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Alan Pardew


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It always greatly amuses me when a "tactically astute" manager gets undone by a very simple, Sunday league goal. Barcelona passed the ball 10,000 times against Celtic and then a header from a corner and a long ball from the keeper did them in. Back to your chalkboards. Zlatan's 4th tonight sums it up. What can a machine tell us about that?


Embrace the chaos. It makes football fun.


Thing is, that was tactically astute. It wasn't just a hopeful ball floated into the back post Yo-Willo style. They picked out Alba as the weakest link in a small team aerially. Barca zonal mark at corners so they knew where Alba would line up. Put in a great ball, then they had the big powerhouse house have a massive run-up on Alba. Nee chance, bang, goal. Pefect tactics - UTILISING YOUR STRENGTHS (height and strength) AND PENALISING OPPONENTS WEAKNESSES. Something we don't do.


Lennon had an attacking plan against Barca. Corner/set-pieces and rapid, quick, counter attacks.

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I generally agree with what is being said. IMO Redknapp is a better manager than Hodgson. Hodgson is better tactically and the Michael Cox's prefer him more as a result. However, Redknapp has a plug + play approach that aims to get the best out of the players at his disposal. Get good players, stumble across a system that works and let the good players PLAY and actively encourage that.


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It always greatly amuses me when a "tactically astute" manager gets undone by a very simple, Sunday league goal. Barcelona passed the ball 10,000 times against Celtic and then a header from a corner and a long ball from the keeper did them in. Back to your chalkboards. Zlatan's 4th tonight sums it up. What can a machine tell us about that?


Embrace the chaos. It makes football fun.


Thing is, that was tactically astute. It wasn't just a hopeful ball floated into the back post Yo-Willo style. They picked out Alba as the weakest link in a small team aerially. Barca zonal mark at corners so they knew where Alba would line up. Put in a great ball, then they had the big powerhouse house have a massive run-up on Alba. Nee chance, bang, goal. Pefect tactics - UTILISING YOUR STRENGTHS (height and strength) AND PENALISING OPPONENTS WEAKNESSES. Something we don't do.


Lennon had an attacking plan against Barca. Corner/set-pieces and rapid, quick, counter attacks.


Villanova - "The same thing happened at the Camp Nou. They played defensively and they waited to make fast counter attacks. They are very comfortable on corners and set pieces, and that's how they scored their two goals."


As you say, playing to your strengths. I think Pardew needs to start asking the question how do we beat them, not how to we stop them beating us.

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It always greatly amuses me when a "tactically astute" manager gets undone by a very simple, Sunday league goal. Barcelona passed the ball 10,000 times against Celtic and then a header from a corner and a long ball from the keeper did them in. Back to your chalkboards. Zlatan's 4th tonight sums it up. What can a machine tell us about that?


Embrace the chaos. It makes football fun.


Thing is, that was tactically astute. It wasn't just a hopeful ball floated into the back post Yo-Willo style. They picked out Alba as the weakest link in a small team aerially. Barca zonal mark at corners so they knew where Alba would line up. Put in a great ball, then they had the big powerhouse house have a massive run-up on Alba. Nee chance, bang, goal. Pefect tactics - UTILISING YOUR STRENGTHS (height and strength) AND PENALISING OPPONENTS WEAKNESSES. Something we don't do.


Lennon had an attacking plan against Barca. Corner/set-pieces and rapid, quick, counter attacks.


Villanova - "The same thing happened at the Camp Nou. They played defensively and they waited to make fast counter attacks. They are very comfortable on corners and set pieces, and that's how they scored their two goals."


As you say, playing to your strengths. I think Pardew needs to start asking the question how do we beat them, not how to we stop them beating us.

Shudders as Sam Allerdice deja vu sets on  :(

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I'm sure the manager of the year will be thrilled by this great insight from a psychological coach wannabee.. :idiot2:


Dan Abrahams is actually a top sports psychologist, but not that you'll care. I don't know how people get so wound up about things like that when its blatantly obvious we set up to contain teams and clearly lack an attacking mindset. Calm down, ffs.

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From The Mirror -


"A few minutes from the end of Newcastle's defeat to West Ham, a fan bellowed some advice to Alan Pardew.


It was something about sorting the tactics out, and an insult about how poor his team had been.


The Newcastle boss heard the message loud and clear. We know this because he turned around on the touchline and told the disgruntled bloke to shut his gob."


If you missed it.

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I'm sure the manager of the year will be thrilled by this great insight from a psychological coach wannabee.. :idiot2:


Dan Abrahams is actually a top sports psychologist, but not that you'll care. I don't know how people get so wound up about things like that when its blatantly obvious we set up to contain teams and clearly lack an attacking mindset. Calm down, ffs.


