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Alan Pardew


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Struggling to pick a player of the season this year. Can't think of a single player who's played to a reasonable level consistently which is a first. Normally there's one or two who excel but the entire squad have been consistently poor throughout the season.


It could be the players but it's probably the way they're being managed. For every single player to play poorly takes some doing, it's certainly not a coincidence. There's a common denominator and it's called Alan Pardew.


Just wish he wasn't here, he's a fucking millstone around our necks. 

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Alan Pardew could do with either a win or a convincing draw at The Hawthorns because the rank-and-file anger at the Sunderland defeat is strong. A number, a surprising number perhaps, of Newcastle fans would already have a car waiting for Pardew, last year’s Manager of the Season.




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Alan Pardew could do with either a win or a convincing draw at The Hawthorns because the rank-and-file anger at the Sunderland defeat is strong. A number, a surprising number perhaps, of Newcastle fans would already have a car waiting for Pardew, last year’s Manager of the Season.




The picture for no.7 would have been more appropriate than the one of pardew.

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Surely flirting so close to relegation and some embarrassing results, not least of which against our biggest rivals for bragging rights and a minimum expectation of a top 8 finish is enough to bury him?!


Agreed its no good sacking him so close to the end of the season whilst being dangerously close to relegation, I think Ashley will have learnt from last time that management changes in this predicament can have serious adverse effects. Once we're safe, we should bin him, there are NO excuses for this season, especially after the purchases made in January, plus even the thickest of football fans can see our players are going backwards in quality at an alarming rate! Even the newest additions such as Sissoko, who looked a beast when he joined is looking jaded, unskilled and disinterested.


Rant over, just sick of the s*** performances, lack of cohesion, tactics, movement, pressing and marking and sick to death of the constant stream of bullshit we get fed after every match!!


"You can't keep changing your manager if he has a bad run - it doesn't make any sense at all. We just want to break that mould in football. Eight years... this is where we've got to be."


It's not going to happen. Not yet, anyway.


Does that mean you think Llambias has to be fired before Pardew goes....?

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Pardew is quite likeable apart from his lying excuses and his deficiencies as a coach. I would not mind moving him up to DOF he would suit that role very well/


DOF..? You have to be joking. SBR was here for 5 good years and got us into the CL yet even he didn't get that.

Would Reading or West Ham offered him DOF after his stints there..? He can be as likeable as you like, but what matters is his influence on the football club - nothing else.

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Boss Alan Pardew has shaken up the training regime this week, using St James' Park as the base


what does this mean, he's just moved the location? :lol:


:lol:  We've been talking about pass and move, compressing the play, getting Cabaye forward and getting Tiote playing again and getting some patterns and game plan going again when the solution all along was to go train somewhere else.


Must be those pesky spies.

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Guest Dontooner

Pardew is quite likeable apart from his lying excuses and his deficiencies as a coach. I would not mind moving him up to DOF he would suit that role very well/


DOF..? You have to be joking. SBR was here for 5 good years and got us into the CL yet even he didn't get that.

Would Reading or West Ham offered him DOF after his stints there..? He can be as likeable as you like, but what matters is his influence on the football club - nothing else.

I'm all for getting rid of him totally, but if the Pardew lovers wanted to keep him some how in and around the club it would not be bad solution moving him up and getting a real football coach in.


SBR never had the chance because the club under Shepherd didn't allow this structure this board however had introduce this with Wise. He is good at PR between the board and the fans and is good with the players it would not be a bad situation as long as he is not coaching the players.

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Does seem to finally be some awareness in the media that his position isn't as safe as might have been presumed.


I'm getting more convinced that these last 5 games will define his future - if we don't win on Saturday then I reckon the atmosphere at the Liverpool game could get pretty nasty if things don't go well.

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DOF? No thanks. Hes like a bucket of shit. All shiny and polished on the outside and throw your weight the right way and push it around  enough and you can stop yourself getting covered in mess. However you start to realise whatever it goes near starts to stink at fester and no matter what shine and slick polish it shows on the outside; it is, in essence a bucket of shit...with a notepad. DOF? the blokes a cretin. I want him nowhere near.

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He has no previous experience with a job that will consider him well-suited as a DOF. I would also think a DOF will require plenty of networking and connections in football. As for PR, why would Llambias let Pardew take over his job? :lol:

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Boss Alan Pardew has shaken up the training regime this week, using St James' Park as the base

We're playing shit and the best he can come up with is to train somewhere else because it can't be his methods. :lol:
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