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Newcastle United 1 - 1 Southampton - 14/12/13 - post-match reaction from page 32


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Well I think that's an opportunity missed there. Southampton were awful first half, they really were. We should have steamed them 2 or 3 nil and we could have. Second half Pardew was once again out foxed tactically, the Cisse sub was a complete waste of time, but with Shola unable to last more than 60 minutes, I suppose we didn't really have any other option. We're desperate for a striker to make things stick up top, as soon as Shola went off, our long punts were just coming straight back.


I haven't watched the game back yet, was Remy's miss in the second half as bad as it looked from where I was sitting :lol: The one guy you want that chance to fall to man. Ah well, shit happens.


What was the touchline scuffle about as well? :lol:

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Of course it's a missed opportunity. Still, Southampton are a good side and a draw isn't a terrible result.


Played some decent stuff in spells and expect us to win next time out. We're alreet.


We are but that doesn't qualify for Europe, i genuinely believe we are capable of that and think that is what we should be aiming for.


Settling for just being OK and this result is fine but to finish top 6/7 you need to be winning games like this.


Hopefully we win the next two games and end 2013 with 33 points, that would be a good return.


Finishing high up is also about not losing games you could lose as well though. When you win 5 out of 6, the odd draw like yesterday against a team who you're competing with for one of those places just keeps things ticking over.


Aye agree, it makes it imperative we get 6 points going into Arsenal now though. I also think part of it is im concerned that it starts to become the norm in coming weeks and months.

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Football Association likely to charge Newcastle United and ...

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Newcastle United and Southampton are set to be charged by the Football Association after the touchline scuffle between players and coaching staff that soured ...



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I've read a number of accounts of the game that refer to us having a fantastic first half, the game being a brilliant one to watch and us having control for the majority but not winning due to a couple of missed chances.  I don't see it, I was as bored watching that yesterday as I have been watching the majority of our games for a long while.  I'd think I was getting sick of football but I don't have the same issues watching other sides.  Our games are scrappy and dull for the most part.

I thought yesterday was a very good game. I am the opposite way around. I find games not involving us that aren't brilliant pretty boring but when we play I am always engrossed by the game no matter how bad it is

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I've read a number of accounts of the game that refer to us having a fantastic first half, the game being a brilliant one to watch and us having control for the majority but not winning due to a couple of missed chances.  I don't see it, I was as bored watching that yesterday as I have been watching the majority of our games for a long while.  I'd think I was getting sick of football but I don't have the same issues watching other sides.  Our games are scrappy and dull for the most part.

I thought yesterday was a very good game. I am the opposite way around. I find games not involving us that aren't brilliant pretty boring but when we play I am always engrossed by the game no matter how bad it is


This will pass  :lol:

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I've read a number of accounts of the game that refer to us having a fantastic first half, the game being a brilliant one to watch and us having control for the majority but not winning due to a couple of missed chances.  I don't see it, I was as bored watching that yesterday as I have been watching the majority of our games for a long while.  I'd think I was getting sick of football but I don't have the same issues watching other sides.  Our games are scrappy and dull for the most part.

I thought yesterday was a very good game. I am the opposite way around. I find games not involving us that aren't brilliant pretty boring but when we play I am always engrossed by the game no matter how bad it is


This will pass  :lol:

:lol: Probably
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Anyone saw how we were all over the place leading to the Southampton goal? Debuchy took a FK that Southampton cleared first time. The ball fell to Tiote who then passed to Santon, whose ambitious through ball was intercepted and they went on to score from that.


All this while, Gouffran was way offside in their box. Same goes for Sissoko who kept asking for the ball miles offside on the right. Another stroller in Williamson was in line with their last defender leaving Colo short on the counter-attack.


And you can see all ten of Southampton's outfield players in the screenie. That was how bad the trio were when they should be bursting a gut to get back in position.



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The right ball there is to Debuchy though


Would have been the right option. Still doesn't excuse them not making an effort getting back instead of making themselves redundant to play by being miles offside.

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Guest firetotheworks

No problem with where they are there tbh. The obvious ball is to Debuchy and I think they'd have dipped back onside by that point.

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No problem with where they are there tbh. The obvious ball is to Debuchy and I think they'd have dipped back onside by that point.


They were 'intentionally' staying offside and made no attempt to come back onside. Gouffran in particular was at walking pace while Sissoko was asking for the ball around the same spot he stood.

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Guest firetotheworks

Sissoko is signalling to pass to Debuchy, surely?


It's hard to get into with it being an 'if' situation. Either way, Santon was a total div for playing that ball.

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Thanks for the screen grab as that's what I remember happening too, and why I wasn't going to put all the blame entirely on Santon. Just couldn't understand why our guys are making no attempt to get on side and worse yet, asking for the ball. Yes criminally bad ball by Santon but think as a team we were asking for trouble.

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As mentioned, its probably a relatively normal way of not expending excess energy. If the ball goes out wide the defenders have to push back anyway & our players get in line, there was no issue bar Santon trying to do something needlessly audacious.

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Sissoko is signalling to pass to Debuchy, surely?


He wasn't looking at Debs the whole time.


As mentioned, its probably a relatively normal way of not expending excess energy. If the ball goes out wide the defenders have to push back anyway & our players get in line, there was no issue bar Santon trying to do something needlessly audacious.


Would have been acceptable if they were at least keeping up with their last line of defence. They were so far off that they would be caught offside in any situation. Especially when there are two of them.


Cisse, surprisingly, can't be faulted this time round.  :laugh:

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Think about how much time these players had to move as well. The ball fell to Tiote, Santon feigned going wide, and dribbled to the middle of the pitch. It is just laziness because several seconds passed. This actually makes the pass worse though, as everyone he was chipping the ball to would have been offside. :lol:


It is mixture of both things. It is inexcusable to have that many players simply out of the play, especially given the situation in the game, but it is a terrible decision and Santon loses the ball far too easily.

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