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How highly do you rate... Robert Pires?


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I think Totti is top, top class but he strikes me as the sort, who would have ended up going to Chelsea for big money, struggled because of the style of football his team played and the incumbent players in his position, then left after two/three years with a reputation as a failure after he went back to starring in Italy.


Bit like Cassano then?

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Guest Howaythetoon

Comparing Le Tissier and Totti. :lol:


HTT's posts on foreign football are always worth a chuckle like.


They are very similar players actually. Although I understand that while Le Tissier was banging them in, you were too busy marveling at Paul McGrath :lol: so its probably understanding that you don't get the similarities.


Anyway... how indeed does Totti deserve UK recognition?!

The thing is we probably got into football around the same time even though your loads older than me too.


Also your patronising doesn't work as you've yet again shown your Premier League bias.


Fwiw Le Tissier was class but not in the same league as somebody like Totti. But you just wrote out my opinion for me which was nice of you.


You patronised me first by basically saying my comparison of Totti and Le Tissier was laughable. To you maybe, but to me, they were very similar in terms of ability especially, with Le Tissier, vastly underrated. Le Tissier today would be one of the league's best players easily.


I'm not showcasing any Premier League bias either, I cannot stand our Premier League, its massively overrated. Indeed I probably watch more foreign teams than our own these days as I just can't be bothered with the whole Premier League 'experience', same old top 4, same old tired pundits, same old taking heads, same old crap.


Back to Totti, my whole issue with your views on him is this deserving of recognition over here which I really don't get. He is or was no Zidane or Ronaldo, he was just a top Serie A player... very much in the same way Le Tissier for example was in his day a top Premier League player. Does he deserve international recognition or recognition from Italy?!

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Guest Howaythetoon

They are, both one club men, both a bit lazy/temperamental, both more of a forward than a striker and both capable of genius. People forget just how good Le Tissier was.


So good he couldn't get near the England team nevermind shine at an international tournament? Being the lynchpin at a s*** club like Saints is slightly different to being the equivalent at a team who try and do something like Roma.


Accepted, but in terms of individual ability, they are or were very similar. Anyway my intention wasn't to compare the two exactly, but to ask why on earth does Totti deserve to be recognized over here?!


Because he is one of the best players to play in a top European league . Much like Iniesta, Falcao, Nesta (to name a randome 3) or whoever who hasn't played in England should be recognised because they're top players regardless of whether they've played in the 'best league in the world'. The PL is not the be all and end all, it never has been and never will be.


Le Tissier was one of the best players in his day back here in the Premier League (a top European League), does he deserve recognition abroad? As for your Premier League argument, I don't know who you are preaching to but I certainly don't think a player has to play here and perform well to deserve recognition here and I certainly don't regard it as the best League in the world


You obviously rate Totti, good on you, you obviously recognise his talents and appreciate them too, that doesn't mean we all do or should though and it is ludicrous to expect so much less to think he deserves it.

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They are, both one club men, both a bit lazy/temperamental, both more of a forward than a striker and both capable of genius. People forget just how good Le Tissier was.


So good he couldn't get near the England team nevermind shine at an international tournament? Being the lynchpin at a s*** club like Saints is slightly different to being the equivalent at a team who try and do something like Roma.


Accepted, but in terms of individual ability, they are or were very similar. Anyway my intention wasn't to compare the two exactly, but to ask why on earth does Totti deserve to be recognized over here?!


Because he is one of the best players to play in a top European league . Much like Iniesta, Falcao, Nesta (to name a randome 3) or whoever who hasn't played in England should be recognised because they're top players regardless of whether they've played in the 'best league in the world'. The PL is not the be all and end all, it never has been and never will be.


Le Tissier was one of the best players in his day back here in the Premier League (a top European League), does he deserve recognition abroad? As for your Premier League argument, I don't know who you are preaching to but I certainly don't think a player has to play here and perform well to deserve recognition here and I certainly don't regard it as the best League in the world


You obviously rate Totti, good on you, you obviously recognise his talents and appreciate them too, that doesn't mean we all do or should though and it is ludicrous to expect so much less to think he deserves it.


I thought you (HTT) were driving at Totti not having performed against English clubs in the CL, therefore not deserving recognition here.

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Guest Howaythetoon

They are, both one club men, both a bit lazy/temperamental, both more of a forward than a striker and both capable of genius. People forget just how good Le Tissier was.


So good he couldn't get near the England team nevermind shine at an international tournament? Being the lynchpin at a s*** club like Saints is slightly different to being the equivalent at a team who try and do something like Roma.


Accepted, but in terms of individual ability, they are or were very similar. Anyway my intention wasn't to compare the two exactly, but to ask why on earth does Totti deserve to be recognized over here?!


Because he is one of the best players to play in a top European league . Much like Iniesta, Falcao, Nesta (to name a randome 3) or whoever who hasn't played in England should be recognised because they're top players regardless of whether they've played in the 'best league in the world'. The PL is not the be all and end all, it never has been and never will be.


