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In general though they're alot more easily pleased than us. They'd willingly take 17th every year.



To say, they would take 17th every year might be a bit much , but it's true about how easily pleased they are, the Sunderland fans, I know, where embarrassingly elated with the signing of Jack Rodwell, perhaps similar to what we were like when we signed Ben Arfa.

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Lorient Vice President Alex Hayes has confirmed that central defender Lamine Koné’s proposed move to Sunderland has fallen through.


Hayes had the following to say to regional paper Le Télégramme:


“It is quite scandalous! … We gave our agreement to Sunderland on Tuesday last week. Lamine left the next day to Sunderland to finalise the details of his contract. The player warned us that there were some problems with the negotiations of his contract, supposedly because of the holidays and it went on just until Monday. They tried to do dealings with him. Lamine called me to ask me to come back to Lorient and I said it would be with great pleasure.”

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There is f***ing nowt to fight over, both football clubs are an absolute embarrassment to football. If anything they should be crying on each others shoulders.


You'd think so, but you know fine well they'll be absolutely full of their mint 6 in a row world champions banter.

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Allardyce absolutely hates Klopp, he's had another pop at him this morning :lol:


What a sad man


He's apologised and backtracked after Klopp took the piss out of his latest remarks, suggesting that the Sunderland manager maybe had too much time to think about Liverpool's problems. All Fattie's false bluster popped like a balloon within 24 hrs.

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Guest NobbyOhNobby

My mrs is a mackem, and we live near the Emirates, so we went to the match yesterday. To be completely fair, they played quite well in patches, contained Arsenal well until the equaliser and hit the bar before the Arsenal second. They weren't as rubbish as I was expecting them to be, which was really disappointing.


Two mackems almost had a fight behind us in the crowd, which was tremendous.

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Did anything kick off in Kings Cross or on the trains yesterday that anyone heard of? Saw nothing myself but heard there was some plans away from Kings Cross


Not that I saw. We didn't get into Millers as it was designated for them only, most of our fans seemed to have just gone straight through to Watford, didn't see many til we got there.

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