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Crystal Palace manager


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Why does no reporter just poit out the run of results to him.



This is the thing I really don't get with the English football media. There seems to be a very strange system of mutual insurance between the media, which is in some part made up of ex-footballers and managers, and current PL managers. No one who has belonged to the game at professional level seems to have the guts to criticize Pardew. Which provides a fertile soil for the alternative and social media to rest the blame on deluded Geordie fans and other shameful cliches.

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And he admitted that life had been made “difficult” by fan protests, social media and the wider Press of late.


In an interview with BBC Newcastle he said: “It’s difficult for us.


“We are trying to create an atmosphere in a stadium. no you're not


“It’s difficult for my media staff. no, it isn't


“It’s difficult for me. fuck off then


“We don’t quite know what to say. try the truth for a change


“And there has been some reporting that quite frankly has been outrageous really. no there hasn't


“But we accepted all of that.by banning all and sunder


“After the performance at Southampton I said to the players there’s no point in whinging about it, people’s comments or whatever they want to do, because we didn’t deliver.I whinged about it immediately afterwards


“For this football club that performance wasn’t right,”...again but it's not my fault


And he also stated that despite talk of him resigning or waiting for the payout that would release him from his five year contract, he was never considering quitting at Southampton after the 4-0 loss.


He said: “I was never, never, never going to walk out of the club on the back of that performance.look at me, look at me, I'm taking the piss out of you because I'm slimy, greedy cunt


“I’m proud of being manager here.I have the easiest job in the league


“I don’t have an arrogance or an ego about me that I am going to sit it out and waiting for whatever.”I enjoy lying and taking the piss out of the fans with Mike


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Everybody was happy that the club stayed up last year and finished in the top 10.


Can you actually believe this? Another spineless rotten c*** of a sellout.


I dont remember anyone being pleased.  I think Steve is right, someone is feeding "positive sotries" out to the media. 

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Alan Pardew benefits massively from being English as well. Imagine what would have been said in the media if he was foreign. It would be all "He doesn't understand the game here" and he'd have been hounded out by them over two years ago. Instead the old boys network of terrible pundits and managers have backed him and spouted drivel non stop. Still difficult to stop PR campaigns and the club finding the one person in a million who backs him, so they can choose to air their views.  How long will it take for the majority to eventually see through it?

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