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Crystal Palace manager


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Anyone else feel worse now than two weeks ago?  :lol:


We were on the precipise of getting rid of this c*** and then four wins on the bounce comes along to cement his position. I'm raging here like  :lol: ffs.


That's the thing.


Raging vs four wins on the bounce.


That's why I am thinking whether I'd like us to win or draw versus lose by 5 tomorrow in terms of the bigger picture.


Wanting the team I've supported for 40 years, and which is in trouble, to lose heavily. f***ing hell.


yeah, some SUPPORTer you are  :idiot2:


I know it isn't an easy think to come to terms with, I've spent enough time thinking about it myself, but:


Lost 5 games in a row, fail to score in any of them


Beat Spurs


That sequence then sets us up for another 5 game losing streak being acceptable because we got one good result.


One match in the wider scheme of things means nothing. i don't want the utter, utter mediocrity our chairman and manager think are OK to go on any more. What kind of supporter is our chairman if he thinks failing to score for nine hours is acceptable?


I wouldn't want to have one of my fingers cut off, either, but if I thought it'd stop disease from spreading to the rest of my body, I'd lop the fucker off myself.


I absolutely guarantee you, if we keep this manager, we will finish 15th or below AGAIN this season. And he'll still be our manager next season, even if we get relegated.


Who the fuck would want that?

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Pardew is shite and I hope he falls under a combine harvester ASAP.


*wine through nostrils*


Very good. Particularly like the fact you've given it enough thought to decide on a specific form of destructive farm machinery for him to fall under.

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Anyone else feel worse now than two weeks ago?  :lol:


We were on the precipise of getting rid of this c*** and then four wins on the bounce comes along to cement his position. I'm raging here like  :lol: ffs.


That's the thing.


Raging vs four wins on the bounce.


That's why I am thinking whether I'd like us to win or draw versus lose by 5 tomorrow in terms of the bigger picture.


Wanting the team I've supported for 40 years, and which is in trouble, to lose heavily. f***ing hell.


yeah, some SUPPORTer you are  :idiot2:


I know it isn't an easy think to come to terms with, I've spent enough time thinking about it myself, but:


Lost 5 games in a row, fail to score in any of them


Beat Spurs


That sequence then sets us up for another 5 game losing streak being acceptable because we got one good result.


One match in the wider scheme of things means nothing. i don't want the utter, utter mediocrity our chairman and manager think are OK to go on any more. What kind of supporter is our chairman if he thinks failing to score for nine hours is acceptable?


I wouldn't want to have one of my fingers cut off, either, but if I thought it'd stop disease from spreading to the rest of my body, I'd lop the f***er off myself.


I absolutely guarantee you, if we keep this manager, we will finish 15th or below AGAIN this season. And he'll still be our manager next season, even if we get relegated.


Who the f*** would want that?


Saw a stat today that rams home how badly villa are doing.  I know he's incredible, but it's now true that Ronaldo has scored 20 times himself since Villa last scored.  It took a lot of getting my head around, and I even checked it to be sure.  Since your last goal, 13th sep, CR7 has 20


Says lots about him, but lots about you lot, too

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Saw a stat today that rams home how badly villa are doing.  I know he's incredible, but it's now true that Ronaldo has scored 20 times himself since Villa last scored.  It took a lot of getting my head around, and I even checked it to be sure.  Since your last goal, 13th sep, CR7 has 20


Says lots about him, but lots about you lot, too


That Ronaldo stat is absolute bollocks.


It is actually 21.

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Anyone else feel worse now than two weeks ago?  :lol:


We were on the precipise of getting rid of this cunt and then four wins on the bounce comes along to cement his position. I'm raging here like  :lol: ffs.


:lol: I can't fucking believe what's happened. Feel like an asshole being upset that the team has been playing well, but at the same time you get glimpses of what this collection of players could potentially be under a better manager and it's unbelievably frustrating.


Exactly! I had an argument with wor lass tonight just because she even mentioned the result! Think about that for a second.....I a Newcastle fan had an argument with my lass cause she mentioned that we had beaten Liverpool! I'm speechless that this scenario has become reality. This result in any other year would have seen her immediately pinned down and her back doors smashed the fuck to bits.... Instead she's fucked off out with her mates and I've spent my Saturday night alone watching the X Factor and eating an Iceland curry. Its the absolute pits.


Fuck you Pardew.

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Anyone else feel worse now than two weeks ago?  :lol:


We were on the precipise of getting rid of this cunt and then four wins on the bounce comes along to cement his position. I'm raging here like  :lol: ffs.


