rent-A-Quote

You lost me at "doesn't hide". He does it frequently. He's good at helping out full backs but often lets CM runners jog past him. He doesn't make a big effort to show for the ball. His passing is fairly quick and crisp but not enough of them are forward. He doesn't even run forwards with the ball to get us up the pitch. He makes covering the pitch look like such hard work. He has zero presence in midfield. He'll not contest headers from the oppositions goal kicks or clearances giving the other team momentum. He's no better than Jack & Tiote.


We are a slow, small and weak team. It's awful to watch.


More strong big lads eh?


Well if you kept reading after 'doesn't hide' you will see it was followed by "like Colback the coward."


Which he doesn't from where I sit. Now I'll not childishly dismiss your post because it doesn't agree but I'll give you my reasons why, not just cliches.


He is told to stay back, it's obvious. There will be times when he shouldn't really take the ball, but he does. Sometimes he loses it, fair enough, but I can't have people saying he hides more than Colback. The same lot usually complain he loses the ball as he's 'weak in possession' how can he have possession if he's a coward who hides? It can't work both ways. The way it is made out like every ball he gets he loses and doesn't complete a pass. He's always on the move trying to create space. Not just hang back and hide behind players like Colback, who unbelievably has been given more license to go forward.


I'm sure with more movement in front of him and more license to go forward he would be better.


Getting to the point where his weaknesses are 'he doesn't contest goal kicks or punts' and 'no presence' (AKA not tall enough) is just desperation. His job is to get it and to give it to more talented players. If we had more than just Ayoze with good movement, maybe we would see more from him. OR if we defended as a team he wouldn't be hung out to dry as much? Football isn't all about goal kicks and clearances although after 4 years of Pardiola I can forgive you thinking it is.


We need to get away from these Cloggers, no surprise they're all English.


Your seat must be facing the wrong way then as he goes missing loads.


Like when? When he has went missing and the rest of the team had to carry him? Why wasn't he subbed? Where is your seat?

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Guest reefatoon

You lost me at "doesn't hide". He does it frequently. He's good at helping out full backs but often lets CM runners jog past him. He doesn't make a big effort to show for the ball. His passing is fairly quick and crisp but not enough of them are forward. He doesn't even run forwards with the ball to get us up the pitch. He makes covering the pitch look like such hard work. He has zero presence in midfield. He'll not contest headers from the oppositions goal kicks or clearances giving the other team momentum. He's no better than Jack & Tiote.


We are a slow, small and weak team. It's awful to watch.


More strong big lads eh?


Well if you kept reading after 'doesn't hide' you will see it was followed by "like Colback the coward."


Which he doesn't from where I sit. Now I'll not childishly dismiss your post because it doesn't agree but I'll give you my reasons why, not just cliches.


He is told to stay back, it's obvious. There will be times when he shouldn't really take the ball, but he does. Sometimes he loses it, fair enough, but I can't have people saying he hides more than Colback. The same lot usually complain he loses the ball as he's 'weak in possession' how can he have possession if he's a coward who hides? It can't work both ways. The way it is made out like every ball he gets he loses and doesn't complete a pass. He's always on the move trying to create space. Not just hang back and hide behind players like Colback, who unbelievably has been given more license to go forward.


I'm sure with more movement in front of him and more license to go forward he would be better.


Getting to the point where his weaknesses are 'he doesn't contest goal kicks or punts' and 'no presence' (AKA not tall enough) is just desperation. His job is to get it and to give it to more talented players. If we had more than just Ayoze with good movement, maybe we would see more from him. OR if we defended as a team he wouldn't be hung out to dry as much? Football isn't all about goal kicks and clearances although after 4 years of Pardiola I can forgive you thinking it is.


We need to get away from these Cloggers, no surprise they're all English.


Your seat must be facing the wrong way then as he goes missing loads.


Like when? When he has went missing and the rest of the team had to carry him? Why wasn't he subbed? Where is your seat?


He went missing yesterday, like so many other games. it's commendable how much you want to like him, but in all fairness, the lad has shown nothing to stand out and be picked in the first 11.  Just look at Abeid when he came in. He made an instant impact and impressed us all. When Anita comes in, you just don't notice at all, the games just seem to skip by him. I am not one for "cloggers" in either, but the lad just doesn't offer anything.

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Let's just forget we don't play a "front three", so we can pretend Anita doesn't fit in, eh? He's better than Colback and Tiote. The lad saying De Jong will ideally play there...what planet are they on? De Jong is not a central midfielder. De Jong is a number 10 who got played up front in Holland because it's an easier league.


