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I read this aloud to Mrs Bimpy while she took her weekly bath. She was annoyed at first due to her not liking football but by the end she was engrossed. The prose, content and the smell of Radox combining to create a frisson of lust which, unfortunately, I took full advantage of. Thank you, Matthew.




That's brilliant but wasn't me, i have a stalker :lol:


:lol: :lol:

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Guest firetotheworks

The last week or so has been probably the best laugh I've had on here in like 4 years. :lol:


Pretending to be Bimpy ffs. :lol: :lol:

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Guest firetotheworks

MyĀ  boss has just asked me what's funny. Laughing like a tit at:


"Unfortunately my dear husband was tragically taken from us in December 2007 when he was mowed down by a Vauxhall Nova in Corfu."


"If anything George was too good, he once scored a 40 yarder with his chest. Was a bullet as well, right in the postage stamp."


"litre upon litre of White Ace was consumed on a daily basis."



Laughing like a total tit here like.




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Guest firetotheworks

"George apeared in a p0rno once, the lady actress was was Kok Munching Kelly and George ripped her back door out and sealed it up with some self-brewed polyfiller. After his Ox Thrust manouver she literaly needed stitching back together. Risque stuff."


:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Guest firetotheworks

Think the first time I started using MSN I ended up being groomed by a pedo, didn't have the t'internet back then used my Granda's PC and email address.


He started getting emails from someone asking if they would like to meet up at a hotel, was told I wasn't allowed to use his PC and not to talk to strangers.




No way is that not Hans. :lol:

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In the York Tap pub at York station - just been in a course. Sure moncur is on the next table. Amazing beer in here btw


Try pulling his hair, if it lifts cleanly off his scalp then it's him.

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