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The other games today - 2015/16


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Rafa's such a lightening rod for abuse.  Instead of the focus on Pepe & Ronny being shit it's - why no Isco/James from the start? Why Vazquez over them on the hour? Why Karim before Kova? Why are you such a cunt Rafa?


I didn't have Neville for a gillet wearer tbh


Are you blind or partially sighted?

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Rafa's such a lightening rod for abuse.  Instead of the focus on Pepe & Ronny being s*** it's - why no Isco/James from the start? Why Vazquez over them on the hour? Why Karim before Kova? Why are you such a c*** Rafa?


I thought no Isco was bad last week, but no Isco and James!! Fucking hell :lol:


His whole quote last week of only being able to use 14 of his squad, only managed to get 12 on the pitch this week. That Vasquez was mind boggling!


Standing by my call that Isco should be desperate for a move, he's getting laughed at by Rafa.



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Kone starting again for Everton, man Martinez loves that guy. Aren't his only goals in that mackem game?


Deulofeu and Mirallas on the bench :lol: Man I hate Martinez


Wonder how close he is to getting the boot, that's a really fucking weird team selection.


League cup semi cup semi midweek. They're doing nowt in the league so it looks like that's been prioritised. Don't blame him tbh.


He should be doing better. Atrocious keeper aside Everton have a ridiculously strong spine to their team.


Can't really agree. Under Moyes we did because of the emphasis he as a manager put on having a strong spine. Martinez wants everyone to play football, and he's asking players who can't play good football to do that. The way we play, it's hard to see what spine we have - in a players-on-paper sense or in a team sense.


Take Gareth Barry. Had a very good season when Martinez first took over, and has been a lumbering disaster ever since who contributes more to opponents attacks than our own. For every ball he intercepts, he gives it away twice. However you then consider our style of play and you have to ask why the fuck he's being asked to do things he can't do (e.g. quick one touch passing, quick movement with the ball) because he's never been able to do that.


Our defence is getting criticised - sometimes correctly so - but the problem lies in the midfield. They offer zero protection to our back 4 who are therefore consistently exposed. Compare that to Tottenham's defence. Yes, the centre backs have been impressive, but part of that is because they're not being overworked due to the tenacity of players like Dembele, Dier and Alli in front of them. They're allowed time to be in position and assess the danger. Whereas our lot are constantly having 3 or 4 players running at them. Of course they're going to look disorganised. We're not working as a team defensively, that's why we've got an embarrassing amount of goals conceded.


I felt sorry for Lukaku today too, no-one gave him consistent support. Kone would be best replaced with an actual cone while Barkley is frustrating as fuck. If he had a few brain cells he'd be truly top quality but until he learns to make the correct decision more than 20% of the time, he won't fulfil his considerable natural talent.


All in all it's a bit of a mess at the moment. We're close yet at the time so far away from being a really good team and that's on Martinez and no-one else.

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Also, yet more evidence today Alli is going to be top class and is already a strong contender to start for us at the Euros. He has the decision-making/maturity Barkley should have by now but infuriatingly doesn't.

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