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N-O Fantasy World Cup 2014 - sbnufc wins! Rich second! Unbelievable third!

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Last one: http://www.newcastle-online.org/nufcforum/index.php/topic,92341.msg3710041.html#msg3710041


Fantasy Euro 2012 was a blaring success with Anderson taking home a extreme, massive prize pot of £40. Question is, who will it be this year?


Going by popular opinion we shall use the official game. Unfortunately this means no automatic prize pot - however I plan to make a paypal account to handle the money.





Create account and register interest on http://en.mcdonalds.fantasy.fifa.com/

£2 to be paid to Paypal account (will provide later) for all entrants. If not received by start of tournament you will be kicked out

Prizes will be split 50% winner, 30% second place, 20% third place. Last place gets banned.

Other prizes to be decided.


You can start selecting your team on 8th June. Starting this a bit earlier than last year since the money has to be handled manually and people might have holidays etc...




TaylorJ_01 ✓

Froggy ✓

chopey ✓

Magpie ✓

Ketsbaia ✓

Si ✓

neesy111 ✓

wormy ✓

Anderson Silva Diaz de Rivas Cunha-Almerol Rodriguez ("The Flea") ✓


dinotheprehistoricgeordie ✓

Sewelly ✓

Neil ✓

Ameritoon ✓

GeorgeCostanza ✓


TruToon94 ✓

Ryan ✓

Interpolic ✓

gavo ✓

ElDiablo ✓

Hanskissedhispantz ✓

Rich ✓

LucaAltieri ✓


Kaizero ✓

Ginola ✓

GeordieT ✓

Pata ✓

Super Duper Branko Strupar ✓

Kid Icarus ✓

mozy ✓

Klaus ✓

Anderson © ✓

kameroon ✓

Geordiesned ✓

chicagoshearer ✓


dazzanufc1892 ✓

Slim ✓

Static87 ✓

bimpy474 ✓

Shearer9 ✓

Jonny ✓

M1tche ✓

Unbelievable! ✓

bigcal ✓

Ritchie ✓

JB ✓

jonbobson ✓

Chrissy Bee ✓

Doctor Zaius ✓

sbnufc ✓

tgarve ✓

Roger Kint ✓

Coco ✓

jackie broon ✓

BrettNUFC ✓

CarlCort16 ✓

jimburst ✓

SirLes9 ✓

themanupstairs ✓

polpolpol ✓

Peder75 ✓




Should be set up to receive money now. I can't be arsed making a new account so:


Paypal (registered):

1. Send £2 directly to [email protected] with a note of who you are as a reference.


Paypal (unregistered):

1. Enter [email protected], £2 and continue. Should be self-explanatory from there.






League name: Newcastle-Online

Password: *check PMs once paid*

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Also wouldn't it be more fun to just give the winner everything? (yeah I'm not winning or coming 2nd or 3rd so really shouldn't care probably)


I always find that some dude will get a few lucky weeks and be uncatchable. Keeps it interesting if folk have something to play for.


Will have other random prizes too. Maybe a couple 'I lov you hatem' shirts for highest in-week score or most goals or something. Suggestions welcome.


If you can't use paypal we'll sort it nearer the time. Can pay it to me and I'll pass it on (:kurt:).

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