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That's not completely true though, the only constants are Bayern, Real and Barca. Even the last 3 finals had Juventus, Dortmund and Atletico. Not exactly teams which throw money at everything or teams which the majority thought would be in a final going into that particular season either.


The KOs are the only really high standard of football IMO, most of the leagues are shit nowadays tbh.



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Football would be s*** without the Champions League like


Maybe without it the leagues would level out and become more competitive perhaps so in turn making it better?


But even if that happened which is very doubtful, the quality would be nowhere near as good as the champions league knockout stages are


Competitive football >>>>>>> Jizzing like a pig over the same 8 corporate shells each year.

If there was competitive football of a decent standard I'd agree but there isn't.


Watching Barcelona vs Bayern every season >>>>> watching West Ham vs Stoke

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Football would be s*** without the Champions League like


Maybe without it the leagues would level out and become more competitive perhaps so in turn making it better?


But even if that happened which is very doubtful, the quality would be nowhere near as good as the champions league knockout stages are


Competitive football >>>>>>> Jizzing like a pig over the same 8 corporate shells each year.

If there was competitive football of a decent standard I'd agree but there isn't.


Watching Barcelona vs Bayern every season >>>>> watching West Ham vs Stoke


But you are comparing the two with the current status quo. What I'm saying is things would change without the ECL.

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Football would be s*** without the Champions League like


Maybe without it the leagues would level out and become more competitive perhaps so in turn making it better?


But even if that happened which is very doubtful, the quality would be nowhere near as good as the champions league knockout stages are


Competitive football >>>>>>> Jizzing like a pig over the same 8 corporate shells each year.

If there was competitive football of a decent standard I'd agree but there isn't.


Watching Barcelona vs Bayern every season >>>>> watching West Ham vs Stoke


But you are comparing the two with the current status quo. What I'm saying is things would change without the ECL.

Why would they?

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Football would be s*** without the Champions League like


Maybe without it the leagues would level out and become more competitive perhaps so in turn making it better?


But even if that happened which is very doubtful, the quality would be nowhere near as good as the champions league knockout stages are


Competitive football >>>>>>> Jizzing like a pig over the same 8 corporate shells each year.

If there was competitive football of a decent standard I'd agree but there isn't.


Watching Barcelona vs Bayern every season >>>>> watching West Ham vs Stoke


But you are comparing the two with the current status quo. What I'm saying is things would change without the ECL.

Why would they?


With only one less lucrative European Cup space being up for grabs it would lead to the better players being more equally distributed throughout the league along with the help of scrapping the loan system which is another big problem with football.

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I doubt teams will be lacking motivation, all the coachs of the champions league teams still value it as the top prize, players will too. Still I do wonder why English teams all look off the pace for the champions league of late, is there a lack of motivation when there's plenty of money at home? I think of the current crop of teams none look close to a 'great team' with Chelsea the one with maybe the players for it and yet it is always disappointing to watch them, even when they win they're not one to pass onto the grandkids as a great team you once saw.

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Barring Arsenal with Wenger, I don't get the feeling that there's a strong vision behind the big English teams. When Ferguson was at ManU, you certainly got what they stood for, and what you could expect from them (the good and the bad), same from us and Real Madrid nowadays. Or you under Keegan. City, Chelsea and ManU seem to be drifting nowadays, looking for a football identity to rally around and drive the club. Even this Chelsea side seems devoid of that cuntish unbridled energy that other Mourinho sides had.

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With the silly TV contract you now have in England, I'm not sure the CL prize money is going to be that big of an advantage anymore. Players and sponsors will still value it, though.

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In terms of money, the TV money has no impact on elite of CL anyway. All of the CL clubs that get to KO stages all have the money to spend 100m in a summer, where it does have an impact is it allows mid table PL clubs to buy players from group stage CL teams and EL teams.

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Yeah everyones pragmatic and no big football identity, Wenger arguably but he still always lack the steel necessary. Ferguson's second champions league team is probably last one would say, boy they were a great team. Chelsea were the worst champions league winners for a long while lol

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Yeah everyones pragmatic and no big football identity, Wenger arguably but he still always lack the steel necessary. Ferguson's second champions league team is probably last one would say, boy they were a great team. Chelsea were the worst champions league winners for a long while lol


As in the team that was second best to Chelsea in the final?

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I know what you mean, and there have been very good Chelsea teams that maybe ought to have won champions league, but imo that ferguson team with Ronaldo in it was pretty good, if not quite the 1999 vintage. Meh not meaning to debate the merits of individual teams, they just seemed to be better at least in comparison to rest of europe than they are now

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