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Newcastle United 3 - 2 Chelsea - 02/02/13 - post-match orgasm from page 58


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@NUFC_Stats: Quote from Cech today "I've never heard noise like it in my life when Newcastle score, this place is unbelievable" (via @GrayWag)




There's seemingly no source on that btw.

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Did the actually like Di Matteo when he was in charge, or just because he won the CL?


Well he was an ex-player so he was liked a little bit more than most managers are....


Tbf to them though Di Matteo should have never been sacked.


Perhaps, but he should never have been given the job. Done nothing at all to warrant it - come on, as if man sacked by West Brom would get the job at Man City or ManU - wanting to challenge for the title.


They really are a laughing stock with this DiMatteo obsession, it's on a whole other level to us with KK and not as warranted in the slightest.



As a temporary manager won them the Champions League and FA Cup within half a year of taking over, not to mention his achievements there as a player.  They are right to feel aggrieved, the first poor run of form and Roman forgets all that and replaces him with Rafa Benitez of all people.

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Did the actually like Di Matteo when he was in charge, or just because he won the CL?


Well he was an ex-player so he was liked a little bit more than most managers are....


Tbf to them though Di Matteo should have never been sacked.


Perhaps, but he should never have been given the job. Done nothing at all to warrant it - come on, as if man sacked by West Brom would get the job at Man City or ManU - wanting to challenge for the title.


They really are a laughing stock with this DiMatteo obsession, it's on a whole other level to us with KK and not as warranted in the slightest.



As a temporary manager won them the Champions League and FA Cup within half a year of taking over, not to mention his achievements there as a player.  They are right to feel aggrieved, the first poor run of form and Roman forgets all that and replaces him with Rafa Benitez of all people.


I'd say a cup run is not much of a basis to judge a manager, especially when it wasn't even all the cup! How many games did they involve, considering AVB had taken them much of the way? And Benitez is a way more accomplished manager than DiMatteo.




4 games in the FA cup and 4 ties in the CL, culminating in a penalty shoot out. Meanwhile taking them to 6th in the league. He was hired in March and a worse run than AVB, I think hiring him was silly (a la Roeder).

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From the banner in the away fans on Saturday it looks like the Glasgow Rangers/Chelsea love in continues. How sad.

I've got nothing against either club, in fact I've always had a soft spot for Rangers, but I find this rather strange liason quite pathetic.


Aye me too, there were tons of Chelsea 'fans' around town with Jock accents. Gloryhunting bastards.


Always surprises me how few Scottish fans we have given our relative proximity to Scotland.

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From the banner in the away fans on Saturday it looks like the Glasgow Rangers/Chelsea love in continues. How sad.

I've got nothing against either club, in fact I've always had a soft spot for Rangers, but I find this rather strange liason quite pathetic.


Aye me too, there were tons of Chelsea 'fans' around town with Jock accents. Gloryhunting b******s.


Always surprises me how few Scottish fans we have given our relative proximity to Scotland.


I used to live in Edinburgh and the train station was fairly packed with toon fans on a saturday morning.

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From the banner in the away fans on Saturday it looks like the Glasgow Rangers/Chelsea love in continues. How sad.

I've got nothing against either club, in fact I've always had a soft spot for Rangers, but I find this rather strange liason quite pathetic.


Aye me too, there were tons of Chelsea 'fans' around town with Jock accents. Gloryhunting bastards.


Always surprises me how few Scottish fans we have given our relative proximity to Scotland.


I'd probably disagree with that, I think we have a lot of Scottish fans. Many from the borders but always see NUFC tops in Glasgow, Edinburgh and especially Aberdeen too.

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Yeah, seen it a few places but no one seems to know where or when it was said.


It's made up. Pretty sad tbh.


Apologies for posting it... Anyway I see Cech broke his finger during the game... Wonder if it was from Sissoko's run and shot...

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Did the actually like Di Matteo when he was in charge, or just because he won the CL?


Well he was an ex-player so he was liked a little bit more than most managers are....