That's the thing.


Raging vs four wins on the bounce.


That's why I am thinking whether I'd like us to win or draw versus lose by 5 tomorrow in terms of the bigger picture.


Wanting the team I've supported for 40 years, and which is in trouble, to lose heavily. Fucking hell.


I'm all about the bigger picture that's why I am begging for an end to Ashley's control over our club. If the start to this season has shown me anything its that deep down I know that until Ashley sells up I can never get back to enjoying my football club as I have done for the past 20 years. We could beat the top six on the bounce but it means little to me because there is no heart in the club anymore. In the short term I was certain that 2 more defeats would have seen the back of Pardew and that's what makes this run all the more galling.


I feel your pain pedro.


Is anyone labouring under the delusion that even if he stayed on this run and continued to climb the table, if a European spot was within reach, that he/they wouldn't either nobble the squad in January or just basically start throwing games? The chances of this cunt qualifying for Europe and putting his inability to manage a club in midweek under the spotlight again is zero.

I felt with his team selection at Manchester City that he was trying to manoevre a defeat to tie in with club policy re tbe Cups. I wouldn't put anything past this regime, not even deliberately doing things to detriment the club.


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Saw a stat today that rams home how badly villa are doing.  I know he's incredible, but it's now true that Ronaldo has scored 20 times himself since Villa last scored.  It took a lot of getting my head around, and I even checked it to be sure.  Since your last goal, 13th sep, CR7 has 20


Says lots about him, but lots about you lot, too


That Ronaldo stat is absolute bollocks.


It is actually 21.


U sure?


Either way, fuckin hell

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Saw a stat today that rams home how badly villa are doing.  I know he's incredible, but it's now true that Ronaldo has scored 20 times himself since Villa last scored.  It took a lot of getting my head around, and I even checked it to be sure.  Since your last goal, 13th sep, CR7 has 20


Says lots about him, but lots about you lot, too


That Ronaldo stat is absolute bollocks.


It is actually 21.


Since Villa last scored, Alan Pardew has won 5 games. He'd won 5 in the previous 9 months.

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Don't think for a nanosecond I don't get your argument, because I absolutely do, and I have been mentally driving myself nuts thinking about it.


However, Lambert doesn't deserve my support. I don't support Paul Lambert, I support Aston Villa.


Right now, I firmly believe the worst thing for Aston Villa is the continued management of Paul Lambert, a man who has broken every single record for shitness this club has ever had. This is the man who won fewer home games in a season than any other manager in our 139 year history. That includes the early days of the league when we'd only play about 10 home games, too. Then the next season, he broke his own record again.


Those who remember my ramblings at the end of his first season will recall that I, and most other Villa fans, was totally behind him even after his first train wreck of a season.


Since then I've seen ineptitude of the absolutely highest order. I've seen a manager who reminds me hugely of Billy McNeill - a manager who quite clearly was not only incompetent, he didn't care. A man who relegated two teams in one season, and Lambert looks worse.


We are going nowhere under this man but down. What the lads and the club needs is to be rid of him.


I entirely get your point (although, the SUPPORTer thing is a bit sledgehammer, mind), it is a very difficult thing to get your head around, as I said, I hate finding myself thinking like this, but I just do.


I do not support Paul Lambert or Randy Lerner, I support Aston Villa, and I want the best for the club, which has been demonstrated very clearly to mean moving this manager on.


Oh, and you know what the most depressing thing is?


The bloke is bulletproof. Absolutely fucking bulletproof.

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Spudil fishing for bites further afield.


Football in the North East is reflective of our position in the UK as a whole. An afterthought. Newcastle and Sunderland have the 3rd and 4th biggest stadiums in the country, easily fillable every week if we were any good, and yet we both treat mid-table like the Promised Land, gazing longingly at Everton and Spurs. They're even more of a disgrace than we are, with far less ambition than even our fans. Fuck all will to succeed in our region, we've nearly always been shit (and they always have) so we're generally content with continuing the trend.

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Saw a stat today that rams home how badly villa are doing.  I know he's incredible, but it's now true that Ronaldo has scored 20 times himself since Villa last scored.  It took a lot of getting my head around, and I even checked it to be sure.  Since your last goal, 13th sep, CR7 has 20


Says lots about him, but lots about you lot, too


That Ronaldo stat is absolute bollocks.


It is actually 21.


Since Villa last scored, Alan Pardew has won 5 games. He'd won 5 in the previous 9 months.


Obviously we need Villa to start scoring some fucking goals.

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Spudil fishing for bites further afield.


