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My dislike of Zlatan stems from his personality off the pitch, rather than on it.


You mean the fact he has one?


It's tiresome now.


Basically the footballing equivalent of Chuck Norris jokes.


You might find James Milner more to your liking.

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My dislike of Zlatan stems from his personality off the pitch, rather than on it.


You mean the fact he has one?


It's tiresome now.


Basically the footballing equivalent of Chuck Norris jokes.


You might find James Milner more to your liking.


Not really arsed about him tbh.

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Like what the fuck more do you want from a modern age player?

We got these emotionless robots running around getting applauds for no reasons and here you got a player with some flair and out-of-the-box attitude who actually delivers titles looking away from the Champions League as if that is some sort of indicator for success, yeah let's hate on that.

On top of that he has delivered in all of the top leagues, except the one league that claims to be the best without winning anything of significance outside Chelsea and Manchester United which you can compare to the likes of Barcelona, Real Madrid, Juventus, Milan, Inter/(PSG I'll step back on the PSG claim to the point where they at least have gone fairly long into the final stages with him on the team) to some part whom all have done the same.


Reminds me a lot of when people dismissed Henrik Larsson because he's never done it in the Premier League. Even in his 30s SAF was desperate to keep him in the end.

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I can understand the Ronaldo versus Messi argument, separating those two is nearly impossible. But I really can't get my head wrapped around how people can THAT hateful towards Zlatan. He is like a spice that makes food taste better even when you look away from what he has accomplished in terms of titles etc. Yes he is missing the Champions League and some sort of international team success, but as a footballer it is hard for me to understand how you can dislike him. But that's OK though, people are allowed to their own opinion and all, still think it's sad that people write off a player that has that extraordinary talent which we often complain about not existing.

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I hate pretty much nothing more than the fucking Man Utd and Liverpool "fans" in Norway. They know nothing about football. Nothing. Makes Froggy seem like a fucking footballing expert.

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I hate pretty much nothing more than the f***ing Man Utd and Liverpool "fans" in Norway. They know nothing about football. Nothing. Makes Froggy seem like a f***ing footballing expert.


Same in Finland.

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I like your humbleness, but me being a internet creep these days just checking out what 98% of this board says you're still a Manc not-so-likeable though.


It's about 50%. I have my allies.


You do?

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Guest palnese

I used to like him, but now that he's signed for Man Utd he can fuck off.


Hope he flops.

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Not really sure about Mkhitaryan tbh, before last season he didn't look good at all and then the new coach in came in and he suddenly looked amazing.


Not sure what one is the real player you'll see for the rest of his career.

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