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Guest icemanblue

As much as I'd like Benitez (never thought I'd say that), I just can't bring myself to fully believe it. Would we really go from a bargain basement setup, with a near skeleton coaching staff, to forking out for Rafa and his crew? All sounds a bit pie in the sky.

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As much as I'd like Benitez (never thought I'd say that), I just can't bring myself to fully believe it. Would we really go from a bargain basement setup, with a near skeleton coaching staff, to forking out for Rafa and his crew? All sounds a bit pie in the sky.


It's unlikely, but Ashley is unpredictable and concessions were made in January (I'm clinging onto fading hope).

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Benitez says he wants to stay in England.  It won't be at Manchester United or City, Chelsea, Arsenal or Spurs.  Doubt he'd go to Everton after managing Liverpool, and Brendan Rodgers isn't going anywhere.  If you leave out those teams, which club is a better option than us?

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Benítez hasn't been afraid of taking time off until a good job appears. I think he'll come out of Chelsea just fine, particularly if they win the EL, and probably won't need a job right away to keep his "status".


And all in all, I just can't see your board making a particular effort to convince him, money-wise.

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Anyway, thinking some Spain-based managers Montanier hasn't yet signed an extension. And he's just been linked with Rennes, surely you could beat Rennes?


JIM has done wonders at Levante and there's hints he'll leave. He plays no-frills counterattacking football with plenty of kicking, but he's been ridiculously effective managing that team of hasbeens and rejects.


Pellegrini seems destined to City, a pity.


There's Pepe Mel, too. Got a modest team like Betis playing some fantastic stuff and is about to qualify them for Europe after several solid seasons from them. Can't see him leaving that place just yet, though.


Sandoval has done something similar with Rayo, too. I personally adore his upbeat attitude, even when facing big teams like us or Madrid he plays gung-ho attacking football. But for some reason I can't see him working abroad; comes across as a good old fashioned working class god-fearing Spaniard that wouldn't adapt too well to life abroad.


Oh, and there's this José Mourinho fella that's looking he'll get the sack too.



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Girard ticks a lot of boxes. There'll be no compensation and, because he's an old man looking to try another country, he'd ask for modest wages. He wont be in demand and Ligue 1 managers dont have high wages anyway. Plays nice football and has worked with some our players before. He can bring Belhanda with him! The only major issue is that he has no PL experience, like a lot of our squad.


Montanier would be great though, just dunno if the club are aware of him.


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Anyway, thinking some Spain-based managers Montanier hasn't yet signed an extension. And he's just been linked with Rennes, surely you could beat Rennes?


JIM has done wonders at Levante and there's hints he'll leave. He plays no-frills counterattacking football with plenty of kicking, but he's been ridiculously effective managing that team of hasbeens and rejects.


Pellegrini seems destined to City, a pity.


There's Pepe Mel, too. Got a modest team like Betis playing some fantastic stuff and is about to qualify them for Europe after several solid seasons from them. Can't see him leaving that place just yet, though.


Sandoval has done something similar with Rayo, too. I personally adore his upbeat attitude, even when facing big teams like us or Madrid he plays gung-ho attacking football. But for some reason I can't see him working abroad; comes across as a good old fashioned working class god-fearing Spaniard that wouldn't adapt too well to life abroad.


Oh, and there's this José Mourinho fella that's looking he'll get the sack too.




What's Bielsa's position at Athletic like?  They don't seem to have been as successful this season.  Is he likely to move on at some point?

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Dunno, everybody assumes that he'll leave/get the sack. I don't think he would work at NUFC, he's just well... el Loco. He's pretty much a football savant, and seems just downright awful at man-management. If everything clicks and the players are onboard - and he's extremely demanding tactically -, you get Athletic last season; if not you have Athletic this season.


His pressers are immense though, he talks football like an absent-minded nuclear scientist would talk about an atomic reaction. He just lives for it.

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Because he announced he'd love to stay in England and his Family is here. Also he said his agent was actively trying to find him a club here. He could realistically be ours if the owner went for it.

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Cracks me up everytime when people add a little, "I hate you Alan." "f*** off Pards" etc  :)


It's a, I know that feel, moment for a lot of us.



Its a genuine feeling, though. Not just a forum inspired get-on-the-same-bandwagon type of feeling. I really do hate him. Bunch of french internationals and he has them playing awful, non-attacking, no-movement type of football.

Its like watching a boat steering right towards a big fucking iceberg and yet while it can steer away and safely save everyone onboard, it doesnt.

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We'll keep Pardew for a few more months yet, but I'd think someone like Malky McKay would be a more likely successor than Rafa. I'd not have a problem with that, either.

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Cracks me up everytime when people add a little, "I hate you Alan." "f*** off Pards" etc  :)


It's a, I know that feel, moment for a lot of us.



Its a genuine feeling, though. Not just a forum inspired get-on-the-same-bandwagon type of feeling. I really do hate him. Bunch of french internationals and he has them playing awful, non-attacking, no-movement type of football.

Its like watching a boat steering right towards a big fucking iceberg and yet while it can steer away and safely save everyone onboard, it doesnt.


It's more like we've just avoided a big iceberg and we're waiting to see where we're going now.

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