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Rupert Fryer ‏@Rupert_Fryer 6m

Looks like former Newell's defender Santiago Vergini is heading to Sunderland. He was excellent under Martino, good on ball, 25yo.


Tim Vickery just said hes clumsy as hell and wouldnt be good in the PL.


Sounds about right, he's found the right club for him! Vickery knows his shit too.

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Vickery is God. I'll put faith in his opinion.


You seen him much, Disco?


Recognise the name but not enough to pass comment.


Massive, massive ask to go from the Primera to the PL. Bad enough for defenders coming from European leagues to get used to the physicality - would be surprised if he played unless they get injuries.

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Rupert Fryer ‏@Rupert_Fryer 6m

Looks like former Newell's defender Santiago Vergini is heading to Sunderland. He was excellent under Martino, good on ball, 25yo.


Tim Vickery just said hes clumsy as hell and wouldnt be good in the PL.


They all seem to be world beaters until they set foot in Sunderland. Once the "oh fuck what have I done" sets in they seem to turn to shite.

Normally expensive hard to get rid of shite as well.

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Gabbiadini making excuses on Total Sport for last night's poor attendance. So many home games over the last couple of months, etc......


They get 40k for league games and this is their biggest for god knows how long. It should have been packed, one so called Sunderland fan at work was more concerned about going to empire cinema with crowds etc - seriously wtf

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Guest Haris Vuckic

Rupert Fryer ‏@Rupert_Fryer 6m

Looks like former Newell's defender Santiago Vergini is heading to Sunderland. He was excellent under Martino, good on ball, 25yo.


Tim Vickery just said hes clumsy as hell and wouldnt be good in the PL.


He doesn't need to be good in the Premier League - for very long anyway.

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Guest Howaythetoon

Even if they win it, they will still be shitter than us. What they really yearn for, is not cups or whatever, but just to be better than us. A one-off cup won't change the fact that they are and always will be in our shadow, not just as a club, but as a city and as people and it will never change.

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Guest bimpy474

Gabbiadini making excuses on Total Sport for last night's poor attendance. So many home games over the last couple of months, etc......


They get 40k for league games and this is their biggest for god knows how long. It should have been packed, one so called Sunderland fan at work was more concerned about going to empire cinema with crowds etc - seriously wtf


Empire do cheap tickets on a Tuesday like :lol:

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Even if they win it, they will still be shitter than us. What they really yearn for, is not cups or whatever, but just to be better than us. A one-off cup won't change the fact that they are and always will be in our shadow, not just as a club, but as a city and as people and it will never change.

Not sure about that, if they won a cup they'd have bragging rights for a fair few years, probably for the rest of my life actually. I'd take winning the League cup and getting relegated.

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Even if they win it, they will still be shitter than us. What they really yearn for, is not cups or whatever, but just to be better than us. A one-off cup won't change the fact that they are and always will be in our shadow, not just as a club, but as a city and as people and it will never change.

Not sure about that, if they won a cup they'd have bragging rights for a fair few years, probably for the rest of my life actually. I'd take winning the League cup and getting relegated.


Really? In my mind winning the League Cup is on par with coming top of the Championship.

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Lords defeat plan to make teasing Sunderland fans illegal


9 Jan 2014 11:46

Anti-social behaviour plan would have made Tyne Wear rivalry a nuisance


Lords have defeated a Government nuisance law which one peer said would have made it “illegal to taunt Sunderland fans”.


Ministers had hoped to bring about a new crackdown on anti-social behaviour which would have given police new powers to tackle nuisance behaviour.


But, as one Lord said before peers voted out the plans, the definition was so loosely defined it would have made even Tyne and Wear rivalry illegal.


Lord Walton of Detchant, a Newcastle-born neurologist made a Freeman of the city alongside Jackie Milburn, pointed out the failings.


He told the House of Lords: “I have been a lifelong supporter of Newcastle United Football Club. My friend, the noble Lord, Lord Shipley, and I call him friend in the social sense, not in the parliamentary sense, is for reasons best known to him, despite having been leader of Newcastle City Council, a Sunderland supporter.


“If I were to chide him and say that he is foolish to continue to support that team, which has been absolutely hopeless all season, despite beating Manchester United last night, and if I were to say that the team is in fact languishing at the foot of the Premier League and in imminent danger of relegation, I think that he would be extremely annoyed because he is a loyal supporter of Sunderland. If I persisted with that theme, he would reasonably regard me as a confounded nuisance.


“If one looks at this clause and interprets it in a strictly literal sense, I would potentially be in breach of this statute if I said those things. In fact, I do not for one moment believe that he would seek an injunction; at least I hope not. Having said that, I believe that the clause is absolutely unacceptable and needs to be amended.”


Ministers are to consider amending the Bill, which would replace anti-social behaviour orders in England and Wales with injunctions to prevent nuisance and annoyance.



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Will be fascinating to see how they approach this transfer window. They obviously need some quality additions to drag themselves out of the mess they're in, but from the looks of it they may opt for (non-Premiership experienced) quantity over quality again. Even if these players are a step up from the summer batch, which in itself is doubtful, they can't afford to integrate a large number of signings that are new to the country and league. Hope it backfires spectacularly.

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Will be fascinating to see how they approach this transfer window. They obviously need some quality additions to drag themselves out of the mess they're in, but from the looks of it they may opt for (non-Premiership experienced) quantity over quality again. Even if these players are a step up from the summer batch, which in itself is doubtful, they can't afford to integrate a large number of signings that are new to the country and league. Hope it backfires spectacularly.

To be fair it would only be like our signings last season. Initially they made an impact which got us results but it wore off and as the games went on it was clear that the players were still settling in.
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Will be fascinating to see how they approach this transfer window. They obviously need some quality additions to drag themselves out of the mess they're in, but from the looks of it they may opt for (non-Premiership experienced) quantity over quality again. Even if these players are a step up from the summer batch, which in itself is doubtful, they can't afford to integrate a large number of signings that are new to the country and league. Hope it backfires spectacularly.

To be fair it would only be like our signings last season. Initially they made an impact which got us results but it wore off and as the games went on it was clear that the players were still settling in.


If I remember correctly only Sissoko really took off like a house on fire. Gouffran had a decent half season, but Debuchy and Mbiwa took some time to settle and Haidara barely featured. In general I think it's easier for attacking players to make their mark after a January transfer coming from a foreign league, than it is for defenders. Considering their primary problems seem to be in attack, you would expect them to invest whatever funds they have available on one or two quality additions up front rather than bringing in another boat load of players all over the team.

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Will be fascinating to see how they approach this transfer window. They obviously need some quality additions to drag themselves out of the mess they're in, but from the looks of it they may opt for (non-Premiership experienced) quantity over quality again. Even if these players are a step up from the summer batch, which in itself is doubtful, they can't afford to integrate a large number of signings that are new to the country and league. Hope it backfires spectacularly.

To be fair it would only be like our signings last season. Initially they made an impact which got us results but it wore off and as the games went on it was clear that the players were still settling in.


If I remember correctly only Sissoko really took off like a house on fire. Gouffran had a decent half season, but Debuchy and Mbiwa took some time to settle and Haidara barely featured. In general I think it's easier for attacking players to make their mark after a January transfer coming from a foreign league, than it is for defenders. Considering their primary problems seem to be in attack, you would expect them to invest whatever funds they have available on one or two quality additions up front rather than bringing in another boat load of players all over the team.

Sissoko was great but only for about 3 or 4 games. It not since the start of this season he's took off again.
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Guest Haris Vuckic


I wonder what the record is for players signed in a premier league season and if they'll break it, then get relegated hilariously.

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