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The other games today - 2012/13


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Well, the ending was funny - but that's shocking man. Don't know how Chelsea can so consistently be awarded so many offside goals. Bit of an embarrassment for the FA, you'd have thought.

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Guest bimpy474

Clear offside. Has to be two players behind the ball.


Wasn't Ivanovic behind him when he played it, hence onside.


Wasn't looking at that tbf. :lol:


If so: :okay:


If you're right and he is in front of Hazard then that lino should be rested forever because that is the worst of the lot.

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Ivanovic looked like he was ahead of the ball as it was passed, with only one Reading player behind the ball, so he is offside. Torres looked just offside for his goal as well.


Chelsea look very dangerous going forward but vulnerable at the back. I wonder if it might be one of those games where we're better off having a go and attacking them rather than simply trying to contain them.

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How the hell did Ivanovic's suspension get served in the reserves? ridiculous


I didn't even think there were reserves anymore now there is the under 21's league, which he couldn't even play in (probably wrong and some shit rule about 3 overage players)

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How the hell did Ivanovic's suspension get served in the reserves? ridiculous


I didn't even think there were reserves anymore now there is the under 21's league, which he couldn't even play in (probably wrong and some s*** rule about 3 overage players)


Most mystifying thing for me has always been why the Community Shield is rated as a friendly when there's an official trophy (no matter how irrelevant) in play.

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Guest bimpy474

Might be something different but didn't Perch get a first-team ban for a red card he got in the reserves last season? How the fuck does that work?


Violent conduct applies to all competitons (obviously not Europe). ;)

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Might be something different but didn't Perch get a first-team ban for a red card he got in the reserves last season? How the f*** does that work?

I think reserves is still considered football at a competitive level. The rule I heard discussed only applied to preseason fixtures.

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Don't forget Mata #CFC supporters - Most passes tonight with 82 - 88% accurate. 29 of them in the final third with 83% accuracy.

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I'm still not that concerned, Chelsea's problems with playing more expansively are still very clear.


Terry, Cole, Mikel, Lampard and Ivanovic are not very comfortable when they have to close down and get back again defensively.


Better teams will exploit this, the one way Chelsea can rectify this is by going back to sitting and countering but doing that would limit Mata and Hazard's influence so you don't want to do that.


Chelsea have the players going forward to play this way but they don't have the midfield or defence to play this way and not be exploited defensively by better teams.


In all in long term i'm not convinced yet, we will be a big challenge for them just like they will for us should be a good game.

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