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The other games today - 2015/16


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Thought the mackems might have a settled season. If they are getting run ragged off Leicester it doesn't bode well.


Never understood this idea. Plenty of their fans I know say this at the beginning of each season.


They've never recruited well enough to make me think they'll push on, nor have they ever appointed a manager who could take them that extra distance and this season is no exception. I


t's even funnier given that they like to portray Short as a man who loves the club and isn't shy to spend. On the other hand, we've pissed about being frugal and shite and with the exception of head-to-heads, been better than them.


Just thought Advocaat would give them some solid performances. I'm happy to be wrong though.

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Honestly couldn't give a shit about Bournemouth like :lol:

Exactly. Why the fuck should I care about Bournemouth

Because of the romanticism? It's a true underdog story.

I want to watch good football. I have no connection to Bournemouth, don't know why I should be bothered by them. If they look good on MOTD tonight I might watch them in the future


Bournemouth play a lot better football than a lot of the teams in the league (including us).  I'm biased, but it's great seeing a little team from Dorset giving it a go in the Premier League.


Yeah, their only claim to fame bar climbing the league system is that Howe supposedly have them playing great front foot attacking football. Not interested in checking out Bournemouth, but he maybe wanted to check out Villa. What the hell. :lol:

Villa have some players that I kind of want to see, Bournemouth don't, is it that ludicrous a thought like? As it happens I can't watch the match anyway

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Best part of the 1st week is seeing which shite team is top of the league. Really pisses me off when Chelsea or someone wins big in the first week. Ruins everything.


This also applies to who is bottom after week one :aww:

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