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Garde is not some scrub man. He managed Lyon in the Champion's League for goodness sake.


He played a few year's in this country too, so it wouldn't be completely alien to him, and speaks English. He's also available and willing to start immediately.


If Carr approves, enough faffing about. Get this shit done.

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Garde has been recommended by chief scout Graham Carr, while owner Mike Ashley, who has been distracted by attempts in Scotland to push him out of power at Rangers, has given Charnley the authority to make a final decision, even though Charnley has never made a managerial appointment before.


FOR f*** SAKE!!!


What is the issue here? As far as I'm concerned Mike is not making the decision = Massive win. Especially with GC making the recommendation.


Why on earth would Charnley be given the final say, ahead of Carr's recommendation?! What the hell does he know?




Graham Carr is a scout, he's not going to get the final say on the new manager. Lee Charnley is the Managing Director, he won't necessarily know who to hire, but he will delegate that task to those working for him, namely Mr Carr. The likelihood is that he will take Carr's recommendation, if the finances work out. There is nothing out of the ordinary here. You should be happy that a decision is going to be made without Mike Ashley's involvement.

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Garde is not some scrub man. He managed Lyon in the Champion's League for goodness sake.


He played a few year's in this country too, so it wouldn't be completely alien to him, and speaks English. He's also available and willing to start immediately.


If Carr approves, enough faffing about. Get this s*** done.



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Garde has been recommended by chief scout Graham Carr, while owner Mike Ashley, who has been distracted by attempts in Scotland to push him out of power at Rangers, has given Charnley the authority to make a final decision, even though Charnley has never made a managerial appointment before.


FOR f*** SAKE!!!


What is the issue here? As far as I'm concerned Mike is not making the decision = Massive win. Especially with GC making the recommendation.


Why on earth would Charnley be given the final say, ahead of Carr's recommendation?! What the hell does he know?




Graham Carr is a scout, he's not going to get the final say on the new manager. Lee Charnley is the Managing Director, he won't necessarily know who to hire, but he will delegate that task to those working for him, namely Mr Carr. There is nothing out of the ordinary here. You should be happy that a decision is going to be made without Mike Ashley's involvement.




True, but Graham Carr is vastly experienced in all areas of the game, I wtrust him ahead of anyone else involved with the club at the minute. Also, if the alternative is Carver till the end of the season, then it's a no brainer for me. I mean come on ... Carver? Really?


Maybe Garde will accept a Pepe Mel type deal, until the end of the season. We can only hope and pray.

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Could be like the Coloccini signing. Not announce anything for weeks but then Ashley rocks up to a match with Carver #1 on the back of his shirt.




What an abject scenario man. Why even fathom such a thing?

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Man if Carver flukes a result against Chelsea he will start running his mouth again, and letting Robson's name fly loosely from his mouth.


The media will then start trumpeting him, and saying he deserves a chance, because he's English of course.


Honestly, I am terrified of the possibility.

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