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Alan Pardew


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I haven't really seen anything this season to suggest the way we play is down to a formation. We've been poor no matter how we've lined up, it's as if they aren't made to pass and move in training . We just have no cohesion.

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So last year we applaud he get the best out of Raylor, Perch and HBA and now we said he is absolutely s*** at playing players at their full strength?

f***ing fickle man.


Playing Willo with a high line is suicidal. We all know that. Proven. Yet we have no choice, and we ALL asked Pardew to adapt a more attacking approach on the ground, WHICH HE DID TODAY, and as a result we lose the goal.


The fact is it is ridiculous to have players like Willo (Fergie, Simpson and Sammy as well to be honest) starting in Premiership.  Our squad is f***ing weak. Face it. If you held Pardew responsible for the goal, do not complain for hoofball anymore. You sounds like Swansea players are all shits and the centrebacks are even worse than Willo yet then can play possession football.  No, f*** no. Willo was a champsionship level player who couldnt get a place in that Portsmouth. Forget?


He has to take some of the blame.


Its clear we emphasize the defensive aspects of our side & as a result we do not look fluid going forwards & rely on individual ability.


Its simply not working this season with the injuries in midfield/defence. So he has to rethink this approach & take some of the flack for these results.


Agree with that.  He has a part and he has to do his work since he's got paid.  Just that I put blames on management and the players more on Pardew today. West Ham is a disaster. Today is actually an improvement prior to their goal. I expected that would come since we NEVER keep a clean sheet with Willo + high line. Never. The midfielders and the wing backs (except HBA) were letting the team down by delivering extremely poor cross to Ba. We should have scored goals in the first half by taking that gamble, which we didnt, and thus we paid the inevitable price.


Colo + Taylor and Tiote + Cabaye were our most important players. Last year we rely on them to get a great run both the start and the end of season. This year we have never been able to play them together consistently.  I am actually not surprised that we didnt play like a "top 5" team, because we were never a top 5 team unless we play our best 11 players, which is impossible this season.

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I'd be more inclined to give him my full backing if I thought he was taking steps to remedy some of the all too obvious flaws in our performances. But frankly we're seeing the same shit every week. You can pretty much predict the trajectory of our game plan these days: slow start, slight improvement after 20, slight attempt at passing the ball about a bit, back to hoofing, etc.


As things stand I'm not seeing any improvement whatsoever in the set-up or otherwise.

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One third of the players out there today don't belong at this level, so it's not all his fault. Tactically he's looking more clueless by the game, though.


I'd agree he is clueless not playing hoofball + tight defense when we are forced to use Willo.


At face value it seems preposterous to point the finger at Mike Williamson for bad football. But the truth is, you've got a player in the team that can't play the ball out of defence, that the midfield have to protect, and can't form part of a high line because of his lack of pace.


He should be nowhere near this team. There's no excuse for it, either.

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Guest Vinkent

For me it just seems that the opposition knows how to choke out our midfield in most games. Stops the delivery to our strikers and puts more pressure on our defenders. Kills all rhythm we have.

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It's fuck all to do with investment, this team didn't need investment to be able to look a better side at home than Villa, Norwich, West Brom, Swansea or West Ham, all of whom have come here and looked at least our equal.


The facts are that the manager doesn't have the first idea how to coach interesting attacking football or how to coach a team to win matches,  and if we're honest with ourselves, other than a six match period with a formation that was abandoned as soon as we lost, he has never looked capable of that.

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One third of the players out there today don't belong at this level, so it's not all his fault. Tactically he's looking more clueless by the game, though.


You're quite right, players like Williamson, Simpson, Sammy and Ferguson are low end prem players and that is being charitable in the extreme - so i do have sympathy with Pardew. He's been dealt a shit hand by Ashley and Llambias.


While our squad is a decent size it is also stupidly unbalanced and that definitely causes issues here and there, no more so than Ba and Cisse, for instance, or having a bunch of midfielders who like to sit deep but none who burst forward. It definitely has the feel of a squad assembled by a committee rather than a squad built by one man - which has both positive and negative consequences.


Saying that, even when Pardew has had a team full of good players this season he's still struggled. It's his job to fit the likes of Ba, Cisse, Ben Arfa, Cabaye into a functioning team and he's failed so far this season. Using the presence of Sammy up-front as an excuse doesn't cut it as we've looked just as bad if not worse with a superior player in Cisse playing there as well.

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The seeds for the current malaise were sown a year ago - even when we were winning last season there were issues and causes for concern bubbling away underneath the good results. Training 4 days out of 5 on defending the opposition, and never really forging a team identity or style, might get results in the short term, but as we're seeing it's unsustainable over longer periods.


Pardew needs to have a wholesale change in his entire approach - which is a big ask. If he simply retreats into his conservative, safety first approach where attacking consists entirely of players trying to do things on their own then we are fucked with him in charge.


I don't think Pardew has the ability to turn it around in a short space of time as he is paying for the consequences of his own decisions over the past year. This isn't a simple matter of 4-3-3 vs 4-4-2 - it's far bigger than that. so it may well get worse before it gets better - if it gets better.


