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From a business perspective he's not really doing much wrong.


Depends on your perspective of what you want from a business. He's completely decimated a proud "brand" and replaced it with a window for his tat emporium. I feel like NUFC was absolutely ripe to be taken to the next level as a football club, and he just took all that potential and flushed it down the drain. That's not great business from where I'm sitting.


He's destroyed a number of brands by slapping them on cheap tat that he sells in his emplorium of tat. But SD (the brand owner and ultimate business of MA) continues to go from strength to strength. So in that regard he has done 100% the right thing for the interests of SD.


Now how much additional profit would NUFC raised with investment and selling advertising space have made compared to what his approach has made for SD - only if the potential of NUFC was greater (and ultimately realised) would the approach taken be the wrong one. Unfortunately for MA, he has done the right thing business wise for his entire portfolo

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Guest Howaythetoon

If business is all about making money and making a profit then Ashley is doing 'nothing wrong', but it isn't just about the money or it shouldn't be. SD is a mammoth success because there is zero competition. If someone out there could offer the same kind of sports gear at similar prices, but packaged better if you like on a mass scale, SD would be just another retailer.


They are to me a bully boy. They are a bully with suppliers, a bully to customers and a bully to their own staff and investors alike. They even bully brands. Bullies always get their arse handed to them some day though and I hope the Rangers stuff, AO and the media 'intrusion' into how SD operates is just the start of that arse kicking.


To me a business is about providing a great service at a reasonable price, looking after customers and employees and building something people value and want to either buy or invest in not just for the now, but long-term.


I run a few small humble businesses that are doing alright based on those kind of principles. I know several business people who have ran small but successful firms only to crash and burn because it become all about the money and to hell with everything else.


Its easy to go into business, but very hard to stay in business.


Ashley is a spoiled man child if you like, used to getting his own way. He aligns himself to weak people, people he can control and do his bidding for him. People who wouldn't challenge him. Every person at NUFC appointed to a major role don't have the CV or skills to be in such positions, from Charnley to McClaren.


Ashley doesn't care about traditions, customs or history. He doesn't have the time for real people and their real problems. You do what you're told and you do it without complaint. I am your boss, I am paying you x amount. You're no different to a line of stock hanging in a warehouse to him.


He is a poor businessman. Successful yes, wealthy yes, but he's a poor businessman.


The sign of a good businessman is someone able to apply themselves to anything and make a success of it, or at least try to.


Newcastle is a huge failure under his ownership and that's how I know he is a poor businessman because real businessmen do not like failing and do not like to see something they are involved in fail.


Me, if I bought a football club, I'd do my best to make sure it does its best. Ashley hasn't once done that.


He will not let go of it though, not cheaply. He would want at least half a billion and even then it will no doubt come with certain conditions. The only way to get rid is a total boycott and that will never happen.


For as long as Ashley lives, expect relegation, relegation fights, mid-table, the selling of top players, zero legends, zero hope. Basically the very worst of NUFC's history on repeat, ad infinitum, on constant loop.


f*** that s***!


If supporting NUFC is an act of marriage, you sir need to get a f***ing divorce because this bitch is screwing you for every penny, literally, metaphorically, the whole f***ing shebang.

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If business is all about making money and making a profit then Ashley is doing 'nothing wrong', but it isn't just about the money or it shouldn't be. SD is a mammoth success because there is zero competition. If someone out there could offer the same kind of sports gear at similar prices, but packaged better if you like on a mass scale, SD would be just another retailer.


They are to me a bully boy. They are a bully with suppliers, a bully to customers and a bully to their own staff and investors alike. They even bully brands. Bullies always get their arse handed to them some day though and I hope the Rangers stuff, AO and the media 'intrusion' into how SD operates is just the start of that arse kicking.


To me a business is about providing a great service at a reasonable price, looking after customers and employees and building something people value and want to either buy or invest in not just for the now, but long-term.


I run a few small humble businesses that are doing alright based on those kind of principles. I know several business people who have ran small but successful firms only to crash and burn because it become all about the money and to hell with everything else.


Its easy to go into business, but very hard to stay in business.