Tbf to them though Di Matteo should have never been sacked.


Perhaps, but he should never have been given the job. Done nothing at all to warrant it - come on, as if man sacked by West Brom would get the job at Man City or ManU - wanting to challenge for the title.


They really are a laughing stock with this DiMatteo obsession, it's on a whole other level to us with KK and not as warranted in the slightest.



As a temporary manager won them the Champions League and FA Cup within half a year of taking over, not to mention his achievements there as a player.  They are right to feel aggrieved, the first poor run of form and Roman forgets all that and replaces him with Rafa Benitez of all people.


I'd say a cup run is not much of a basis to judge a manager, especially when it wasn't even all the cup! How many games did they involve, considering AVB had taken them much of the way? And Benitez is a way more accomplished manager than DiMatteo.




4 games in the FA cup and 4 ties in the CL, culminating in a penalty shoot out. Meanwhile taking them to 6th in the league. He was hired in March and a worse run than AVB, I think hiring him was silly (a la Roeder).


I don't think we are going to agree and i don't really quite understand why you would suggest Chelsea fans are a laughing stock because they are aggrieved with Di Matteo's sacking.


But like it or not Di Matteo, yeah he did have a shit CV pre-Chelsea, but as an interim manager he impressively got them 2 major trophies and that coupled with being a legend there as a player, it's going to instill some loyalty from the fans.  He deserved to have been given more time from Roman, that is what annoys them.  It doesn't even remotely compare with Roeder tbh.  They probably have more right to be 'obsessed' with him in your words than Keegan is with us fans.



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Did the actually like Di Matteo when he was in charge, or just because he won the CL?


Well he was an ex-player so he was liked a little bit more than most managers are....


Tbf to them though Di Matteo should have never been sacked.


Perhaps, but he should never have been given the job. Done nothing at all to warrant it - come on, as if man sacked by West Brom would get the job at Man City or ManU - wanting to challenge for the title.


They really are a laughing stock with this DiMatteo obsession, it's on a whole other level to us with KK and not as warranted in the slightest.



As a temporary manager won them the Champions League and FA Cup within half a year of taking over, not to mention his achievements there as a player.  They are right to feel aggrieved, the first poor run of form and Roman forgets all that and replaces him with Rafa Benitez of all people.


I'd say a cup run is not much of a basis to judge a manager, especially when it wasn't even all the cup! How many games did they involve, considering AVB had taken them much of the way? And Benitez is a way more accomplished manager than DiMatteo.




4 games in the FA cup and 4 ties in the CL, culminating in a penalty shoot out. Meanwhile taking them to 6th in the league. He was hired in March and a worse run than AVB, I think hiring him was silly (a la Roeder).


I don't think we are going to agree and i don't really quite understand why you would suggest Chelsea fans are a laughing stock because they are aggrieved with Di Matteo's sacking.


But like it or not Di Matteo, yeah he did have a s*** CV pre-Chelsea, but as an interim manager he impressively got them 2 major trophies and that coupled with being a legend there as a player, it's going to instill some loyalty from the fans.  He deserved to have been given more time from Roman, that is what annoys them.  It doesn't even remotely compare with Roeder tbh.  They probably have more right to be 'obsessed' with him in your words than Keegan is with us fans.




I don't have a problem with their opposition to his sacking, but I think this continued berating of Benitez and martyrdom of Di Matteo, this clapping thing does make them a laughing stock. I would say it was stupid with anyone, it would be if we'd done it with Keegan - and I'm saying we, the famously obsessed messiah-complex fans never were that daft with Keegan. But at least our KK love is based on more than 2 months of good performance in cups (while having worst league finish).

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Guest neesy111

@NUFC_Stats: Quote from Cech today "I've never heard noise like it in my life when Newcastle score, this place is unbelievable" (via @GrayWag)




There's seemingly no source on that btw.




Sick of seeing it being quoted. ;)

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It seems to me the ball was there to be won after it rebounded into the air from Krul, and as such both players were entitled to go for it, and I think that's what the ref thought too.

