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Crystal Palace manager


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Guest Roger Kint

Would anyone celebrate if he wins the league cup?  Would all be forgiven?


I would celebrate winning a cup even if Hitler was manager but that doesnt change my hatred and disregard of his management here. The record books would show NUFC as winners not Alan Pardew


You know it would be Pardew winning it.  You know it.


Only in his head.

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Guest neesy111

I still have no idea where this spirit and effort has come from. Why are they suddenly playing for him?


Could easily have lied down against Hull or Swansea, and losing to Spurs and Man City is nothing to be ashamed of. Yet they're battling for this cunt and I don't know why. :(


Probably know that he isn't getting sacked no matter what, so have started to play for themselves.  I still maintain he had lost the dressing room earlier in the season.

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Guest neesy111

He definitely had, that's why it's so confusing. Ah well.


I think Pardew's changed his approach as well, he's defo been more bold in his changes in recent weeks.  Have the players got an input into tactics now?

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I still have no idea where this spirit and effort has come from. Why are they suddenly playing for him?


Could easily have lied down against Hull or Swansea, and losing to Spurs and Man City is nothing to be ashamed of. Yet they're battling for this cunt and I don't know why. :(


Probably know that he isn't getting sacked no matter what, so have started to play for themselves.  I still maintain he had lost the dressing room earlier in the season.



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I still have no idea where this spirit and effort has come from. Why are they suddenly playing for him?


Could easily have lied down against Hull or Swansea, and losing to Spurs and Man City is nothing to be ashamed of. Yet they're battling for this c*** and I don't know why. :(


Probably know that he isn't getting sacked no matter what, so have started to play for themselves.  I still maintain he had lost the dressing room earlier in the season.


Either that, or steroids with every meal.

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He'll NEVER be forgiven unless he goes on and wins trophies and plays some Martinez style football or something, just something outlandish.


Win something for us, and I'll celebrate - Ill be watching Liverpool match hoping we get points b/c I'm sick and tired of being miserable watching us play.

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Honestly, I can't believe anyone could want us to win games at the minute, with this guy in charge. Even after I somewhat enjoyed yesterday's game, he's ruined it completely with his special brand of unintelligible and glory hunting chat right after.

Sorry but i'm always going to be happy about a Cup QF.


Fair enough. I'm envious of you. Not enjoying much at the minute.

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I just think he's not going to get sacked no matter what, so we might have to try to take some enjoyment somewhere.


I am in the same boat, and I actually enjoyed that win yesterday and celebrated our goals for the first time this season. But I'm still massively conflicted and I will enjoy abusing him when we lose just as much. Why? because he will take us all for another ride which ends up going nowhere.

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I just think he's not going to get sacked no matter what, so we might have to try to take some enjoyment somewhere.


I am in the same boat, and I actually enjoyed that win yesterday and celebrated our goals for the first time this season. But I'm still massively conflicted and I will enjoy abusing him when we lose just as much. Why? because he will take us all for another ride which ends up going nowhere.


Thirded. I think it's down to the fact it's a cup game which we hypothetically now have a 1 in 8 chance of winning. But mostly I think it's because it was youngsters and fringe players playing well, and there actually seemed to be a purpose about the way we played.

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I just think he's not going to get sacked no matter what, so we might have to try to take some enjoyment somewhere.


I am in the same boat, and I actually enjoyed that win yesterday and celebrated our goals for the first time this season. But I'm still massively conflicted and I will enjoy abusing him when we lose just as much. Why? because he will take us all for another ride which ends up going nowhere.


I got the nervous feeling when we were 1-0, which shows something is still bubbling under. Obviously nobody will change their opinion on Pardew unless we do something crazy like have two good seasons in a row.


We also have quite a lot of likeable players IMO, so that helps a bit.


Overall I still feel very little mind, especially when we concede and lose as we've usually brought it on ourselves through idiotic selections and tactics.

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I still have no idea where this spirit and effort has come from. Why are they suddenly playing for him?


Could easily have lied down against Hull or Swansea, and losing to Spurs and Man City is nothing to be ashamed of. Yet they're battling for this cunt and I don't know why. :(


i think they were all sleeping, not giving a fuck, including pardew, thinking they could coast to 10th no bother and get their bonus...probably half-arsing it in training etc. while the HBA/MYM circus rumbled along


the campaign against him and resultant media attention woke everyone up, probably not least pardew, who'll have known he was gone if he didn't turn it around


furthermore when he's picking his favourites when and where he wants them it's not like they're doing that much - it's aarons, perez, (back from being broken) cisse etc. who have dug him out not his favourite gouffran's, colback's and dummett's but now the confidence is up it'll spread obviously

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Was having a 'chat' with someone on FB last night, who was questioning whether I gave Pardew any credit for the last two wins.


I said no, as the players were being given a lot of stick (by some media and fans) for the losing/winless run, yet Pardew was given sympathy.


So now they won a few games, I'd give the credit to the players.


Last night, he basically set the team up for damage limitation, with 5 across the middle, and leaving 'key' players on the bench in favour of the weekends league match. By pure crazy luck, some younger players stepping up, and Man City not playing to their potential, we actually won, but Pardew will be claiming to be a tactical genius.


I'll wait to see how long this little run lasts, and whether its a flash in the pan.


Alternatively, the protests/pressure on the manager may have simply bred a siege mentality, thats brought the squad together, and is starting to produce results. thus... keep it going!!!

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I still have no idea where this spirit and effort has come from. Why are they suddenly playing for him?


Could easily have lied down against Hull or Swansea, and losing to Spurs and Man City is nothing to be ashamed of. Yet they're battling for this c*** and I don't know why. :(


I'm sure I've read somewhere that he is a 'players' manager?  Fuck knows where and I'm unsure why any player would like him.  Save for the mediocre cloggers that he selects in his team no matter what. 


They surely must see that he is clueless and very limited?  I mean, when we were doing the Williamson free kick routine last night.  I did wonder what the players must be thinking when we try shit like this week in week out.  Throw in the fact he's an egotistical tosser, I'm not sure why anyone would play so hard for him? 


It's quite ironic that Cisse and Obertan have been big factors in saving his career here after the way he treated them.  :huff:

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I can understand how the majority of footballers could like Pardew, they are quite simplistic in how they see the game too. Most footballers probably don't have many tactical ideas or anything like that.


Danny Murphy still maintains Pardew is one of the best coaches he's ever worked for. Good example of what I mean.

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It's mostly the shit players who like him IMO. The ones who are happy to play for a mid-table premier club with no ambition. I wouldn't go off last night either, that was just a bunch of kids whooping it up at the chance to play a full match.

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I can understand how the majority of footballers could like Pardew, they are quite simplistic in how they see the game too. Most footballers probably don't have many tactical ideas or anything like that.


Yep. Keeps it simple, good at building team spirit when working with his kind of players.

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