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Meyler has definitely got off lightly, although Pardew's eventual action was obviously worse.


I still don`t see how its worse other than it was retaliation and a manager should know better. Certainly wasn`t more powerful or aggressive.


Because he feels that if he doesn't add that caveat he'll be lynched :lol:


Honestly Ian you should just stay out of this thread. I know you're just trying to make a reasoned argument but people aren't buying what you're selling.

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It's worse because Meyler pushed Pardew out of his way as he was standing in his path as he hurtled towards him with speed, where as Pardew headbutted him, or rubbed his forehead on him (the fucking creep).


Meyler's push was unnecessarily aggressive, because he's a daft cunt, but at the very worst it's a yellow card offense on and off the pitch. Pardew's was obvious violent misconduct.

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It's worse because Meyler pushed Pardew out of his way as he was standing in his path as he hurtled towards him with speed, where as Pardew headbutted him, or rubbed his forehead on him (the fucking creep).


Meyler's push was unnecessarily aggressive, because he's a daft cunt, but at the very worst it's a yellow card offense on and off the pitch. Pardew's was obvious violent misconduct.


I wonder if it was the other way round, Meyler rubs Pardew`s sweaty brow for him and Pardew pushes him back a few steps, would there be the same outrage. Is the outrage the action or the fact he got involved ?

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If Pardew pushed Meyler and Meyler headbutted Pardew there would be nowhere near the amount of outrage, I'd imagine not anyway



Meyler would get a minumum 3 match ban and Pardew would get a few game's touchline ban at worst I'd imagine. He didn't push him though, he walked up and headbutted him/looked at him funny/whatever you going to play it down as next.


EDIT: Outrage aimed at Pardew anyway, I think Meyler would get slated.

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I dont get the whole, "if I did that at work, I would get sacked" line. Not because it isnt true, of course it is but because footballers do it all the time, rugby and ice hockey players do much worse to each other. Or is it because he is a manager, that its worse? If so why?


They are both involved in a sport, they are both adults, both fully involved in the passion of the game. So why is it that a player gets a slap on the wrist for such behaviour yet a manager should be sacked? Its bullshit if you ask me.


Also if Pardew gets a lengthy ban, so should any player who does the same thing. He'll get 8 or something where as a player would get 3.



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"I have watched from Canada with bemusement the hand-wringing over Alan Pardew's Glasgow handshake. No matter what the hacks at Big Paper claim, Meyler did not 'brush past' Pardew, but pushed him. If this were an ice hockey game, Pardew's response would be considered mandatory. As we raised his name on a banner to the rafters, he would be quickly making a line change [it's a substitution - Fiver Ed] to put a gentleman, defined as the 'enforcer', on the ice to further explain to Mr Meyler that the next time he should find a more polite way to approach the head coach. Ahhhh … finally got that off my chest. Howay the Lads. Hats off to you, Pards" - Allan Barless.


:lol: :thup:


Deary me.

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I dont get the whole, "if I did that at work, I would get sacked" line. Not because it isnt true, of course it is but because footballers do it all the time, rugby and ice hockey players do much worse to each other. Or is it because he is a manager, that its worse? If so why?


They are both involved in a sport, they are both adults, both fully involved in the passion of the game. So why is it that a player gets a slap on the wrist for such behaviour yet a manager should be sacked? Its bullshit if you ask me.


Also if Pardew gets a lengthy ban, so should any player who does the same thing. He'll get 8 or something where as a player would get 3.




Spot on basically. Obviously a manager should know better, but then so should a player. Usually head-on-head aggro is ignored unless someone raises a hand or one party hurls themselves to the floor dramatically.

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I dont get the whole, "if I did that at work, I would get sacked" line. Not because it isnt true, of course it is but because footballers do it all the time, rugby and ice hockey players do much worse to each other. Or is it because he is a manager, that its worse? If so why?


They are both involved in a sport, they are both adults, both fully involved in the passion of the game. So why is it that a player gets a slap on the wrist for such behaviour yet a manager should be sacked? Its bullshit if you ask me.


Also if Pardew gets a lengthy ban, so should any player who does the same thing. He'll get 8 or something where as a player would get 3.




