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Still Not Worthy Of A Thread


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Why?, because years ago they did us over in the cup?

I'm sure the club will have plenty of loyal fans and this to them isn't a victory.

There is only 1 club out there who I wish would go out of business, Liverpool.


Sure, the same reasoning that sees me sick when I see that fkn 'who's your messiah now' sign or when names like Graham Fenton or Nigel De Jong crop up, even though their mams/sisters are probably decent crack.


For what it's worth the club have only themselves to blame, and you'll find a good section of the support are seeing this as a point where they can now move on and have some input in shaping the future of any Hereford that might rise from the ashes. Not that I care obvs. :aww:

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brazil innit

:lol: flip please confirm/deny claims you're all incestuous weirdos???


I'm with stifmeister on this one. That first picture is weird as fuck tbh. Yeah i'm no incestous weirdo as I only have brothers and that would make it even weirder imo.

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