Ashley is a spoiled man child if you like, used to getting his own way. He aligns himself to weak people, people he can control and do his bidding for him. People who wouldn't challenge him. Every person at NUFC appointed to a major role don't have the CV or skills to be in such positions, from Charnley to McClaren.


Ashley doesn't care about traditions, customs or history. He doesn't have the time for real people and their real problems. You do what you're told and you do it without complaint. I am your boss, I am paying you x amount. You're no different to a line of stock hanging in a warehouse to him.


He is a poor businessman. Successful yes, wealthy yes, but he's a poor businessman.


The sign of a good businessman is someone able to apply themselves to anything and make a success of it, or at least try to.


Newcastle is a huge failure under his ownership and that's how I know he is a poor businessman because real businessmen do not like failing and do not like to see something they are involved in fail.


Me, if I bought a football club, I'd do my best to make sure it does its best. Ashley hasn't once done that.


He will not let go of it though, not cheaply. He would want at least half a billion and even then it will no doubt come with certain conditions. The only way to get rid is a total boycott and that will never happen.


For as long as Ashley lives, expect relegation, relegation fights, mid-table, the selling of top players, zero legends, zero hope. Basically the very worst of NUFC's history on repeat, ad infinitum, on constant loop.


f*** that s***!


If supporting NUFC is an act of marriage, you sir need to get a f***ing divorce because this bitch is screwing you for every penny, literally, metaphorically, the whole f***ing shebang.




Someone get this to the AO boys, deserves to be on their front page as an editorial!

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Guest Howaythetoon

The damage Ashley has done man...


Every year at this time we have a works do, we treat the lads, about 10 of them, to a night out, all they can drink, food etc. as a sign of appreciation and some bonding time. We are a family and friends business. Last year we went bowling, this year we are working right up to Xmas Eve and we are struggling to fit everyone in on the one night and struggling for ideas. Go Karting... several cant drive! Paint Balling... one is 70.


Today I thought Saturday we are all free, fuck it, lets go to the match. On us, pre drinks, the match, post drinks. Some food. Not one of them were up for it. A number said give them the 25-30 quid ticket money instead. The general opinion is its on TV, we are shit, lets just watch it in a pub and get rat arsed.


Compare that to when we do corporate days at Gateshead, I don't even have to ask the lads who is in or not.


Ah Mike...


What have you done man! I long to go to a game, secretly I might go on Saturday, I'll feel dirty, but I miss my club so much it fucking hurts. I pine for it. Gateshead is great etc. but its not the Toon. I'll not go, like.




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Guest Howaythetoon

It is killing me like, that itch is massive, but I'm quite happy with myself for not giving into easy temptation. If only I could apply such strong mindedness to other areas of my life...


2 games in 2 whole seasons. Cardiff and Hull. Probably 5 or 6 more since the Championship season, (excluding the relegation season where I probably went to 30 games or so home and away) ironically my most enjoyable and prolific season since Ashley took over (again outside of our relegation season).


I have two small boys as well and I'd love to take them to a Toon game, a father's birth right and a son's...


One day...

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Guest Howaythetoon

Just take 'em, mate. Turn your mind off and get lost in the whole experience. Your kids will love it. 


I wish I could go but I'm stuck on the other side of the world and have to settle for watching it on TV.  :undecided:


I'd love to, but I'm a man of principle. I'd hate me for giving in. I'd feel like a f***ing cheat. I've been so tempted lately though. Its hard. I just want to go, take my seat, sing a few songs, get behind the team and cheer a Toon victory at the final whistle... or even a hard fought, but fruitless defeat. How it should be really, how it used to be.


I'll not take my kids, this isn't a football club for them to be brought up on. This isn't Newcastle United. I'll be a c*** to force this shambles onto them.

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:thup: I honestly don't understand why you'd have any temptation to sign them up for this shit. This club isn't the club that you want to show your kids. You'd be much better off waiting/praying, or finding an alternative club.
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Just take 'em, mate. Turn your mind off and get lost in the whole experience. Your kids will love it. 


