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Alan Pardew


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If Europa League is a valid excuse for tiredness then in the December to end of January period we should have done much better. Fact is we won 1, drew 1 and lost 7 including a home game to the worst team in the league and dumped out of the FA cup again by Brighton.


And by that point (EL starts):



Bigirimana 7

Perch 6

Williamson 6

Obertan 6

Anita 5

Marveaux 5

Cisse 4

Sh.Ameobi 4

Sa.Ameobi 4

Tavernier 3

Gosling 3

Krul 3

Simpson 3

Coloccini 3

Santon 3

Ferguson 3

Tiote 3

S.Taylor 3

Elliot 3

Harper 2

R.Taylor 2

Ba 1

Amalfitano 1

Vuckic 1

Cabaye 1

Ben Arfa 1

Ranger 1

Abeid 1




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Guest bimpy474

I doubt the 'style' will change, depending on what exactly you mean by style. But I think it's possible we will end up with a basically solid/conservative approach to the game peppered with outstanding moments from the likes of HBA and Cisse. If that results in an enjoyable season and a decent league finish I would be relatively happy.


FWIW I've already said that I wouldn't shed any tears if Pardew was sacked, he has made a lot of mistakes. Personally I would give him another chance if we stay up.


Everything you just said i would agree with as i love the club, and if he does stay then i hope it works out how you have described. If he stays.


I just can't see it, can you really in your heart see that happening as well ?.


I can see us having a much, much better season than this one. Specific league position I haven't a clue. Just like this season has been a negative spiral, a positive one is also possible to create if things go right.


I'm guessing we'll get the chance to find out anyway.


Totally agree, unless we go down he will start the season as manager and despite my obvious dislike of his style of football. He will have my support for the time being.

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If Europa League is a valid excuse for tiredness then in the December to end of January period we should have done much better. Fact is we won 1, drew 1 and lost 7 including a home game to the worst team in the league and dumped out of the FA cup again by Brighton.


Well we improved after January because we brought in some new players and effectively had a different team. We were in a slump before that and confidence was ebbing away.


I don't see why people are dismissing the tiredness issue in such an aggressive way. The team was playing its 5th game in a fortnight against a team that was playing its 3rd. We had played three days before. Any opposition in that situation will be at an advantage.


That's not the only reason we lost. But it's the reason why we were unable to make use of our superior squad.


Stats don't mean everything, but they do reinforce my own impression of an even game. They scored at the right times, we were unlucky in having what would probably have been a game-changing goal wrongly chalked off.

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None of the players have any right to want out after this season, they need to suck it up and make amends for their rank performances.


You may have noticed that very few of them are from the UK, let alone the NE...why should they feel any loyalty, especially if they are being asked to play in a way that doesn't use their talents properly, or offer the chance of success.

Would YOU stay with a company that was run by a poor manager out of loyalty if you were offered a better job ..?

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Guest bimpy474

Cronky you can't judge a game like that. If we had scored the goal that was wrongly called offside, Then you would have to have factored in the Mackems being given a stonewall penalty and the possible sending off of Gouffran as possibles as well.

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I know that overall Souness has a better win % with Newcastle than Pardew does but doesn anyone know how i can get the league % only?


I have tried gurlgling it but didn't see anything.

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Guest neesy111

Cronky you can't judge a game like that. If we had scored the goal that was wrongly called offside, Then you would have to have factored in the Mackems being given a stonewall penalty and the possible sending off of Gouffran as possibles as well.




Also the 5th game in 2 weeks wasn't for the whole squad.

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Cronky you can't judge a game like that. If we had scored the goal that was wrongly called offside, Then you would have to have factored in the Mackems being given a stonewall penalty and the possible sending off of Gouffran as possibles as well.


Fair point, but the big picture is that both sides had their chances, and it could have gone either way.


I just worry that if all this negativity is typical, it might get through to the players. It wasn't our day. Let's move on.

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If Europa League is a valid excuse for tiredness then in the December to end of January period we should have done much better. Fact is we won 1, drew 1 and lost 7 including a home game to the worst team in the league and dumped out of the FA cup again by Brighton.


Well we improved after January because we brought in some new players and effectively had a different team. We were in a slump before that and confidence was ebbing away.