Spot on basically. Obviously a manager should know better, but then so should a player. Usually head-on-head aggro is ignored unless someone raises a hand or one party hurls themselves to the floor dramatically.


Bollocks is it spot on, we'll never get more passionate managers than Keegan and Sir Bobby, neither got involved in the shit that Pardew does.  What happens in other sports is again total bollocks, people die in boxing, does that mean people getting killed in football is acceptable?  Does is shite.


Pardew has acted like a twat and deserves everything coming at him.  I'll also be happy to see the same punishment dished out to players.  Why should anybody be allowed to bring shame on our club?  More importantly, why are so called fans defending the first manager in Premiership football to stick his head on an opposition player and drag the name of our club through mud?

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I dont get the whole, "if I did that at work, I would get sacked" line. Not because it isnt true, of course it is but because footballers do it all the time, rugby and ice hockey players do much worse to each other. Or is it because he is a manager, that its worse? If so why?


They are both involved in a sport, they are both adults, both fully involved in the passion of the game. So why is it that a player gets a slap on the wrist for such behaviour yet a manager should be sacked? Its bullshit if you ask me.


Also if Pardew gets a lengthy ban, so should any player who does the same thing. He'll get 8 or something where as a player would get 3.




Massive game ban for headbutting in ice hockey. Its bad mmm'kay

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I dont get the whole, "if I did that at work, I would get sacked" line. Not because it isnt true, of course it is but because footballers do it all the time, rugby and ice hockey players do much worse to each other. Or is it because he is a manager, that its worse? If so why?


They are both involved in a sport, they are both adults, both fully involved in the passion of the game. So why is it that a player gets a slap on the wrist for such behaviour yet a manager should be sacked? Its bullshit if you ask me.


Also if Pardew gets a lengthy ban, so should any player who does the same thing. He'll get 8 or something where as a player would get 3.




Spot on basically. Obviously a manager should know better, but then so should a player. Usually head-on-head aggro is ignored unless someone raises a hand or one party hurls themselves to the floor dramatically.


Bollocks is it spot on, we'll never get more passionate managers than Keegan and Sir Bobby, neither got involved in the s*** that Pardew does.  What happens in other sports is again total bollocks, people die in boxing, does that mean people getting killed in football is acceptable?  Does is s****.


Pardew has acted like a t*** and deserves everything coming at him.  I'll also be happy to see the same punishment dished out to players.  Why should anybody be allowed to bring shame on our club?  More importantly, why are so called fans defending the first manager in Premiership football to stick his head on an opposition player and drag the name of our club through mud?


Come on man it's too late and too pointless to be bemoaning about shame on our club.  We are talking about a club owned by Mike Ashley for pity sake.


I don't say it with a badge of honour, I haven't felt this apathetic about this club ever.  Struggling to give a s*** any more.  Just not bothered.

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Hopefully we'll smash a few teams with 4 or 5 goals and it will prove that we perform better the further away we are from him.


More likely we'll lose every game and it will make it look like we're missing a tactical genius during the 90 mins.  :undecided:



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Also, if you believe that TSF is Dave Kitson then in his second book there is a fair bit about Pardew. An interesting bit is about the manager crying as he was leaving a club for another club (the assumption is when Pardew moved to West Ham) in front of the players who thought he was a fake.

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The man that gouged someones eye on the touchlines is ofcourse going to defend the man that rubbed his forehead on someone.


:lol: This is essentially what everyone is getting worked up about, A man rubbing his forehead on someone. I like the wording.


People were already worked up about him being a cunt.  This rubbing simply gave them further opportunity to express themselves. 

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Someone mentioned earlier that if roles were reversed and Meyler headbutted Pardew the fuss wouldn't be as bad! I don't agree on that, I think, fans, media and pundits would find it totally unacceptable and worse than a player on player incident, I think people would be calling for the ban to go beyond "normal" standards.



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Someone mentioned earlier that if roles were reversed and Meyler headbutted Pardew the fuss wouldn't be as bad! I don't agree on that, I think, fans, media and pundits would find it totally unacceptable and worse than a player on player incident, I think people would be calling for the ban to go beyond "normal" standards.




Yip it would be an opportunity to use the classic phrase sine die

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