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Alan Pardew


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He needs to decide what kind of team he wants us to be. More often that not he talks a good game and talks about possession football an often lot but I'm yet to see any real evidence of it being put into practice apart from those few times last season when we played the 4-3-3.


Also I feel he's trying to accommodate players into formations to keep egos happy instead of doing what's best for the team. Needs to be a lot tougher at times I feel.


Agree with all of this. Sit too deep. No confidence to keep the ball and shape to move up the park. Hitting it anywhere near the front two seems to count as creativity. He'll just say we missed Cabaye and 'spirit and 'group' and 'worked hard'.

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Very, very poor at the minute. We're being carried by real quality right now and it's just not sustainable. He really needs to have a bit of a re-think here, first of all drop the favouritism he shows with Jonas, the lad's a central midfielder or nothing at all, he's not good enough as a winger. Secondly, play a right back that you've personally mentioned looks good going forward, Anita and just generally try and be more fucking positive. It's pathetic watching us at the minute, we look shambolic going forward in the main.

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I've allocated him the amount of faith he's deserved from the last 18 months, but he keeps getting shit wrong all the time at the moment. Injuries aren't helping at all, but i'm honestly not sure it would make much of a difference. The problems this season stem from the woeful transfer window, but right now, the imbalanced formation is at the root of our on-pitch issues. It's frustrating knowing that he rectified that at Everton, then just reverted straight back to it for the next games. Having players on their wrong sides isn't working for us, and it's affecting the whole team. Infuriating.

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He needs to decide what kind of team he wants us to be. More often that not he talks a good game and talks about possession football an often lot but I'm yet to see any real evidence of it being put into practice apart from those few times last season when we played the 4-3-3.


Also I feel he's trying to accommodate players into formations to keep egos happy instead of doing what's best for the team. Needs to be a lot tougher at times I feel.


I often feel that Pardew would prefer the opposition centre-halves have the ball on the edge of their box than our centre-halves have it on the edge of ours.


He's usually way more comfortable with us having 11 men behind the ball out of possession than he is having our side trying to pass the ball out of defence.


He can always have Ba, Ben Arfa, Jonas, Obertan etc close down the opposition and hope something breaks for us (percentage footy) which is preferable to having have our side trying to keep the ball and work openings which can make us vulnerable to the counter.

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I think he really needs an attacking coach to come in as part of the back room staff to give him a hand, like Dontooner said he seems to not have many ideas about how to get us going in an attacking sense.


Good point.

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Some really simple steps he needs to take:


Stop persisting with Cisse and Ba in a 4-4-2.

Play players on their natural side.

KILL any player who attempts to float a ball to Williamson.


Some subtler points:


Encourage players (and full-backs especially) to pass and not punt the ball.

Work on offensive movement.

Given the heavy fixture list, try rotate using Shola with Ba OR Cisse if you absolutely must use 4-4-2.

Promote Amalfitano ahead of no-hopers.


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It was well documented and discussed last season that he doesn't even approach any offensive training. He focuses solely on how to stop the opposition and you can see it in the way we play. Apparently Carver looks after the offensive stuff but he probably gets Friday afternoon.

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Guest Howaythetoon

Unless the team starts improving its performances considerably so in the next few games, based on what we've seen this season and even throughout last season, we will really struggle to finish in the top 10 never mind top 5.


Pardew doesn't seem to know his best team, his best system, what tactics to use and basically what to do with some of the players and that is why we are so disjointed and out of shape.


It can't continue because we will regress badly.

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I think he really needs an attacking coach to come in as part of the back room staff to give him a hand, like Dontooner said he seems to not have many ideas about how to get us going in an attacking sense.


It's been admitted that he doesn't really work on attacking coaching and i doubt he does a great deal of work on our possession judging by our games. Pardew works on mistakes in previous games, prepares for opponent's strengths and weaknesses, does defensive drills etc and apparently it's then up to Carver to work on the other elements, which don't seem to be working.


Perhaps Carver isn't up to it or the balance in training is off.

