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People are in denial about how hated we were/are. Would have been the same reaction at any other club that day.



That must be why a year later the Plymouth fans were celebrating our promotion with us even though they'd just been relegated themselves.

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People are in denial about how hated we were/are. Would have been the same reaction at any other club that day.



That must be why a year later the Plymouth fans were celebrating our promotion with us even though they'd just been relegated themselves.


A team we've played 22 times in nearly 125 years of existence and have had nothing to do with at all beyond that.


We're widely derided amongst fellow PL supporters: deluded, boycoutt, horsepunching, SSN wongaloids, jealousy, rank individual after rank individual being associated with the club, 'hounding out' English managers. You've got your head in the sand if you think otherwise.

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Plymouth :lol:


I don't understand the ongoing hatred for Villa. I bear a footballing grudge longer than anyone but we beat them 6-0 on the first day back. That was more than enough satisfaction to draw a line under it, and I say that as someone who was at Villa Park. It's not like we were cheated or hard done by - "football fans in 'taking piss' shocker"


Prefer to focus my hatred on the people responsible for that relegation (and more than likely this one too).

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People are in denial about how hated we were/are. Would have been the same reaction at any other club that day.



That must be why a year later the Plymouth fans were celebrating our promotion with us even though they'd just been relegated themselves.


A team we've played 22 times in nearly 125 years of existence and have had nothing to do with at all beyond that.


We're widely derided amongst fellow PL supporters: deluded, boycoutt, horsepunching, SSN wongaloids, jealousy, rank individual after rank individual being associated with the club, 'hounding out' English managers. You've got your head in the sand if you think otherwise.


Again you take too much notice of social media and the like.  Match going fans of other Premier League clubs, with one or two exceptions, don't dislike us anymore than anyone else. In fact if anything the opposite is true and a trip to Newcastle us widely regarded as a favourite one which is the reason why we see so many away fans drinking in and around Newcastle with home supporters which doesn't happen at a lot of places. Likewise when I used to be a regular away traveller we were always well received by home fans with only a few exceptions.


The problem these days is places like this, twitter and Facebook give the minority a voice to spout rubbish which in time becomes gospel but when you get out into the real world it's a completely different scenario.

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I've never been outside of Newcastle or spoken to anyone who isn't a Newcastle fan in the real world so your response is much appreciated. :thup:


Evidently not. For the record we played Liverpool in the away game previous to Villa. I was at both games and the reaction was completely opposite at both stadiums. Liverpool battered us 3-0 which in truth could have been 6 or 7. Everyone at Anfield that day knew we were down but the reaction of the Liverpool fans outside the ground that day couldn't have been different to at Villa Park. Handshakes outside the ground and every single Liverpool fan we spoke to afterwards had genuine sympathy for our plight and wished us well for the future. The hatred before and after the match at Villa Park was just bizarre. I don't think it could have been any worse if we had been at Sunderland that day.

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Guest Howaythetoon

Plymouth :lol:


I don't understand the ongoing hatred for Villa. I bear a footballing grudge longer than anyone but we beat them 6-0 on the first day back. That was more than enough satisfaction to draw a line under it, and I say that as someone who was at Villa Park. It's not like we were cheated or hard done by - "football fans in 'taking p*ss' shocker"


Prefer to focus my hatred on the people responsible for that relegation (and more than likely this one too).

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Sooooooooooooooo........ Liverpool are alright then after all?


Personally never had a problem with them. Been to Anfield about a dozen times watching NUFC and always found them  decent even after the 2 times I seen us win there. Certainly far more pleasant than the supporters of the team at the other side of Stanley Park, again just speaking from personal experience.

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There's always wanker fans with every fanbase and the hollowest vessels make the loudest sounds unfortunately. I grew up with many Villa fans and I wouldn't say we're hated or they are particularly wankers. Especially in the last few years.

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I'm not going to pretend my biases are justified. I dislike Spurs because they are a club of similar size who are much better than us. I'm jealous. And I dislike Alli. I'd be happy for Kane, Pocch and their ethos tbh if they won the league.... but i still dislike them.


I liked Chelsea without Mourinho but with Didier.

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Guest antz1uk

What's the matter with Alli, seems a nice lad going by interviews and is a joy to watch.


sly little f**ker that likes to leave a foot in

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What's the matter with Alli, seems a nice lad going by interviews and is a joy to watch.


He was a massive kernt against us. I try to forget about it and just like him as a good footballer

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Never had a good experience with Villa fans or Birmingham fans. When I had a season ticket I saw some Birmingham fans trying to figure out where they needed to go, I offered help but I just got told to fuck off. On holiday one time there was a few lads from Birmingham (both Villa and Birmingham fans), mouthy pieces of shit, trying to give it the big I am. I played football with them once and this fucking giant gangly thing (I honestly thought it was Peter Crouch) went over the top to shoulder barge me right into the 5 aside fencing, later in the match I shoulder barged him and and he was asking what the hell I was doing like a fanny who can dish it out and can't take it.

People from Birmingham have a chip on their shoulder, maybe it's because they come from a city thats full of concrete monstrosities and have a depressing voice that makes them sound as though they need either a box of Prozac, or some fucking razor blades.

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Never had a good experience with Villa fans or Birmingham fans. When I had a season ticket I saw some Birmingham fans trying to figure out where they needed to go, I offered help but I just got told to f*** off. On holiday one time there was a few lads from Birmingham (both Villa and Birmingham fans), mouthy pieces of s***, trying to give it the big I am. I played football with them once and this f***ing giant gangly thing (I honestly thought it was Peter Crouch) went over the top to shoulder barge me right into the 5 aside fencing, later in the match I shoulder barged him and and he was asking what the hell I was doing like a fanny who can dish it out and can't take it.

People from Birmingham have a chip on their shoulder, maybe it's because they come from a city thats full of concrete monstrosities and have a depressing voice that makes them sound as though they need either a box of Prozac, or some f***ing razor blades.


Based on the 5-10 Brummies, that you've encountered during your life? :lol:

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