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Alan Pardew


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Worth noting that in the interview for Sky Sports (literally...........) just before the kick off he said that it was one of, if not the, strongest sides he's put out all season.


Prdew back in full force it would seem.

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:anguish: some big performances needed in the coming games.  So mad at him but this has been coming for a long time.  When will it ever get through to him that hoofing it up the pitch all day especially with technically gifted players does not fucking work.


Still hoping, I see? :yao:

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Would be very happy with either Moyes or Benitez, unfortunately both are probably too strong a personality for Ashley and Llambias to handle, so I reckon they'd be scared off. They've always placed an emphasis on the manager being "a good fit" etc....

Think they might actually be very reluctant to let Pardew go, though it's the only way to take things forward now imo.

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I told you so's are perfectly valid. If more people had been willing to see what has been staring them in the face all season, we could have been shot of him months ago.


We have got what we deserve for not dismissing him after Southampton away.


Valid but pointless, it doesn't help anything.

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Can someone sum up his points in his interview?  Just caught the the last bit of it.  Just heard him mentioned Thursday and how it was always gonna be tough having this match at the end of the 3 game week we've just had. 


He said to Mick Lowes that some of our players were knackered after Thursday and Lowes said we had 5 players in the team who hadn't played, Pardew said the 5 weren't up to speed.  :lol:


Fucking hell.


Jesus wept, so angry, want to destroy the world.

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Can someone sum up his points in his interview?  Just caught the the last bit of it.  Just heard him mentioned Thursday and how it was always gonna be tough having this match at the end of the 3 game week we've just had. 


He said to Mick Lowes that some of our players were knackered after Thursday and Lowes said we had 5 players in the team who hadn't played, Pardew said the 5 weren't up to speed.  :lol:


:lol: I don't even know what to say to this.. he is absolutely clueless, he actually makes me want to hate him (like steve kean when he was at blackburn and was deluded as fuck).

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Guest hatem garrincha

was there any 'pardew out' chanting at the game?




Are the opinions in this forum representative of the fan's feelings ?

In other words, are the majority of the fans still backing him ?

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One question, when is the closing period for a kneejerk reaction? Just so I am sure in future. To me giving things too much time is the complete opposite to a kneejerk reaction so I am now confused  :undecided:


an immediate unthinking emotional reaction produced by an event or statement to which the reacting person is highly sensitive


Rather sounds like right now.

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Forget about Thursday night, fuck off if any one sees that as an excuse. He put out a poor team selection that night with today in mind, and now look what's happened! The fucking cunt.


Think about how many clear cut chances we had (bar the wrongly offside goal)? A team with Yang-Mbiwa, Debuchy, Cabaye, Marveaux, Sissoko, Cisse and for parts Hatem Ben Arfa, and we can barely make them work for it at our place. Sick. Absolutely sick.

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Guest ElCid

I f***ing hate the bloke one of the worst managers we have had, tactically clueless and with his second class coaches alongside him we may well be relegated - don't get these fans who say he deserves more time are you watching the same football - anyone who can say he will get things right is living in cloud cuckoo land - get out of this club before you destroy it you s*** talentless arsehole!!!

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I told you so's are perfectly valid. If more people had been willing to see what has been staring them in the face all season, we could have been shot of him months ago.


We have got what we deserve for not dismissing him after Southampton away.




Ashley is the one who makes the decision of who manages the club, the fan's opinions are totally irrelevant to him.


We all know Pardew is almost certain to be here next season.

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Guest Howaythetoon

Those now backtracking on Pardew, this wasn't even the worst we've played this season. We actually created a lot of chances and Cisse on another day could have had himself 3 goals. Like I said, he was good enough to be our manager after Benfica, but not now?


One result, albeit against the mackems, shouldn't suddenly have those who have blindly defended Pardew or made up constant excuses for our performances under him, now backtracking.  Super fickle  :idiot2:

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Can someone sum up his points in his interview?  Just caught the the last bit of it.  Just heard him mentioned Thursday and how it was always gonna be tough having this match at the end of the 3 game week we've just had. 


He said to Mick Lowes that some of our players were knackered after Thursday and Lowes said we had 5 players in the team who hadn't played, Pardew said the 5 weren't up to speed.  :lol:


Wow. Just wow.

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Can someone sum up his points in his interview?  Just caught the the last bit of it.  Just heard him mentioned Thursday and how it was always gonna be tough having this match at the end of the 3 game week we've just had. 


He said to Mick Lowes that some of our players were knackered after Thursday and Lowes said we had 5 players in the team who hadn't played, Pardew said the 5 weren't up to speed.  :lol:


:lol: I don't even know what to say to this.. he is absolutely clueless, he actually makes me want to hate him (like steve kean when he was at blackburn and was deluded as f***).


We only tried to attack Benfica for 20 minutes.


Christ almighty.



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I told you so's are perfectly valid. If more people had been willing to see what has been staring them in the face all season, we could have been shot of him months ago.


We have got what we deserve for not dismissing him after Southampton away.




Ashley is the one who makes the decision of who manages the club, the fan's opinions are totally irrelevant to him.


We all know Pardew is almost certain to be here next season.


I'd hope they wouldn't be totally irrelevant but I get your point.

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was there any 'pardew out' chanting at the game?




Are the opinions in this forum representative of the fan's feelings ?

In other words, are the majority of the fans still backing him ?

I would never take the internet as an accurate barometer of general opinion on anything

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Can't we all just have a good cry together without going through the whole "I wanted him sacked before you did, hah!" routine?


This to be honest. Last thing we all need after a result like that is the 'I told you so's' joyously dancing on their keyboards.




Complete bollocks, considering some of the holier than thou sneering we've been putting up with for over a YEAR now.


If you thought this guy was good at his job you were fooled, drink your f***ing medicine.


Is there enough to pass round to the panel that appointed him Manager of the Year last season?


Haha, there's plenty :lol:


I'm not looking to fall out with anyone or do any I told you so's. I apologise if that came across too confrontational. I just think it's really really cheeky to tell people not to do it after all the condescending rubbish that's been aimed at us :thup:

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I told you so's are perfectly valid. If more people had been willing to see what has been staring them in the face all season, we could have been shot of him months ago.


We have got what we deserve for not dismissing him after Southampton away.




Ashley is the one who makes the decision of who manages the club, the fan's opinions are totally irrelevant to him.


We all know Pardew is almost certain to be here next season.


The only reason people assume that Pardew is unsackable is because they assume that the worst possible thing will always happen to this club.


Which is... a pretty fair assumption, come to think of it.

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Those now backtracking on Pardew, this wasn't even the worst we've played this season. We actually created a lot of chances and Cisse on another day could have had himself 3 goals. Like I said, he was good enough to be our manager after Benfica, but not now?


One result, albeit against the mackems, shouldn't suddenly have those who have blindly defended Pardew or made up constant excuses for our performances under him, now backtracking.  Super fickle  :idiot2:


Well said

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