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RIP Joe Kinnear (1946–2024)


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I don't know what to make of Kinnear, I don't like him as a person and I don't rate him even a tiny bit professionally, but I also genuinely don't think he's all there mentally. I found that talksport interview hilarious and called him a bullshitter, but the more I thought about it and the inaccuracies the less funny it was. I don't want to laugh or hate a man I suspect has dementia(or something like that), and watching him get torn apart by the media and fans is a bit uncomfortable, not that it's their fault, it's 100% Ashley's fault.


He's just a deluded old c*** who drinks himself stupid all the time.


But the fact he was telling Bobby Gould about the signings he'd made for Wimbledon, when it was Gould that had made the signings. It was just really odd.

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I don't want Kinnear to die but I wouldn't be bothered in the slightest if he did, going before the start of the season and at the same time as Ashley would be a bonus.

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Giving everybody the greatest benefit of the doubt possible, how did they let Kinnear--a notably bad media representative--get out there and do his drunken uncal shit right out of the gate? At the very, very best it's unadulterated incompetence.

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Really hoping the media wind him up enough that he throws a punch or says something bigoted. Best chance of getting rid of him.


Sadly he's here to stay. Llambias can resign, Carr can quit, Pardew can walk (unlikely) or be sacked and he will outlast all of them.


The only way he will go is due to health reasons. Maybe institutionalized would be a good bet.

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Just shows how little Ashley understands football or football people, if by sitting listening to the gobshites drunken ramblings in the pub about how he, (Kinnear), would sort out all the problems and Ashley buys it hook, line and sinker. Thinks Kinnear is the answer, how spectacularily poor a judge of character does that actually make him?


If their conversations went anything like that radio interview then Ashley thinks Kinnear is the true messiah. What crap has he told Ashley over the years?

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Carr is Ashley biggest asset - if he is leaving as rumoured then we are truly f*cked. Carr´s work has been the only positive thing and important thing for this club the last years!




He's definitely off imo...threes a crowd and all that

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Think Kinnear has Tompkins in his FM game - he plays for England. We are a complete laughing stock, if Ashley has any the best interests of the club at heart he personally needs to get the key staff together and thrash this out. It may well mean casualties and we probably won't like these but the longer this instability and unrest goes on the worse the damage will become.


The fact that Ashley has so far done nothing to arrest the spiral into utter chaos suggests he simply doesn't give a flying fuck.


If Carr does go we will have key players on the phone to their Agents asking for a move. Will Kinnear be worried? Course he won't be; his arrogance is such that he does believe that he can throw a team together made up of nobodies who he can bully into performing. A circus act.


SJP is going to be to toxic if this fool is allowed to systematically destroy the fabric of our club. My initial laughter is fast turning into real hatred and worry. I'm dreading the start of the season.

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This name stuff has to be deliberate and some sort of agenda driven, sick joke. I know hes fucking nuts but no way you could get those names wrong like that after knowing how it disenfranchised players before. Maybe this is me trying to make sense of all this; but is Ashley engineering some sort of scorched earth policy with a firesale of the more lucrative talent and a completely blank slate being cleared for Uncal Joe?  At best it could be a firesale with a view to leaving.

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JOE Kinnear insists he has the experience to guide Newcastle United through their time of turmoil.


Less than 24 hours after Kinnear was officially announced by the club as their new director of football, Mike Ashley’s right hand man Derek Llambias stepped down.


Llambias quit as managing director after five often controversial years in the hotseat.


It completed a manic few days, even by Newcastle’s tumultuous standards, which started on Sunday with the news that Kinnear was set for a shock return to St James’s Park.


His gobsmacking radio interview on Monday night – where he pronounced Llambias’ name wrong, among others – added to the sense of farce around the club.


Llambias was keeping his own counsel yesterday on the reasons for his departure, with some reports suggesting Kinnear’s arrival as director of football, and his comments, played a part in his decision.


Kinnear, for his part however, believes he is well suited to his new role, and says he has the experience to make it a success.


“Being director of football is another step in my football life,” he said. “It is a natural progression.


“I have been in the game since I was 15 and played in the top stadiums in the world.


“That experience, plus my experiences as a manager, holds me in good stead.


“It is a great position for me and I’m proud to take it.”