So many delusions of grandeur. A front three...HA HA we are the most negative team in the league. We only play on the counter because we're negative in possession...players like Anita let you hold on to the ball and he doesn't hide like Colback the coward.


The only real problem people seem to have with Anita is he's not 'big enough' for the prem. Surely it's time we got away from these big cloggers who chop people down like Tiote and played people based on their footballing ability? He done well until he got hooked, for Cisse who did zero. No surpise the midfield got over-ran.


For me, it's Anita OR Colback and I'd pick Vurn every time. Vurn and Abeid central midfield pair. Sissoko is too undisciplined to play there and he's off soon anyway. De Jong will take his number 10 role and we'll go back to one up front, with Gouffran and Ameobi on the wings. Proper big lads.


I agree with the majority of what you say, but to me, Anita is basically Joe Allen/Leon Britton. Unless we want to adopt a Swansea of old style of playing Barcelona football without the penetration, then he's not useful. Anita is far too safe with his passing and both him and Colback are guilty of cowardice in posession.


Colback's style of defending is to press regardless of who presses with him, while Anita sits and holds off. I'd say that sums them both up, Colback more forward thinking but not always to the benefit of the team, Anita's game is ruled by safety and unambition, and not making the most of his superior technique.


I would take Joe Allen and Leon Brittan over Tiote and Colback every day of the week. Sorry, but I like the pass and move game. I don't like this punt it up to the lad who can't even hold it up so it bounces back and we have to squabble for it and hit a flukey goal. What you described is pretty much what I think; Anita is more disciplined, Colback just wings it. Both limited but wouldn't you rather the limited player who listens?


People need to realise of course I want a player better than Vurn, but at the minute, we're shite and we aren't going to attract central midfielders who do it all (We have one in Abeid, but he was nearly let go to Greece) so for me Vurn is the better long term choice for type of football and discipline.


There are other ways of playing besides the two you mention though, and I don't think Colback is exclusive to the hoof it style (whereas Anita is basically exclusive to pass and move). How would I like us to play? Basically like France did in the world cup last year, real 4-3-3, equally capable of going shorter or more direct with quality techincal players to make it happen.

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Guest Rent-A-Quote

Like when? When he has went missing and the rest of the team had to carry him? Why wasn't he subbed? Where is your seat?


He went missing yesterday, like so many other games. it's commendable how much you want to like him, but in all fairness, the lad has shown nothing to stand out and be picked in the first 11.  Just look at Abeid when he came in. He made an instant impact and impressed us all. When Anita comes in, you just don't notice at all, the games just seem to skip by him. I am not one for "cloggers" in either, but the lad just doesn't offer anything.


OK then I'll try make it easier for you, as those questions were a bit too direct:


Other than yesterday, in which the WHOLE TEAM was poor, when has he went missing?


In those "so many other games", why was he not substituted for being a coward?


Also, why is he getting games after going missing?


If he "doesn't offer anything" why is he in our squad / team? We haven't got one better player kicking about who can offer more than nothing?


Where is your seat?






He didn't go missing at all yesterday, the whole team was poor. That just shows your agenda. I must be missing all these other players who stand out to be picked in our first 11? It's very very poor.


I've rated Abeid for years so no need to preach that he's better. That's not my, or your point on this thread though. I've already said Abeid is my main central midfielder, with Vurn alongside as Colback and Tiote are garbage. Of course I want better players than them all, but we're a joke of a club so we aren't going to attract much better are we?


Maybe if we kept the ball more, then we wouldn't have to try get it back so much? Carver subbed Vurn for a striker who done nothing, no wonder we lost control near the end and stoke dominated. Whether you rate him or not, he didn't go missing yesterday

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Guest reefatoon

Like when? When he has went missing and the rest of the team had to carry him? Why wasn't he subbed? Where is your seat?


He went missing yesterday, like so many other games. it's commendable how much you want to like him, but in all fairness, the lad has shown nothing to stand out and be picked in the first 11.  Just look at Abeid when he came in. He made an instant impact and impressed us all. When Anita comes in, you just don't notice at all, the games just seem to skip by him. I am not one for "cloggers" in either, but the lad just doesn't offer anything.


OK then I'll try make it easier for you, as those questions were a bit too direct:


Other than yesterday, in which the WHOLE TEAM was poor, when has he went missing?


In those "so many other games", why was he not substituted for being a coward?


Also, why is he getting games after going missing?


If he "doesn't offer anything" why is he in our squad / team? We haven't got one better player kicking about who can offer more than nothing?


Where is your seat?






He didn't go missing at all yesterday, the whole team was poor. That just shows your agenda. I must be missing all these other players who stand out to be picked in our first 11? It's very very poor.


