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Guest chopey

Women..............they'll be wanting to drive and vote next !!!!!!!!!!.............burn them bra's lasses.

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That's a pretty big precedent.

It is also very specific to this incident. Not only is it a complete misunderstanding of the rules with no grey area; it is also the last kick of the match that is being discussed, so it can be easily replayed without the integrity of the match being threatened. Also, it has happened during a tournament that is formatted in such a way that all of the matches will happen in the same stadium, so there is no effect on any travel plans or training schedules. It is hard to see it being applied elsewhere.

Taylor Swift isn't remotely hot, as WAGs go.


Although I believe St Ledger is the one being the WAG here.

Once again, you are incorrect.

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Someone I know went to school with her. I believe Deuce has family located near Taylor's hometown. I bet she got noticed all the time on the streets around there, given that most folk in that area are inbred Amish chutney makers.

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:lol: I've come around to her recently. She's still annoying as fuck and her music is atrocious, which does take away from her overall appeal. But she's attractive. Would.


VI's right though, if she weren't famous she'd be just another lass. I know far more attractive women who aren't as famous.

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Guest firetotheworks

I would book flights, sort rooms out the lot. Pay good money for it.



Hans is back!

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