While Kinnear is confident he can make the step up to boardroom level, he will not be left in sole charge of the club in Llambias’ absence.


Instead, Ashley will look to replace Llambias as soon as possible, though the timing of the resignation, so soon after Kinnear’s appointment, and the fact that he leaves with immediate effect, suggests it came out of the blue to the Newcastle owner.


A section of fans would like to see Chris Mort, who was popular as chairman when Ashley first took over the club, to take the helm again, but the Gazette understands the lawyer has no interest in returning to the club.


Llambias’ resignation leaves manager Alan Pardew in a difficult position as well, with the MD his closest ally at the club.


Kinnear’s arrival had left question marks over the Toon manager’s future, but Pardew yesterday said he had no plans to resign himself.


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Geordie Hill, 45, unemployed, from Newcastle’s West End, said: “Joe Kinnear should not have been brought back in and Ashley should sell the club  . . . . I’m very disappointed at everything that’s happened over the past few days.”


Cheryl Hill, 30, a full-time mum from Newcastle’s West End, said: “Ashley needs to go next. We need a Geordie to come in and take over, I think he needs to go, sell up and leave. Everything is a mess at the moment, it is ridiculous.”


Lauren Hill, 16, a student from Newcastle’s West End, said: “Alan Shearer should still be here, that’s the time when I enjoyed it, when it was Geordie’s behind it. I think we will go down next season now because it has all been too messed up.”



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Geordie Hill, 45, unemployed, from Newcastle’s West End, said: “Joe Kinnear should not have been brought back in and Ashley should sell the club  . . . . I’m very disappointed at everything that’s happened over the past few days.”


Cheryl Hill, 30, a full-time mum from Newcastle’s West End, said: “Ashley needs to go next. We need a Geordie to come in and take over, I think he needs to go, sell up and leave. Everything is a mess at the moment, it is ridiculous.”


Lauren Hill, 16, a student from Newcastle’s West End, said: “Alan Shearer should still be here, that’s the time when I enjoyed it, when it was Geordie’s behind it. I think we will go down next season now because it has all been too messed up.”



Its still an up hill battle though

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Well one thing is for sure this is not going to blow over, the dust will not settle, fans are not going to get used to it things will not go all quiet as the deluded cunt won't allow it. He is going to bang on week after week, there will be some sort of JFK story to keep us all furious for the start of the season.

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Absolutely slaughtered in here.




Joe Kinnear reminded us this week of his undisputed standing as the most bellicose, bullying throwback in all of English football, foul towards those who cast the slightest aspersions and incapable of pronouncing a foreign player’s name if his life depended on it. I would call him a dinosaur, except I always thought the giant diplodocus at the National History Museum had such a kindly, agreeable face.


The unlovable Kinnear embodies no such qualities. He is easily imagined as the type of oaf who, if he ever wandered into a boulangerie to be asked “Pain, monsieur?”, would shoot back, “Nah, bread!” His conduct is so utterly classless that his first public remark, during that ill-starred four-month spell managing on Tyneside, was to denigrate a reporter with the crudest word in the English language. Within that squat 5ft 6in frame lurks a veritable vault of mulleted malevolence.


It seems extraordinary that a man so denuded of linguistic dexterity, lately bequeathing to our lexicon such jewels as “Yohan Kebab” and “Derek Lambezi” should once have found himself the manager of India and Nepal.

Yes, I had to read that twice, too. Seldom has there been so great a leap of imagination as to imagine Kinnear of Kathmandu. And yet there he was, in the autumn of 1983, crossing the Annapurnas by private jet and taking training at the foot of Everest. One shudders to imagine, though, how his introduction to Crown Prince Dipendra might have unfolded. “No, Mr Kinnear, not Defender. Dipendra.”

The late prince, you may not be aware, was counted by Kinnear as “one of my closest friends”. In 2001, Dipendra attained worldwide notoriety in one of the most dramatic royal scandals of modern times, when he shot and killed nine members of his family and himself, reputedly over his intention to marry a lower class of aristocrat. Or, as the ever-sensitive Kinnear so delicately put it: “He was the King’s son, he had to marry some other bird. The usual c---. So he killed them all and blew his brains out.”