I've rated Abeid for years so no need to preach that he's better. That's not my, or your point on this thread though. I've already said Abeid is my main central midfielder, with Vurn alongside as Colback and Tiote are garbage. Of course I want better players than them all, but we're a joke of a club so we aren't going to attract much better are we?


Maybe if we kept the ball more, then we wouldn't have to try get it back so much? Carver subbed Vurn for a striker who done nothing, no wonder we lost control near the end and stoke dominated. Whether you rate him or not, he didn't go missing yesterday


No need to try and make it easier, I am more than capable of watching a player and seeing that he is not offering much. How about you name a game where he has stood out from the rest of the players then?  You won't be able to because he doesn't. He has been substituted loads, (why mention coward, I haven't) because games seem to skip him by.  He is not suited for this league at all, and it isn't just because of his size. You need more from a central midfielder than someone that might take the ball off one fullback and give it to another every now and again, so not sure where you are going with that either.  Yes, why is he getting games when he is going missing? Probably because or stand in manager is not very good at what he does, as Abeid should be in ahead of him. Regarding where I sit, I gave my season ticket up as it wasn't worth it anymore, not that it makes a difference, or are you saying you are better suited to an opinion because you are there?.


Like I said very commendable how much you want to like Anita, but I would want to see so much more from a central midfielder.

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Let's just forget we don't play a "front three", so we can pretend Anita doesn't fit in, eh? He's better than Colback and Tiote. The lad saying De Jong will ideally play there...what planet are they on? De Jong is not a central midfielder. De Jong is a number 10 who got played up front in Holland because it's an easier league.


So many delusions of grandeur. A front three...HA HA we are the most negative team in the league. We only play on the counter because we're negative in possession...players like Anita let you hold on to the ball and he doesn't hide like Colback the coward.


The only real problem people seem to have with Anita is he's not 'big enough' for the prem. Surely it's time we got away from these big cloggers who chop people down like Tiote and played people based on their footballing ability? He done well until he got hooked, for Cisse who did zero. No surpise the midfield got over-ran.


For me, it's Anita OR Colback and I'd pick Vurn every time. Vurn and Abeid central midfield pair. Sissoko is too undisciplined to play there and he's off soon anyway. De Jong will take his number 10 role and we'll go back to one up front, with Gouffran and Ameobi on the wings. Proper big lads.


Couldn't agree any more with this.

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Let's just forget we don't play a "front three", so we can pretend Anita doesn't fit in, eh? He's better than Colback and Tiote. The lad saying De Jong will ideally play there...what planet are they on? De Jong is not a central midfielder. De Jong is a number 10 who got played up front in Holland because it's an easier league.


So many delusions of grandeur. A front three...HA HA we are the most negative team in the league. We only play on the counter because we're negative in possession...players like Anita let you hold on to the ball and he doesn't hide like Colback the coward.


The only real problem people seem to have with Anita is he's not 'big enough' for the prem. Surely it's time we got away from these big cloggers who chop people down like Tiote and played people based on their footballing ability? He done well until he got hooked, for Cisse who did zero. No surpise the midfield got over-ran.


For me, it's Anita OR Colback and I'd pick Vurn every time. Vurn and Abeid central midfield pair. Sissoko is too undisciplined to play there and he's off soon anyway. De Jong will take his number 10 role and we'll go back to one up front, with Gouffran and Ameobi on the wings. Proper big lads.



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Guest reefatoon

N'Zonzi in midfield, then get Andy Carroll back play him up top. Willo at the back. Jobs a goodun


Not sure where you are going with this. He said N'Zonzi ran rings around our midfield, not that N'Zonzi should be signed. He was trying to make the point that even someone as s*** as N'Zonzi was running rings around our limp midfielders, but you seem to have completely missed it. But hey ho, let's keep Anita in and fly up that league table. Jobs a goodun

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I would actually like to see Abeid play as the holding midfielder with Anita being given a bit more freedom to be more forward thinking i.e. move further up the pitch a bit, and look to play forward passes on the ground.


The thing is Anita is being used as an all out DM, and it's seriously curtailing him, as he has clearly been asked to sit deep and play the simple ball to others. Therefore you can kind of understand why he isn't as present or as involved in more positive play going forward.


Now on the other hand, can someone explain what Jack Colback is? If Anita is the DM then shouldn't Colback be the one with more freedom to move about, get on the ball and dictate play with more forward passes? But he does none of these things. He's hardly ever seen int hat respect, and it doesn't make sense because he isn't being asked to play as deep as Anita is.


Colback is really poor. I mean, I actually thought the guy would be better than this. He does nothing. I now understand why he was played on the left, and at left back a lot of times for Sunderland. He is clueless in midfield.

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