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Other clubs' transfers


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Exactly. The hate for him is irrational because everyone on here would accept a better paying, better benefits job in a flash.


If the hate is about which clubs he ends up playing for then that's caused by the system in football today, things like allowing loans and buybacks and all crazy clauses that only benefits the big clubs.


Don't hate on the one little guy who has maybe 10 years to earn 99% of his career earnings. I hope Sterling gets 200k/week at City.


Aye, I think he's been misguided and is going about things the wrong way. He should've waited until the end of the season for example. Kept it private. But wanting to move? Go ahead kid. Get it.


Liverpool didn't pick him up as a kid. The bought him for a free as high as £5m when he was 15ish. They used the same tactics to get him as City will do to sign him. And aye - he'll start for City. So why not move? He would get games at most of the sides above him.

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No wonder England are so poor. The mentality of these players at such a young age is apalling.




Hang on a second. Let's not pretend this is unique to England. Isco to Real Madrid, Sergio Ramos to Real Madrid off the top of my head. This isn't a Moses, Sinclair, Rodwell, generic flavour of the month type.


We just signed the Ajax captain in the summer. Where was the complaints about football gone mad?

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No wonder England are so poor. The mentality of these players at such a young age is apalling.




Hang on a second. Let's not pretend this is unique to England. Isco to Real Madrid, Sergio Ramos to Real Madrid off the top of my head. This isn't a Moses, Sinclair, Rodwell, generic flavour of the month type.


We just signed the Ajax captain in the summer. Where was the complaints about football gone mad?


I complained :smug:


European football bar about 6 teams is fucked.

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No wonder England are so poor. The mentality of these players at such a young age is apalling.




Hang on a second. Let's not pretend this is unique to England. Isco to Real Madrid, Sergio Ramos to Real Madrid off the top of my head. This isn't a Moses, Sinclair, Rodwell, generic flavour of the month type.


We just signed the Ajax captain in the summer. Where was the complaints about football gone mad?


Are you even following the discussion at all?


De Jong is not some little scrote that was making a big fuss, and releasing stupid statements via his dumb agent. What a terrible and silly argument.



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No wonder England are so poor. The mentality of these players at such a young age is apalling.




Hang on a second. Let's not pretend this is unique to England. Isco to Real Madrid, Sergio Ramos to Real Madrid off the top of my head. This isn't a Moses, Sinclair, Rodwell, generic flavour of the month type.


We just signed the Ajax captain in the summer. Where was the complaints about football gone mad?


Are you even following the discussion at all?


De Jong is not some little scrote that was making a big fuss, and releasing stupid statements via his dumb agent. What a terrible and silly argument.


Are we ignoring the fact it was Rodgers that first blabbed to the media about it? I don't think Sterling handled it brilliantly BUT he would not have done interviews if Rodgers didn't try to pressure him into it

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No wonder England are so poor. The mentality of these players at such a young age is apalling.




Hang on a second. Let's not pretend this is unique to England. Isco to Real Madrid, Sergio Ramos to Real Madrid off the top of my head. This isn't a Moses, Sinclair, Rodwell, generic flavour of the month type.


We just signed the Ajax captain in the summer. Where was the complaints about football gone mad?


Are you even following the discussion at all?


De Jong is not some little scrote that was making a big fuss, and releasing stupid statements via his dumb agent. What a terrible and silly argument.


Are we ignoring the fact it was Rodgers that first blabbed to the media about it? I don't think Sterling handled it brilliantly BUT he would not have done interviews if Rodgers didn't try to pressure him into it


So because Rodgers jumps off a tall building, Sterling should too?


Whose reputation is going to suffer more? Who is going to have to deal with all of the fallout from this?


The boy is incredibly stupid IMO.

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No wonder England are so poor. The mentality of these players at such a young age is apalling.




Hang on a second. Let's not pretend this is unique to England. Isco to Real Madrid, Sergio Ramos to Real Madrid off the top of my head. This isn't a Moses, Sinclair, Rodwell, generic flavour of the month type.


We just signed the Ajax captain in the summer. Where was the complaints about football gone mad?


Are you even following the discussion at all?


De Jong is not some little scrote that was making a big fuss, and releasing stupid statements via his dumb agent. What a terrible and silly argument.


Are we ignoring the fact it was Rodgers that first blabbed to the media about it? I don't think Sterling handled it brilliantly BUT he would not have done interviews if Rodgers didn't try to pressure him into it


So because Rodgers jumps off a tall building, Sterling should too?


