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Financial Fair Play


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Isn't it too early to say if people are ignoring UEFA's rules? They aren't even fully in force yet, are they?

...and they won't be as long as it suits people like Platini to have things the way they are.


Its a bit like EU rules...some countries(France, anyone..!?) ignore them at will whilst UK Civil Servant Mandarins gold-plate them and ensure the UK gets fined if it ignores them.

Why would UEFA be any different..?


:lol: funny, but with more than a hint of truth, and let's not get started on Greece etc.

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105m over 3 years? Why is that so ridiculously high compared to UEFA's 13m


Premier League :yao:


But seriously, I suppose they are just trying to prevent future City's and Chelsea's coming in and spending -90m net a season and having no repercussions.

while probably doing nothing to prevent sudden "sponsorship" at chelsea worth 200m a season or suddenly city selling corporate boxes at 50m each

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£103m seems ridiculous and of course there will be ways around it, it always will, but is the best way to just ignore it? It would be like stop taking doping controls because there will always be cheaters that comes up with new ways.


It´s the right, and only way to go, but as always it´s ridiculously limits.

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3 years of consecutive record breaking financial losses and you'll be docked 3 points :lol:


It's all just so the clubs can say they're being responsible when they monstrably are not. They need to reign in the spending to prevent clubs spending themselves to death and the cost to fans spiralling upwards. This is an insult to fans intelligence.

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