Le Tissier was one of the best players in his day back here in the Premier League (a top European League), does he deserve recognition abroad? As for your Premier League argument, I don't know who you are preaching to but I certainly don't think a player has to play here and perform well to deserve recognition here and I certainly don't regard it as the best League in the world


You obviously rate Totti, good on you, you obviously recognise his talents and appreciate them too, that doesn't mean we all do or should though and it is ludicrous to expect so much less to think he deserves it.


I thought you (HTT) were driving at Totti not having performed against English clubs in the CL, therefore not deserving recognition here.




I couldn't even tell you any English club Totti has played against apart from our own where a certain Aaron Hughes marked him out the game, so no bias there.


Totti will always stand out as a great club and league player rather than a great player of the game. For me anyway.

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How many of the winners in the last decade? 20 years?


last 10:


England 3, Italy 3, Spain 3, Portugal.


last 20:


Spain 6, Italy 5, England 4, Germany 2, Portugal, Netherlands, France.




A pretty acceptable rate for both England and Italy....


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How many of the winners in the last decade? 20 years?


Don't know off-hand, but it seems a bit of a misrepresentative question and answer given that we're in the Era of Barcelona! :lol:


FWIW, I think the Premiership is probably at its nadir (for my memory, anyway), and after years of hyperbole (mainly Sky-induced, I should add) around it and the downplaying of the quality of foreign leagues, the over-compensation leaning the other way is probably a bit too strong now IMO.


It still offers an awful lot.

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Guest firetotheworks

Le Tissier wouldn't be playing today in the same mould. Southampton put up with his fatness and lack of fitness because the bottom line was that he was a fantastic footballer. He would have had to have been much less of a show off in a better team, and probably wouldn't have liked the attention being away from him. I imagine he would admit that, too, considering he constantly refers to how he was a total show off.




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Guest Howaythetoon

Le Tissier wouldn't be playing today in the same mould. Southampton put up with his fatness and lack of fitness because the bottom line was that he was a fantastic footballer. He would have had to have been much less of a show off in a better team, and probably wouldn't have liked the attention being away from him. I imagine he would admit that, too, considering he constantly refers to how he was a total show off.





Maybe so, but in terms of football ability, he had bags of it and could do with a ball what most couldn't. I wonder what he would have been like had he had real pace and a real appetite to work hard on the pitch. I used to love watching him though, so pleasing on the eye and for someone consdered fat and slow, he could move that ball around his feet with ease. Those goals he scored against us as welll... the cunt!

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I think Totti is top, top class but he strikes me as the sort, who would have ended up going to Chelsea for big money, struggled because of the style of football his team played and the incumbent players in his position, then left after two/three years with a reputation as a failure after he went back to starring in Italy.


Bit like Cassano then?


Yeah but Cassano would go out in a blaze of glory, his mouth would cause his problems (outrageous comments or too much pastry etc.)

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In Italy Totti has a reputation as an imbecile which takes off some of the exotic shine. He's their equivalent of a chav with money. Same could be said for most footballers, I suppose.


No doubt he's a top player. He does what he does very well. But no way in hell is he going to be managing in the future. At least, I hope not. He's not intelligent enough.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Next up, Zizou.




Seems to divide opinion. I thought the way he controlled the ball and moved on the pitch was a joy to watch, but sometimes he wasn't that effective despite his brilliance.


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for me zidane was a real great player, but was not one of the greatest of all time, lack of speed and couldn't real pass his opponent like the ronaldo, pele, maradonna or messi did for fun.

when you say this to the french, they think you r a fool, but real people know....


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for me zidane was a real great player, but was not one of the greatest of all time, lack of speed and couldn't real pass his opponent like the ronaldo, pele, maradonna or messi did for fun.

when you say this to the french, they think you r a fool, but real people know....



Oh, he could do that so so well tbh. The Zidane pirouette :smitten:


One of the very best players I've ever seen play without a shadow of doubt. At WC 2006 he started so poor and played such great football once again for the last times on from the round of last sixteen.


Wanted him to win that final against Italy so badly and it ended up in such a wrong way for him.

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On form, I thought he controlled games more effectively than possibly anyone else I've seen other than Xavi and maybe a select few others.


On that basis, given the choice I'd probably pick him ahead of a Messi if I was captain of a team and you had to alternately pick players for your side (:lol:). So while I think Messi is unquestionably a more devastating attacking force, I think in terms of dictating games from the centre, I'd rather have Zidane.


That's just a personal preference though as I think the likes of Zidane, Scholes, Vieira, Xavi etc are more important at the highest level than the marauders such as Messi, CRonaldo, Henry etc. Maybe that's veering too far into a debate about importance of position though, rather than a comparison of players. [That's not to say that any of the above names don't/can't/didn't/couldn't do both, but their prowess in each respective role was not equal IMO]. Off the top of my head, Iniesta is a pretty strong candidate for someone who really excels in both roles.

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