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Clément Grenier


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This is Pardew's way of putting pressure on Kinnear and Ashley.


Nah, he'll be the one answering the questions and making the excuses come Saturday when we've "not quite managed to get anyone over the line"


It's a fucking farce and I have no idea why I continually get pissed off when this shit happens, it's inevitable.


The most infuriating thing is how late we've left this to replace Cabaye. He said in his own presser at PSG that we'd allowed him to leave this window. Knowing that we should have been far more prepared. It's a frigging joke and Pardew will continue, as usual, supporting the board and just being thankful he's got a job.

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Really did look like he was about to top himself in that clip SSN showed.


Perhaps he's finally a bit fed up having to chat absolute bullshit to protect the owner. That or he really is bricking it for the derby.

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I wonder why they keep doing this ("bidding" and "having talks") when everyone knows it's just for show and nothing will come of it?


It would be better if they just came out with the truth: "-As you're all well aware of by now, we won't sign anyone so don't get your hopes up."

Would prefer that to this "we tried" shit.

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Surely would be better to just say the bid has been rejected now? That would still dupe our fans into thinking we tried our best to get him. Could easily just say we were quoted an insane price. Why drag it on if talks aren't really happening?


Then we'd be expecting them to try and look at other players between now and SLAM SHUT. This way they can peddle it until David Craig says we did eeeeeeeverything we could. Look at hero joe, trying his best, but the plucky little club just couldn't pull it off...THIS TIME :smitten:

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Rumours going around that Grenier has refused to talk about a possible move with Newcastle. Could as well be that he doesn't wanna talk about IT.

Fuck know's what to believe anymore. Well first we have to agree a price with Lyon, which probably isn't gonna happen anyway...

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Guest DebuchyAndTheBeast

Few frenchies on twitter are saying Grenier has refused to even speak to us, dunno how reliable it is like.


It's being reported on some of their websites too but with no quotes or sources. We can still believe

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Few frenchies on twitter are saying Grenier has refused to even speak to us, dunno how reliable it is like.


It's being reported on some of their websites too but with no quotes or sources. We can still believe


Until any fee was agreed he couldn't speak to us anyway, it'll all be bollocks.

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Guest reefatoon

It's not that he has refused to speak.  He is just speechless after hearing Joe muttering on like the old pissed tramp he is.

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