Seems his record at one or two previous clubs is worryingly similar to what is going on here - start well, talk a good game and gradually get exposed when your side begins to slump.


I don't think he has the ability to turn it around full stop. He has a shit football philosophy and as a result we play shit football. There's no way forward with that approach even if we win the next two games.

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December is actually looking horrific. A bogey team and then 3 of the 'big 4' as well as on an form Fulham and QPR who will have a new manager.


Pardew could be on the recieving end of some serious stick before the fat fella with a hefty sack comes bearing gifts.................and I'm not talking about his mate Ashley ahead of the Jan window.


BTW, there's absolutely no way that the club were aiming to replicate what they achieved last season when they didn't back him in the market.


I think there's an acknowledgement throughout the hierarchy that they will build the club very gradually with a view to being a sustainable club in financial terms who challenge for the odd cup and/or challenge for 6th. I don't even think there's a belief that top 4 can be breached by NUFC.


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It's not his fault that we are severely under strength. Injuries, suspensions and Mike Ashley not investing sufficiently have been the bigger reason we are having this awful start to the season.


We've got our best squad in a decade.


3 centre backs , one of which is Williamson , says different. We have no depth.


True enough. The depth on this squad is appalling. Williamson is simply not a PL player, it's criminal that he's been trotted out as often as he has.

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Last season we were dire in a majority of games as a team but individual brilliance made us look better than we are as an actual footballing side.


The only game was Stoke where we dominated them by playing like them.


He's a very average manager and i've always known sooner or later everything would balance itself out. This season has found him out to be unprepared and totally lacking in motivating the players to be up for games. Add to that a total confusion of what formation suits his players and tactically fucked when the shit hits the fan.


Give him to the end of the season and if there isn't a marked improvement as a team then get rid.



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One third of the players out there today don't belong at this level, so it's not all his fault. Tactically he's looking more clueless by the game, though.


I'd agree he is clueless not playing hoofball + tight defense when we are forced to use Willo.


Willo isn't singularly the problem. He hits it long because we don't use the midfield because we are team that like to go direct.


Also, are you actually criticising the fans for wanting our team to attack Swansea at home?? For real??


Tactically, we weren't much different today. 4-4-2, little movement, pump it long often. Tried to play it around a bit, felt unfamiliar, go long again.


Willo is fucking hopeless. How in the earth a centre back can give our keeper such a huge threat in EPL? He has zero ball control and he really couldnt make a pass.


I am not criticizing the attacking approach. I'm criticizing the fans that call for his head because he gambled according to the fans wish. I hate this most because the fans always think it is not a gamble and it is just his lack of ability that cost us 3 points. Since "the fans approach" must work, and if it doesn't work, it must be the managers fault. What kind of logic is this.


I would say the first 60 mins was a big improvement. We didnt play hoofball much (except Willo), play the ball on the deck, and successfully gave Santon/Fergie and HBA to run with the ball and deliver cross.  We didnt do this last match.


I agree that things went horribly wrong after conceding the goal though.

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It's f*** all to do with investment, this team didn't need investment to be able to look a better side at home than Villa, Norwich, West Brom, Swansea or West Ham, all of whom have come here and looked at least our equal.


The facts are that the manager doesn't have the first idea how to coach interesting attacking football or how to coach a team to win matches,  and if we're honest with ourselves, other than a six match period with a formation that was abandoned as soon as we lost, he has never looked capable of that.


that so called 6 match period people been banging on about, which was a tiny portion of the the entire season we had.  how many of those 6 games did the teams we played against had anything to play for towards the end of the season?

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It's fuck all to do with investment, this team didn't need investment to be able to look a better side at home than Villa, Norwich, West Brom, Swansea or West Ham, all of whom have come here and looked at least our equal.


The facts are that the manager doesn't have the first idea how to coach interesting attacking football or how to coach a team to win matches,  and if we're honest with ourselves, other than a six match period with a formation that was abandoned as soon as we lost, he has never looked capable of that.


:thup: - particularly the bit in bold.


To blame the squad for Pardew's inability is a joke.

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I do wonder what it would take for him to get the sack.


We'd have to look like getting relegated, or worse.


The only way he'll get the boot is if he falls out of line with the Ashley regime i.e: doesn't tow the party line.



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The Alan Pardew we've all feared to see seems to have come, like. Last season is looking more and more like a f***ing surreal dream that actually happened - getting to the top 5 with a paper-thin squad, a manager tipped to lead us down winning manager of the year, Newcastle f***ing United having a great transfer window.

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This is from a post I made in March, last season:


My concerns with Pardew are simple, on what I've seen this season I'm not convinced he can get anywhere near the best out of a squad that will undoubtedly be improved over the summer due to his over riding negativity. Yes we've been positive and passed at times but the default tactic has always been contain and defend no matter who we're playing home or away. We currently have the best recruitment policy i can remember and I don't want it to be wasted on a manager that doesn't know how to utilise players who can pass and move


Please ignore the bit about the squad being improved over the summer :thup:


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Guest bimpy474

I think Ashley is as ruthless as they come, if we drop anywhere near the bottom three and stay there then Ashley will cut him loose.


Might happen too with the way we are playing.

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