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Latest Fans Forum minutes released


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TBF to the Fan's Forum, the tone and detail of the discussion is not conveyed in the minutes. 


I would hope that those attending were tougher in their questions than it would seem from the minutes but the club are always going to be vague in their responses.  And we know that there is no way they would hold these forums if they were not a UEFA requirement.


Most of the questioning was quite critical and it doesn't exactly show up in minutes. There was a lot on tactics and formations, and set pieces and the squad being weaker than last year at the same time. We got exactly the answers as I expected tbh, like needing more big men for set pieces. Charnley was pulled up on that and asked what about the movement and things, which comes from the manager, but then you get the 'should be doing better' answer.


My question about MYM wasn't as short as they have it in the minutes, but I didn't pull them up before the minutes were released because the answer was pretty much the same. I talked about being weak at centre back as  Charnley had mentioned earlier, so it seemed to make no sense letting our best defender go. He started answering and talking about value of the potential transfer, and I did pull him up and say, it's not about the value in money terms, it's the fact we only have 3 senior centre backs now. Then he continued his answer.


I defo think the forum was worth while, and it might expose little bits and pieces, but I doubt we'll ever get the major answers we want. Fans could go in the shouting their mouth off and leave kicking and screaming about Pardew, but we'd probably get less answers than we do at the moment.

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My question about MYM wasn't as short as they have it in the minutes, but I didn't pull them up before the minutes were released because the answer was pretty much the same. I talked about being weak at centre back as  Charnley had mentioned earlier, so it seemed to make no sense letting our best defender go. He started answering and talking about value of the potential transfer, and I did pull him up and say, it's not about the value in money terms, it's the fact we only have 3 senior centre backs now. Then he continued his answer.




Such clueless tossers in charge of this club.

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someone should have asked moncur that in his position as club ambassador and the fact he was our last cup-winning captain, what he though about the club not having any ambition or desire to win a trophy or push on for europe as long as we are safe in midtable. would it have been enough for joe harvey?


also should have asked his opinion on trying to keep our best players rather than selling for profit each season so that we can never actually develop a team as we lose players every transfer window.

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So he gets at least £3 million a year through merchandise and he wants his £18 million back pretty sharpish and the remaining £129 million will be added to any future sale price, Ashley won't just break even when he sells us he will have made a killing


If someone owed me £18 million i would want that back pretty sharpish as well tbh

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someone should have asked moncur that in his position as club ambassador and the fact he was our last cup-winning captain, what he though about the club not having any ambition or desire to win a trophy or push on for europe as long as we are safe in midtable. would it have been enough for joe harvey?


also should have asked his opinion on trying to keep our best players rather than selling for profit each season so that we can never actually develop a team as we lose players every transfer window.


Very much so, although you could argue that no football professional should put up with it. Plenty do.

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So he gets at least £3 million a year through merchandise and he wants his £18 million back pretty sharpish and the remaining £129 million will be added to any future sale price, Ashley won't just break even when he sells us he will have made a killing


If someone owed me £18 million i would want that back pretty sharpish as well tbh


£18 million won't be much in the world of Ashley though. Probably more like £100 to us normal folk.

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Great transparency from the club, answered some very pressing issues with diligence and intent. Glad to see there's plenty of measures in place to move the whole operation forward, exciting times to be a NUFC fan.  :thup:

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Great transparency from the club, answered some very pressing issues with diligence and intent. Glad to see there's plenty of measures in place to move the whole operation forward, exciting times to be a NUFC fan.  :thup:


:lol: said nobody, ever.

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"Question for Mr Ashley - your businesses seem to have the momentum of a runaway freight train.  Why are you so popular?"


Honestly man, people obviously know if they ask important questions like "Why the fuck are you sticking with Alan Pardew as he takes us down?" they won't be at the next one, so the only people there are people asking about metro timetables and the fucking phone reception in the ground.  Here's an idea, stop putting up with utter shit on the pitch and you won't have to browse twitter and facebook in the stadium

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I think that's an outright lie.  Will be proven either way in the new year 2015 accounts.


How could we take an additional £30m in TV money, £20m extra for the sale of Cabaye, buy no players whatsoever and not pay off that debt?  We'd be looking at reporting a £60m profit.

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I think that's an outright lie.  Will be proven either way in the new year 2015 accounts.


How could we take an additional £30m in TV money, £20m extra for the sale of Cabaye, buy no players whatsoever and not pay off that debt?  We'd be looking at reporting a £60m profit.


Because he doesn't want it back so it can be used as an excuse as to why we don't spend x,y, and z plus it disrupts the narrative that Mike Ashley is our saviour.

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I think that's an outright lie.  Will be proven either way in the new year 2015 accounts.


How could we take an additional £30m in TV money, £20m extra for the sale of Cabaye, buy no players whatsoever and not pay off that debt?  We'd be looking at reporting a £60m profit.


Because he doesn't want it back so it can be used as an excuse as to why we don't spend x,y, and z plus it disrupts the narrative that Mike Ashley is our saviour.


£60m profits would disrupt that narrative more than paying off some debt and leaving £100m+ of debt.

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Doesn't each club in the prem league get 30 million + final league placings + extra cash for the amount your games are televised??


He could have easily have taken it out by now, over two installements and allowed the team to be imporved.  Nah, sell before we buy.


I'm also still confused over how much NUFC actually owes him, is it this 18 million + the extra 135 he claims he had to put in to stablise the club after he bought it?

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They are all liars, braggards and conmen.


I wouldn't believe them if they told me the sun is shining in the sky.


We are awash in sleaze and dodgy dealings. Utter lies and half truths all the time from them all tbh. They have nowt but contempt for us and the club.

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