I wish I could go but I'm stuck on the other side of the world and have to settle for watching it on TV.  :undecided:


I'd love to, but I'm a man of principle. I'd hate me for giving in. I'd feel like a f***ing cheat. I've been so tempted lately though. Its hard. I just want to go, take my seat, sing a few songs, get behind the team and cheer a Toon victory at the final whistle... or even a hard fought, but fruitless defeat. How it should be really, how it used to be.


I'll not take my kids, this isn't a football club for them to be brought up on. This isn't Newcastle United. I'll be a c*** to force this shambles onto them.


I live abroad so don't get to go to many games anymore, have been to 2 in the last couple of seasons and found it to be nothing like I remember.


There's no atmosphere, not the banter and laughs there used to be, and precious little singing. People sit looking bored and playing on their phones, maybe rouse themselves to boo a bit at half time before fucking off home early - you might find that actually going to the game might be the thing that finally kills it for you.

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I'd jacked it in until my little'uns got into it. they're 7 and 9 and the whole match day experience with my boys is sooo special. their little faces after the Liverpool game were just precious.


I feel dirty putting money into that c***'s pocket but its hard explaining it to my boys.

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  • 4 weeks later...

'ultimately'  needs a capital letter in the last paragraph but that is a very good article.  Hopefully the press will start picking up on some of this and they (the Ashleyout.com guys) can start to galvanise our morose fanbase into finally taking some action even if it's just not buying from his tat emporium anymore.

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Guest Roger Kint

Shame most matchday fans will never listen now we are spending again. Everything will be fantastic for the silent majority for a few more months

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Guest Roger Kint

Shame most matchday fans will never listen now we are spending again. Everything will be fantastic for the silent majority for a few more months


Until the daft cunts wake up and we're playing in Leeds next season I suppose



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If business is all about making money and making a profit then Ashley is doing 'nothing wrong', but it isn't just about the money or it shouldn't be. SD is a mammoth success because there is zero competition. If someone out there could offer the same kind of sports gear at similar prices, but packaged better if you like on a mass scale, SD would be just another retailer.


They are to me a bully boy. They are a bully with suppliers, a bully to customers and a bully to their own staff and investors alike. They even bully brands. Bullies always get their arse handed to them some day though and I hope the Rangers stuff, AO and the media 'intrusion' into how SD operates is just the start of that arse kicking.


To me a business is about providing a great service at a reasonable price, looking after customers and employees and building something people value and want to either buy or invest in not just for the now, but long-term.


I run a few small humble businesses that are doing alright based on those kind of principles. I know several business people who have ran small but successful firms only to crash and burn because it become all about the money and to hell with everything else.


Its easy to go into business, but very hard to stay in business.


Ashley is a spoiled man child if you like, used to getting his own way. He aligns himself to weak people, people he can control and do his bidding for him. People who wouldn't challenge him. Every person at NUFC appointed to a major role don't have the CV or skills to be in such positions, from Charnley to McClaren.


Ashley doesn't care about traditions, customs or history. He doesn't have the time for real people and their real problems. You do what you're told and you do it without complaint. I am your boss, I am paying you x amount. You're no different to a line of stock hanging in a warehouse to him.


He is a poor businessman. Successful yes, wealthy yes, but he's a poor businessman.


The sign of a good businessman is someone able to apply themselves to anything and make a success of it, or at least try to.


Newcastle is a huge failure under his ownership and that's how I know he is a poor businessman because real businessmen do not like failing and do not like to see something they are involved in fail.


Me, if I bought a football club, I'd do my best to make sure it does its best. Ashley hasn't once done that.


He will not let go of it though, not cheaply. He would want at least half a billion and even then it will no doubt come with certain conditions. The only way to get rid is a total boycott and that will never happen.


For as long as Ashley lives, expect relegation, relegation fights, mid-table, the selling of top players, zero legends, zero hope. Basically the very worst of NUFC's history on repeat, ad infinitum, on constant loop.


f*** that s***!


If supporting NUFC is an act of marriage, you sir need to get a f***ing divorce because this bitch is screwing you for every penny, literally, metaphorically, the whole f***ing shebang.


Been arguing this for years, he's no Branson or Bannantyne that's for sure.

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