I don't see why people are dismissing the tiredness issue in such an aggressive way. The team was playing its 5th game in a fortnight against a team that was playing its 3rd. We had played three days before. Any opposition in that situation will be at an advantage.


That's not the only reason we lost. But it's the reason why we were unable to make use of our superior squad.


Stats don't mean everything, but they do reinforce my own impression of an even game. They scored at the right times, we were unlucky in having what would probably have been a game-changing goal wrongly chalked off.


Fatigue, both mental and physical can be a factor, even if you change half a team, the levels at which the game is played today you will be found out if just 2 or 3 players are not 100%. 

I think even more pertinent is preparation time. Nowadays there is a meticulous approach to the opposition and only being able to give total focus to the next game for one and a half days or so, rather than a full week, is difficult.

This is not an excuse for Sunday, our superior players should have seen them off regardless, but to disregard the effect of playing five full on games in 2 weeks is naive at best.

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Wolves (2-2)


"There was a little bit of after effect from Spurs. We could have pushed in a little bit more – especially our full-backs – but we were a bit nervous after being given the runaround at Tottenham.


"I think that had an effect. But we were far better for that performance, I could be a lot more disappointed than I am, because it’s a game where some of our players have played below their level.


"In particular the players who came back in, they needed that game. Cheick in particular had to get back up to Premier League speed – Cabaye started to get some form towards the end of the game I thought. I think we will be better set for next weekend.


Arsenal (1-2)


"It was a really committed performance to try and get something against a side that are really in form. They pushed and they pushed and unfortunately we didn't have the legs left at the end to see it through.


Chelsea (0-2)


"But the two players who played on Thursday, Anita and Papiss Cisse, were our quietest if I’m honest.


"Today was a little bit unfair on us. We couldn’t move the game to Sunday because of the Notting Hill Carnival. It would have been good to have that extra day’s rest.


"We know from our own stats and information that professional players, no matter who they are, can’t play at that level for two games over two days, so we were a bit unlucky today with fixture.


Villa (1-1)


"There are two teams on the pitch - sometimes you have to say the other team were better than us, and they were. They controlled the game and got a grip of it. They were faster than us and quicker than us. They were quicker into the tackle, and that’s how the Premier League is. We fell on them at a bad time.


Reading (2-2)


“We can’t keep relying on our spirit and a bit of quality to get us these points, we’ve got to find a way of getting some rhythm in our play. Reading did a good job of upsetting that today, they didn’t give us a moment’s peace. They were all over us, as you’d expect.


“That intensity and quality they’ve got will see them all right. They’ve got no worries in this Premier League. There will be some good teams beaten here and we were fortunate we weren’t one of them today.


West Ham (0-1)


“It hurts too much to judge our start at the moment. We have a side that has played its 17th game and it is proving difficult to get into a rhythm at home at the moment.


"I didn’t think Europe had much impact here, we had a team that was protected from that. We prepared well and had a good mind set, but we just didn’t click and the pressure did not produce a special moment.


Swansea (1-2)


“I think it’s important that we threaten the goal, and we did that. Unfortunately, the first goal was everything with us getting beat last week, and it did affect us. I thought it might, and it did.


Southampton (0-2)


"The difference between last season and this is playing in the Europa League. I feel sorry for the young players like Shane Ferguson who are trying to find their feet in this league, they are trying to find some confidence and it us hard for them.


"Everything seems to be going against us and we have to be tough, but we are not creating the chances that we did last season. The team is not creating. We are struggling at the minute.


Man City (1-3)


"You didn’t need to be a genius to work out that the fans would be patient with us today playing the champions but we need that same patience against QPR. The players are going to be edgy because of the position we are in.


Arsenal (3-7)


"We really were down to the bare bones. At least Mike Williamson will come back on Wednesday and hopefully Vurnon Anita.


"If Arsenal had played on Boxing Day, we certainly wouldn’t have had the scoreline that we did."


Everton (1-2)


"We have played Arsenal, Manchester United and Everton, three really, really top teams without our best team, far from it, but we have to take heart from the performances we are giving.