Football in the North East is reflective of our position in the UK as a whole. An afterthought. Newcastle and Sunderland have the 3rd and 4th biggest stadiums in the country, easily fillable every week if we were any good, and yet we both treat mid-table like the Promised Land, gazing longingly at Everton and Spurs. They're even more of a disgrace than we are, with far less ambition than even our fans. f*** all will to succeed in our region, we've nearly always been s*** (and they always have) so we're generally content with continuing the trend.


It's less about attendance figures than matchday income (and beyond that other commercial income/sponsorship).  We are far from 3rd or 4th in matchday income, and that surely means more than bodies through the gates?  That isnt intended to excuse any lack of ambition, but just check out how much spurs take into the tills when they play a home match, and explain our advantage in having a much bigger crowd? 

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Spudil fishing for bites further afield.


Football in the North East is reflective of our position in the UK as a whole. An afterthought. Newcastle and Sunderland have the 3rd and 4th biggest stadiums in the country, easily fillable every week if we were any good, and yet we both treat mid-table like the Promised Land, gazing longingly at Everton and Spurs. They're even more of a disgrace than we are, with far less ambition than even our fans. Fuck all will to succeed in our region, we've nearly always been shit (and they always have) so we're generally content with continuing the trend.


The thing is - and I hate myself for saying this - if you were Randy Lerner or Ellis Short or Mike Ashley, and you were looking at the Premier League as it is now, and thinking "well, I can sit on my arse, not invest myself emotionally, not spend too much money, leave the club ticking over, finish somewhere between 6th and 17th, fluctuating a bit season on season, or I can spend £250m and make a concerted effort at CL football, which might actually turn out to end after two games" what would you do?


The horrific thing is that I too would probably settle for ticking over. And that's the problem


There's no point you, or me, or leffe, or Neil, or that Man U fan who comes on here* even thinking about things like winning the league any more, because we can't, it can't happen unless we get someone in as chairman who is a multi billionaire (remember when you used to just need a multi millionaire, or a billionaire?) with some sort of mental malfunction that makes him want to do this sort of thing.


That is the depressing thing.


When I was a kid in the 1970s, I remember Leeds then Derby, then Forest coming from pretty much nowhere (I honestly remember thinking I'd never actually heard of Forest before the first time they won the league) and winning shit. I even remember my own team winning pretty much everything except the FA Cup.


All that now can not happen, it is just impossible.


I haven't been to a single match this season, and I am not going to until something changes. I went to my first match in 1973, I've had a season ticket most years since then, I went almost a decade missing one or two matches home and away at most a season, my family have supported this club since it started.


And do you know what? If i go tomorrow or don't go, it doesn't fucking matter to them, because, even after 20 years of fans mattering not one fucking iota, it is getting worse, attendances matter less and less. They don't really give a shit if 30,000 people are there tomorrow or 40,000. Why should they? The people who watch on telly in Asia are way, way more important, and it will get more like that.


Very good point about Everton and Spurs, incidentally. I've noticed that among our fans recently.


In recent years, we'd lost to the top four and people would say "well, they're the top four". Now we get effortlessly brushed aside by Everton and it's "well, they finished in the top five". It'll only be a matter of time until we're beaten easily by the likes of West Ham, and people will be saying "well, they're in London" (or some other nonsensical excuse), we can't possibly hope to compete.




It really is a load of utter nonsense when it comes down to it.



* obviously, the Man United thing was a joke

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Anyone else feel worse now than two weeks ago?  :lol:


We were on the precipise of getting rid of this cunt and then four wins on the bounce comes along to cement his position. I'm raging here like  :lol: ffs.


:lol: I can't fucking believe what's happened. Feel like an asshole being upset that the team has been playing well, but at the same time you get glimpses of what this collection of players could potentially be under a better manager and it's unbelievably frustrating.


Exactly! I had an argument with wor lass tonight just because she even mentioned the result! Think about that for a second.....I a Newcastle fan had an argument with my lass cause she mentioned that we had beaten Liverpool! I'm speechless that this scenario has become reality. This result in any other year would have seen her immediately pinned down and her back doors smashed the fuck to bits.... Instead she's fucked off out with her mates and I've spent my Saturday night alone watching the X Factor and eating an Iceland curry. Its the absolute pits.


Fuck you Pardew.



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Spudil fishing for bites further afield.


Football in the North East is reflective of our position in the UK as a whole. An afterthought. Newcastle and Sunderland have the 3rd and 4th biggest stadiums in the country, easily fillable every week if we were any good, and yet we both treat mid-table like the Promised Land, gazing longingly at Everton and Spurs. They're even more of a disgrace than we are, with far less ambition than even our fans. Fuck all will to succeed in our region, we've nearly always been shit (and they always have) so we're generally content with continuing the trend.