Look who's talking.. :spit:


Has it totally escaped your mind we finished fifth last season, way better than most on here dared to dream, and our manager was awarded the manager of the year award as a result. Aye, I bet some two bob "top sports physchologist" would know better - tactics and psychology are near enough the same thing..  :rolleyes:

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I'm sure the manager of the year will be thrilled by this great insight from a psychological coach wannabee.. :idiot2:


Please let's not make that his epithet, man. :laugh: :lol: As bas as referring to Wes Brown as 'the Champions' League winner'.


They both have those respective accolades but they don't necessarily represent their ability, nor put them beyond reproach or sensible criticism.

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I'm sure the manager of the year will be thrilled by this great insight from a psychological coach wannabee.. :idiot2:


Dan Abrahams is actually a top sports psychologist, but not that you'll care. I don't know how people get so wound up about things like that when its blatantly obvious we set up to contain teams and clearly lack an attacking mindset. Calm down, ffs.


Look who's talking.. :spit:


Has it totally escaped your mind we finished fifth last season, way better than most on here dared to dream, and our manager was awarded the manager of the year award as a result. Aye, I bet a "top sports physchologist" would know better - tactics and psychology are near enough the same thing..  :rolleyes:


Really? No one seems to mention last season, I had no idea!


I never said he'd know better tactics than Pardew btw! It was more aimed at Pardew's mind set- one that seems controlled by fear.

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I'm sure the manager of the year will be thrilled by this great insight from a psychological coach wannabee.. :idiot2:


Please let's not make that his epithet, man. :laugh: :lol: As bas as referring to Wes Brown as 'the Champions' League winner'.


They both have those respective accolades but they don't necessarily represent their ability, nor put them beyond reproach or sensible criticism.


Are you seriously suggesting you can't see the difference between a manager of a mid-table team receiving those accolades for managing his team to being in the mix for CL football until the very last weekend of the season and a utility player of a great squad winning a medal in a tournament he barely featured in?

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Finding the lack of confidence in Pardew a bit concerning tbh we are only 3 points off Spurs after all it's not like we are struggling at the bottom of the table.


Sure the performances has been crap but surely last season brought him more than 11 games of confidence.

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I'm sure the manager of the year will be thrilled by this great insight from a psychological coach wannabee.. :idiot2:


Please let's not make that his epithet, man. :laugh: :lol: As bas as referring to Wes Brown as 'the Champions' League winner'.


They both have those respective accolades but they don't necessarily represent their ability, nor put them beyond reproach or sensible criticism.


Are you seriously suggesting you can't see the difference between a manager of a mid-table team receiving those accolades for managing his team to being in the mix for CL football until the very last weekend of the season and a utility player of a great squad winning a medal in a tournament he barely featured in?




I'm saying it's a meaningless title in the face of very valid and credible criticism.

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Guest malandro

Our league position isn't a fair reflection of how we've played this season. Without the good fortune we got against Everton, Reading and West Brom we'd be level on points with Villa. The team isn't functioning and if the moments of individual brilliance dry up so will the points. Right now we have some good players but a poor team.


We were a surprise package last season and benefited immensely from a unusually low level of injuries. We also benefited from a goal scoring streak from Cisse he was never going to maintain. This season things are more 'normal' and Pardew is struggling to find answers to the questions being asked. He might rise to the challenge or he might not, last season is irrelevant.


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Our league position isn't a fair reflection of how we've played this season. Without the good fortune we got against Everton, Reading and West Brom we'd be level on points with Villa. The team isn't functioning and if the moments of individual brilliance dry up so will the points. Right now we have some good players but a poor team.


We were a surprise package last season and benefited immensely from a unusually low level of injuries. We also benefited from a goal scoring streak from Cisse he was never going to maintain. This season things are more 'normal' and Pardew is struggling to find answers to the questions being asked. He might rise to the challenge or he might not, last season is irrelevant.


Ahhhhh Malandro, So good to see you bring the best kind of malodorous funk back to the table. Inarguable yet bordering on the suicidal.


Awww yeah. good gawd! :nile: Hit meh!!

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Guest Dontooner

Ahead of Saturday's tricky home tie with Swansea, Pardew said: "We are all kind of looking at each other. We want to get firing, we want to score three or four goals and set the stadium alight.


"But it's not as simple as that, sometimes you have to graft your way through periods like this.


"I will be surprised if we go from West Ham to a real champagne performance. I think it will be something in-between - hopefully."



Seriously Pardew has no interest on the offensive part of the game, he prioritize on stopping the opposition and hoping  the players to score a couple and hold on.

8 years of stability, come on grow a pair, let the players play ffs.

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