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RIP Joe Kinnear (1946–2024)


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Guest SuperShola!

I know he's an old b****** that's disconnected from the game and will bring no good to the club what so ever, but, as a fan I can't help but feel good about someone from the club actually coming out and talking about transfers. He's been there 1 day and he's already came out and told the press we're not selling Cabaye. Now, this might upset Yohan and he'll probably just hand in a transfer request if he really wants to go. All I'm saying is that it's nice and refreshing to have someone who won't hide and pussyfoot around these matters just like Pardew has in the past. I just wish it wasn't JFK that was the person to take up this task. I think it's correct that we should have this position at the club, the best clubs in the world all have directors of football, I just think we've chosen the wrong person to fill that role.

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Ive been out of the loop for as few days. Saw a muttering of this yesterday on fb on my phone, thought it was obviously not true and didnt stop to think about it. So shocked and bewildered that it's true. What the actual fuck. I thought we'd reached the stage where he'd be come an amusing part of our past, "christ, was it really so bad that Joe Kinnear was our manager"

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I've still not come across any quotes, anonymous or not, from any player or official at the club. It sounds like everyone has been told to say nothing.


I suspect that, behind the scenes, things are in a mess.

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Ashley loves ruthless, aggressive, classless characters. Look at Llambias, Kinnear, Wise. All of these individuals have these qualities. Is there a successful manager out there that has such characteristics?





might add "that will work for free?"



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He isn't exactly very specific about Joe's knowledge of the game. Being knowledgeable about lower leagues or 1980's football doesn't really mean much. Still, at least Arsene Wenger's apparently still taking his calls. I doubt he'd call Pardew unless he wanted his windows cleaned.



So much gold in this thread.

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Guest tollemache

Like many, I think a DoF is a really great idea (removes the impetus to have your manager on an 8-year contract too, but it's a little late for that). But Kinnear? Wow.


I'm as pro-Ashley as it gets on here but from this distance, Kinnear looks like as much of a tracksuit-wearing coach and as little of a progressive Director of Football as you could think of. Here's hoping he just happens to be really good at it but yeah... just bewildering

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