The thing is - and I hate myself for saying this - if you were Randy Lerner or Ellis Short or Mike Ashley, and you were looking at the Premier League as it is now, and thinking "well, I can sit on my arse, not invest myself emotionally, not spend too much money, leave the club ticking over, finish somewhere between 6th and 17th, fluctuating a bit season on season, or I can spend £250m and make a concerted effort at CL football, which might actually turn out to end after two games" what would you do?


The horrific thing is that I too would probably settle for ticking over. And that's the problem


There's no point you, or me, or leffe, or Neil, or that Man U fan who comes on here* even thinking about things like winning the league any more, because we can't, it can't happen unless we get someone in as chairman who is a multi billionaire (remember when you used to just need a multi millionaire, or a billionaire?) with some sort of mental malfunction that makes him want to do this sort of thing.


That is the depressing thing.


When I was a kid in the 1970s, I remember Leeds then Derby, then Forest coming from pretty much nowhere (I honestly remember thinking I'd never actually heard of Forest before the first time they won the league) and winning shit. I even remember my own team winning pretty much everything except the FA Cup.


All that now can not happen, it is just impossible.


I haven't been to a single match this season, and I am not going to until something changes. I went to my first match in 1973, I've had a season ticket most years since then, I went almost a decade missing one or two matches home and away at most a season, my family have supported this club since it started.


And do you know what? If i go tomorrow or don't go, it doesn't fucking matter to them, because, even after 20 years of fans mattering not one fucking iota, it is getting worse, attendances matter less and less. They don't really give a shit if 30,000 people are there tomorrow or 40,000. Why should they? The people who watch on telly in Asia are way, way more important, and it will get more like that.


Very good point about Everton and Spurs, incidentally. I've noticed that among our fans recently.


In recent years, we'd lost to the top four and people would say "well, they're the top four". Now we get effortlessly brushed aside by Everton and it's "well, they finished in the top five". It'll only be a matter of time until we're beaten easily by the likes of West Ham, and people will be saying "well, they're in London" (or some other nonsensical excuse), we can't possibly hope to compete.




It really is a load of utter nonsense when it comes down to it.


:clap: I hope your indifference to your club and football doesn't stop you posting absolute sense like this.

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When I was a kid in the 1970s, I remember Leeds then Derby, then Forest coming from pretty much nowhere (I honestly remember thinking I'd never actually heard of Forest before the first time they won the league) and winning s***. I even remember my own team winning pretty much everything except the FA Cup.


All that now can not happen, it is just impossible.


This.  Have thought many times in the sky era - how would a manager like Clough announce himself now?  Promotion, league title, then back to back european cups?  Or getting someone to 5th three years in a row?

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This.  Have thought many times in the sky era - how would a manager like Clough announce himself now?  Promotion, league title, then back to back european cups?  Or getting someone to 5th three years in a row?


The worst thing about the game these days is that someone like Clough - who I genuinely think is the greatest British manager ever - would not be able to achieve anything like as much.

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This.  Have thought many times in the sky era - how would a manager like Clough announce himself now?  Promotion, league title, then back to back european cups?  Or getting someone to 5th three years in a row?


The worst thing about the game these days is that someone like Clough - who I genuinely think is the greatest British manager ever - would not be able to achieve anything like as much.


Aye, even doing what Keegan did with us is pretty much unthinkable these days unless you've got some serious money behind you.

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This.  Have thought many times in the sky era - how would a manager like Clough announce himself now?  Promotion, league title, then back to back european cups?  Or getting someone to 5th three years in a row?


The worst thing about the game these days is that someone like Clough - who I genuinely think is the greatest British manager ever - would not be able to achieve anything like as much.


Aye, even doing what Keegan did with us is pretty much unthinkable these days unless you've got some serious money behind you.


Someone sent me a link the other day, it was a clip on youtube of an entire episode of the local news here in Birmingham from june 1981.


I sat down and spent half an hour watching it, purely out of nostalgia, not even thinking about football.


At the end, it was the sports news, and the main story was "Ron Saunders is understood to have turned down the vacant manager's job at Manchester United. Saunders said he was not intending to leave champions Aston Villa".


All of a sudden, the half hour spent looking at the outdated fashions of the presenters, the awful graphics, the ancient looking presentation was totally trumped by a little snippet like that that made it feel more like 100 years ago.

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