You would expect Kinnear, given his connections at the highest echelons of Himalayan nobility, to be a touch more culturally attuned. After all, in the two decades between his South Asian sojourn and the tragedy at the Nepalese royal palace, he and Dipendra regularly kept in contact, even attending matches together in London.


But he persists, to judge from his mangled self-justification on radio, in playing the classic pub boor. At least striker Sammy Ameobi, like Yohan Cabaye another victim of the butchered surname, could be thankful he was not described as an amoeba.


Quite what Alan Pardew makes of having a liability like Kinnear parachuted in over his head at St James’ Park is anybody’s guess. Understandably, the Newcastle United manager is keen to wrap his director of football’s mouth in Sellotape in the event of further media exposure.


Kinnear, of course, insists Pardew was delighted at his appointment, embracing the return on Newcastle of a “real football man”. For in his universe such a label is the ultimate accolade, as if those managers who aspire to play the game more aesthetically than the hoof-ball once beloved of his Wimbledon side are mere plastic mannequins.


Indeed, if Kinnear is a “real football man”, then we might as well rip up our Premier League fixture lists already. It pays to be reminded, despite his idle boasts of having Sir Alex Ferguson and Arsène Wenger on permanent speed-dial, that Wimbledon under his aegis were hardly the most attractive team ever to grace the English top flight. Built upon the lumpen braggadocio of Vinnie Jones, they concealed an undercurrent of malice behind that convenient 'Crazy Gang’ facade.


Kinnear retains his apologists, not least those persuaded by his hail-fellow-well-met attitude in the early Nineties, when he would indulge a little ribaldry with the lads and display his Dublin roots with the odd Irish singalong. But at 66, he looks askance at the football landscape he now inhabits, conscious that it has changed beyond all recognition from his day.


He is a relic of an era when sports nutrition consisted of a half-time orange and a can of Tizer. He could count among his contemporaries such figures as Leyton Orient manager John Sitton, who infamously offered two players outside with the words: “And you can bring your f------ dinner.”


In 2013, however, Kinnear sees so few allies that his only defence is unpleasant narcissism, full of festering resentment. Age, more is the pity, has not mellowed him.

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Guest Roger Kint

Well one thing is for sure this is not going to blow over, the dust will not settle, fans are not going to get used to it things will not go all quiet as the deluded cunt won't allow it. He is going to bang on week after week, there will be some sort of JFK story to keep us all furious for the start of the season.


Sadly most fans will let it settle the second we sign a player and actual football returns. Countless other acts of stupidity died off in weeks, no reason to think it wont now tbh.

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Geordie Hill, 45, unemployed, from Newcastle’s West End, said: “Joe Kinnear should not have been brought back in and Ashley should sell the club  . . . . I’m very disappointed at everything that’s happened over the past few days.”


Cheryl Hill, 30, a full-time mum from Newcastle’s West End, said: “Ashley needs to go next. We need a Geordie to come in and take over, I think he needs to go, sell up and leave. Everything is a mess at the moment, it is ridiculous.”


Lauren Hill, 16, a student from Newcastle’s West End, said: “Alan Shearer should still be here, that’s the time when I enjoyed it, when it was Geordie’s behind it. I think we will go down next season now because it has all been too messed up.”



Its still an up hill battle though


Wanting Shearer back in charge is a clear example of the miseducation of Lauren Hill.

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I know that prince killed himself years after Joe Korea left Nepal, but I've just checked his age.  Joe has also claimed he was one of his best friends, but the prince was 15 when he was Nepal manager, so it's highly unlikely he was in charge of the FA and that they actually knew each other at all.

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Geordie Hill, 45, unemployed, from Newcastle’s West End, said: “Joe Kinnear should not have been brought back in and Ashley should sell the club  . . . . I’m very disappointed at everything that’s happened over the past few days.”


Cheryl Hill, 30, a full-time mum from Newcastle’s West End, said: “Ashley needs to go next. We need a Geordie to come in and take over, I think he needs to go, sell up and leave. Everything is a mess at the moment, it is ridiculous.”


Lauren Hill, 16, a student from Newcastle’s West End, said: “Alan Shearer should still be here, that’s the time when I enjoyed it, when it was Geordie’s behind it. I think we will go down next season now because it has all been too messed up.”




Assuming thats a family, that means when he was 28/29 he got the 13/14yr old mum pregnant?

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