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He was lucky last season because we were winning games that we didn't deserve to win, this season we're no better but not getting lucky wins, we're getting lucky draws instead.


Our training must be terrible if the games are the result of it.

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I think he really needs an attacking coach to come in as part of the back room staff to give him a hand, like Dontooner said he seems to not have many ideas about how to get us going in an attacking sense.


It's been admitted that he doesn't really work on attacking coaching and i doubt he does a great deal of work on our possession judging by our games. Pardew works on mistakes in previous games, prepares for opponent's strengths and weaknesses, does defensive drills etc and apparently it's then up to Carver to work on the other elements, which don't seem to be working.


Perhaps Carver isn't up to it or the balance in training is off.


I'd be very surprised if Carver was the problem.


The guy running the show focuses ONLY on stopping the opposition scoring, that's the issue.

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Looking forward to hearing his post-match thoughts, and if he'll accept any culpability for another non-performance or push it on to key injuries/fixture overload/plucky opponents/one of those days.


He will call our lack of intent in the 1st half & blame Taylors injury for the goals

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I'd honestly love to know how much time and effort is put into planning our attacking play.


We don't seem to have any strategy other than to give it to the wingers and hope one of them does something with it. Ba and Cisse just stand there and wait for the ball to come near them and the central midfielders rarely move out of position.


Looks to me that we set up to nullify our opposition and hope that at some point we work it forward to our strikers well enough to give them a few chances.


He's too negative for me. A team like Reading we should be going out there and inflicting our game upon them, not setting about nullifying them and then hoping to nick a goal somewhere.


Spurs went to Reading a few weeks back and just beat the piss out of them, Reading never stood a chance.


Not sure how far he can take us until he gets a bit more adventurous. We nicked a huge amount of close games that could have gone either way last year, odds are that won't continue. At some point we're gonna have to start imposing ourselves on teams.


He deserves plenty of time to get it right, but at the moment I just don't see what on earth he could be thinking in terms of how he sets us up to attack, and that's alarming.

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I'd honestly love to know how much time and effort is put into planning our attacking play.


We don't seem to have any strategy other than to give it to the wingers and hope one of them does something with it. Ba and Cisse just stand there and wait for the ball to come near them and the central midfielders rarely move out of position.


Looks to me that we set up to nullify our opposition and hope that at some point we work it forward to our strikers well enough to give them a few chances.


He's too negative for me. A team like Reading we should be going out there and inflicting our game upon them, not setting about nullifying them and then hoping to nick a goal somewhere.


Spurs went to Reading a few weeks back and just beat the piss out of them, Reading never stood a chance.


Not sure how far he can take us until he gets a bit more adventurous. We nicked a huge amount of close games that could have gone either way last year, odds are that won't continue. At some point we're gonna have to start imposing ourselves on teams.


He deserves plenty of time to get it right, but at the moment I just don't see what on earth he could be thinking in terms of how he sets us up to attack, that's alarming.


So far this season we look pretty much the same as we did at the start of last season, keep it tight and try and nick a goal, that's unacceptable.

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I'm giving him a bit of leeway because having Williamson at the back isn't going to help when starting attacks. Colo and Taylor at the back means we can keep it on the deck more imo and hopefully start to control games a bit better, like Pardew keeps saying how important that is to do. If we're still like this in a month or two, then I think we've got a big problem. For now it's just a concern, to me.

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Looking forward to hearing his post-match thoughts, and if he'll accept any culpability for another non-performance or push it on to key injuries/fixture overload/plucky opponents/one of those days.


Pardew will be honest about it all.

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I'm giving him a bit of leeway because having Williamson at the back isn't going to help when starting attacks. Colo and Taylor at the back means we can keep it on the deck more imo and hopefully start to control games a bit better, like Pardew keeps saying how important that is to do. If we're still like this in a month or two, then I think we've got a big problem. For now it's just a concern, to me.


Williamson isn't to blame for how our midfield and forwards play.

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Our team and formation when all fit should be. Until we can add more bodies in Jan.




Anita  Taylor  Colo  Santon


          Tiote      Jonas


  Cabaye                  Marveux


              Ben Arfa



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