Whose reputation is going to suffer more? Who is going to have to deal with all of the fallout from this?


The boy is incredibly stupid IMO.


Mint logic that


Rodgers comments caused problems for Sterling and he felt he had to defend his point and highlight it wasn't about the money, whether he went the best way about it doesn't matter

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No wonder England are so poor. The mentality of these players at such a young age is apalling.




Hang on a second. Let's not pretend this is unique to England. Isco to Real Madrid, Sergio Ramos to Real Madrid off the top of my head. This isn't a Moses, Sinclair, Rodwell, generic flavour of the month type.


We just signed the Ajax captain in the summer. Where was the complaints about football gone mad?


Are you even following the discussion at all?


De Jong is not some little scrote that was making a big fuss, and releasing stupid statements via his dumb agent. What a terrible and silly argument.


His conduct has been poor I agree. But wanting to leave L'pool for possibly Man City? I don't see the problem.

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Sterling has behaved appalingly, how anyone can defend him is beyond me. Carragher and Neville were spot on.


Do you think so? Has he done anything more than just not sign?


I should have said, 'Sterling and his advisors have behaved appalingly'. But yes, there are ways of doing things and this isn't the right way. I mean, every single interview the guy has done makes him look progressively worse.

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Fuck that. He owes Liverpool nothing. Liverpool have treated him like he owes them something.


He might even end up at a club like Bayern since they're in need of some youth at the wings and he's got loads of potential.

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No wonder England are so poor. The mentality of these players at such a young age is apalling.

I would disagree strongly with this. Sterling is a bit of an outlier IMO. Most young players would be happy to play for Liverpool, a once great club who are now usually 5th or 6th apart from the upsurge of last season where they came 3rd. Sterling wants to go to a club that is going to win things which Liverpool aren't unless they somehow get another Suarez. By the way, Liverpool fans are the most fickle cunts ever. They think that despite not having won the Premier League/First Division in 25 years that Real Madrid and Barcelona are the only acceptable clubs to go to if you leave Liverpool. They briefly hated their hero Stevie G who even at that stage was an absolute legend at the club when he wanted to leave, same with Torres, Suarez, the first time he wanted to leave and now Sterling

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20 years old rejecting 100k a week, doing stomach churning interviews and getting his agents to release shit to the press? It's so fucking snidey and underhand.


If he wants to leave just come out and say it.

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20 years old rejecting 100k a week, doing stomach churning interviews and getting his agents to release shit to the press? It's so fucking snidey and underhand.


If he wants to leave just come out and say it.

Didn't he say no amount of money would convince him to sign until the summer at least? He didn't say the wage was too low. Doing the interview was stupid but I doubt it was his idea to be honest

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I dont know what to think about this. Man City is a step up from Liverpool and somewhere where he has more chance of winning titles and I think he'd replace Navas, maybe he sees it as an ideal place to further himself, better his career and a change of surroundings is ideal for him and I wonder is there anything wrong in wanting that. But I just think its stupid to be making all of this fuss to leave Liverpool at 20 where he'd have a team built around him, has been developed potentially into a world class player and a team not particularly that far off being at the same level as City with the right signings. The best thing for him was to accept the 100k a week, if he keeps improving as a player and they fail to get in the CL in the next 2 seasons or win anything and he wanted to leave youd accept it. He'd have Madrid, Chelsea, Barca, Bayern, City after him for 200k+ a week guaranteeing him 1st team football.

It wouldnt surprise me if his agent wants a payday and has been in his ear about how he should be at clubs winning trophies and that Liverpool aren't treating him right or with any respect ect.

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I dont know what to think about this. Man City is a step up from Liverpool and somewhere where he has more chance of winning titles and I think he'd replace Navas, maybe he sees it as an ideal place to further himself, better his career and a change of surroundings is ideal for him and I wonder is there anything wrong in wanting that. But I just think its stupid to be making all of this fuss to leave Liverpool at 20 where he'd have a team built around him, has been developed potentially into a world class player and a team not particularly that far off being at the same level as City with the right signings. The best thing for him was to accept the 100k a week, if he keeps improving as a player and they fail to get in the CL in the next 2 seasons or win anything and he wanted to leave youd accept it. He'd have Madrid, Chelsea, Barca, Bayern, City after him for 200k+ a week guaranteeing him 1st team football.

It wouldnt surprise me if his agent wants a payday and has been in his ear about how he should be at clubs winning trophies and that Liverpool aren't treating him right or with any respect ect.





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