Also, in trying to win the ball first, Ba ducked his head into the clearance attempt by Colo, and you can't give a pen every time a striker puts his head in where boots are flying.  Its a calculated risk by strikers, sometimes they score, other times they lose their teeth, in this case Ba came off worse, end of story.


The instruction from my referee associations about this is to consider the waist level as the dividing line.  Head below the wait level, and its Dangerous play.  Feet higher than the waist and its dangerous play.


In this example Colo's foot was way higher than waist level.


I don't think that Webb didn't give a penalty for any reason except that he didn't see Colocini's foot contact with Ba's face (and neither did the AR) as both were shielded from view by the two players.

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a) The ball was there to be won, if Colo hadn't of went for it and allowed Ba a free header he'd have been slated. And rightly so.


b) Last December Chelsea should have been down to ten men very early on, if that had have happened i'm sure we'd have won that game. You win some, you lose some so fuck off you soft southern bed wetters.

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Possible Giggs, but did anyone listen to 606? Alan Green "I've seen it, Coloccini knew what he was doing...". Alan Green is just the latest of the Keys/Gray type pundits knocking about. He puts himself up on a pedestal with occasional self-deprecation so he cant be accused of being arrogant. He just sounds like a bitter old man sometimes. Coloccini's eyes were never off the ball if i recall correctly?


Maybe a pen like, never a red

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Guest Brazilianbob

It seems to me the ball was there to be won after it rebounded into the air from Krul, and as such both players were entitled to go for it, and I think that's what the ref thought too.

Also, in trying to win the ball first, Ba ducked his head into the clearance attempt by Colo, and you can't give a pen every time a striker puts his head in where boots are flying.  Its a calculated risk by strikers, sometimes they score, other times they lose their teeth, in this case Ba came off worse, end of story.


The instruction from my referee associations about this is to consider the waist level as the dividing line.  Head below the wait level, and its Dangerous play.  Feet higher than the waist and its dangerous play.


In this example Colo's foot was way higher than waist level.


I don't think that Webb didn't give a penalty for any reason except that he didn't see Colocini's foot contact with Ba's face (and neither did the AR) as both were shielded from view by the two players.


Its all very well referees associations pontificating about the rules and regulations and setting a rule of thumb as waist height for dangerous play, but is that across the board, i.e. all ref associations or just yours.  Also, how many times do we see referees disallow a glorious goal where the forward has executed an overhead kick or a bicycle kick whilst the defender tries to clear it with his head.  Rarely, if at all is the answer.  It's a mans game not a non-contact game of five a side. 

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Possible Giggs, but did anyone listen to 606? Alan Green "I've seen it, Coloccini knew what he was doing...". Alan Green is just the latest of the Keys/Gray type pundits knocking about. He puts himself up on a pedestal with occasional self-deprecation so he cant be accused of being arrogant. He just sounds like a bitter old man sometimes. Coloccini's eyes were never off the ball if i recall correctly?


Maybe a pen like, never a red


Alan Green is one of the worst things in the world. Tragedy for 606, because generally it's a good way to listen to the post-match reaction. But when he's doing it it's unlistenable.

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I haven't really thought about the ins and outs of the Colo-Ba thing, maybe because there's nothing that can be done about it anyway. The main question for me is always 'have we been lucky there?' and the answer is no. We were the better team for the most part and were definitely deserving of the win.


If any Chelsea fans want to over-analyse anything, maybe they should analyse their spending, and ask how they didn't blow us out the water.


I reckon it could easily have been a foul, but never a red, fwiw.

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It's nothing like it tbh, for various reasons.

elaborate? Same exact mechanism, one's in the area the other isn't? If Jonas put his head in there would he not have hurt himself? it's exactly the same.


Well for a start, Cole gets the ball and as pointed out, Jonas doesn't even go for it. As has been mentioned, it's clear why it could have been a penalty against Colo. If anyone thinks that's a free kick for what Cole did then they need to stop watching football.

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