"But that ain't enough. We need some new bodies in, we need some bodies out of the treatment room and we need to get our best side back on the pitch because we won't hide from the fact that we are right in it now and we have got to get out of it.


Brighton (0-2)


"We are missing too many of our top players and we need them back and quickly. Fabricio Coloccini and Papiss Cisse picked up minor injuries midweek and I couldn't risk losing them for some important Premier League games looming. In the situation we're in, the most important thing is our Premier League status.


"The truth is that not once this season have I had my best side out. We're not too big to go down. I think it is important to spend. We lost Cheick (Tiote) and Demba (Ba), one to African Nations and one to a transfer.


"The most important thing for us is our Premier League status now because we've put ourselves at risk with all the injuries and the run we're on. We need to make sure we're a Premier League side next season. We're not hiding from that. We need our best players back.


"I'm a bit aggrieved I can't put out a stronger team than that because there are young players who gave everything. Unfortunately they shouldn't be playing for Newcastle in the third round, they should be in our development team.


"But that's where we're at. We didn't have enough good players on the pitch. That team is a shadow of the team we can put out. We never thought we'd be in this position. We should have brought in one or two more. We're paying the price.


Reading (1-2)


"When you're down the bottom things go against you and we lost our way a bit. It was a tough day for us today, we felt we were in a really good place to win today and we couldn't and that is a worry.


"We had to take Cabaye off because of an injury, that brought negative reaction from the crowd and that spread around.


"We need some impetus in terms of signings. It needs a little boost, to get everyone to get their heads up. We have lost Demba Ba and Cheik Tiote. We have got Cabaye back, but he is just on the first stage of his comeback. We needed him towards the end of the game.


Man City (0-4)


"I felt in the first half that City had an assurance about them that comes from no pressure, I don’t think they are going to win the league after Manchester United won today and we didn’t help by not putting them under pressure.


"So when you have players like they have who are under no pressure then they are going to play well. That was our biggest problem.

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Cronky you can't judge a game like that. If we had scored the goal that was wrongly called offside, Then you would have to have factored in the Mackems being given a stonewall penalty and the possible sending off of Gouffran as possibles as well.


Fair point, but the big picture is that both sides had their chances, and it could have gone either way.


I just worry that if all this negativity is typical, it might get through to the players. It wasn't our day. Let's move on.




Negativity pours out of Pardew's mouth on a daily basis but he gets a pass?


Negative fans though, after a pasting off that lot? Cunts.

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Four of the outfield ten against Sunderland played no part against Benfica. Marveaux played for 25mins. That's half the team that should have been as fresh as a daisy. And if you're genuinely worried about the other players being knackered then perhaps allowing the opposition 2/3's of the possession for over an hour isn't such a great idea.

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If he's not going to get any credit for getting to a European QF then it's mental IMO. There are plenty of actual things to slag him off about.


He gets credit Ian, but it has to be relative to the achievement.


I agree. Nobody was saying it was equivalent to winning the Champions League or anything, but it was a decent achievement.

Pardew said it was tougher.
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Maybe Pardew's right and this squad is just full of complete pussies.


Dunno about that but we're certainly a soft touch compared to most PL teams.


:lol: I was being a bit facetious.


Soft, maybe. Exhausted, no way.

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Skeletor, respect on the effort of gathering all those quotes, but what was the point?


That he uses the same excuses time and time again when we lose and doesn't fix any of the problems (note the problems are a recurring part of the quotes). He's a negative man who never once takes the blame for any thing.

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Guest Dontooner

Apologist for Pardew are Morons, just plain simple stupid morons

We lost 3 Nil to the Mackems Enough said

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Guest neesy111

So fitness was an issue last season according to Pardew despite only getting to 4th round of both cups.  Something seriously wrong with our training and fitness regime imo.

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Guest neesy111

Apologist for Pardew are Morons, just plain simple stupid morons


Stupid comment.


They bring up some good points about not sacking the manager.  I think the players are getting an easy ride in this debate tbh.

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I know that overall Souness has a better win % with Newcastle than Pardew does but doesn anyone know how i can get the league % only?


I have tried gurlgling it but didn't see anything.


First league game was Soton away and last was City away the following season. Think you're gonna have to work it out manually.

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