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York City 2 - 1 Newcastle United - 29/7/15 @ 7.45 pm BST


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So basically assuming Mbemba signs, he would be 6th choice. As bad as we are injury wise, it will take some doing for him to be an important factor this season.


Don't think we signed him, loaned him out for a season then brought him back to be 6th choice. Coloccini and Mbemba you would expect will be the first choice pairing but after those 2 it's anyone from Lascelles, Taylor and Williamson. With Coloccini being another year older and picking up a few injuries these days it's perfectly reasonable to suggest Lascelles could feature in 10 or more first team games this season.

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I would like to see Perez there regardless, mainly because i think he and Mitrovic could be really good together.


Perez has earned his place in the side, it will be a poor decision if he isn't in the team that plays Southampton.

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I would like to see Perez there regardless, mainly because i think he and Mitrovic could be really good together.


Perez has earned his place in the side, it will be a poor decision if he isn't in the team that plays Southampton.


Agree. However I always think he seems like the easy target when the manager is looking for a player to leave out.

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Agree. However I always think he seems like the easy target when the manager is looking for a player to leave out.


McClaren shouldn't be managing us if he's going to drop players who are seen as easy targets, I expect he'll pick on merit and that's based on nothing.


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Perez as #10 or some type of wide forward. To be honest, I'm happy for Perez to basically be the first choice #10. I think he's got every bit of potential to hit 12+ goals this season and be responsible for creating just as much through for those around him.

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FWIW De Jong isn't my type of player either but I'm convinced he will and can be immensely successful in the league, especially in the bigger matches. He's an absolute winner and I recall when he first started with us he was rapid with ever decision he made and it's generally one touch first time or pass and move.

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Meh. I've got no idea if pre-season performances are a decent indicator of early season performances - the one we always refer to is the pre-"two points from eight games" where we looked ace, culminating in beating Roma 5-0.


What gets me about your pre-season is how appallingly amateurish the whole thing has been. The timing, the choice of opponents, the communication. Pre-season is primarily a preparation for the new season (integrating new players, trying out new tactics, building fitness) but is more and more an opportunity to build the brand - generating money in the short and long-term. Those two are often at odds, but at least friendlies typically do one or the other, if not both. I just don't have the faintest idea what your guys were thinking.

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That's the thing; Perez, Cabella, Wijnaldum, Sissoko could all play there as well - but their flexibility will see De Jong have that position nailed down. FWIW I still think he can be good; I just think he's not my type of player tbh.

Without accounting for attrition by injury/suspension, I really believe that Cabella will be the "odd man out" in terms of the more attacking players.


I don't disagree with that, struggle to see where he'll play especially since he's starting off with an injury. Just listing him as another who could play where de Jong is atm (and would probably be better there than out wide)


For me Cabella is very much a pass and move player who is good with the ball at his feet and can pick a pass then see the space to move into, a bit like De Jong but with more trickery or whatever.  I see no reason why he couldn't succeed 'out wide' by playing triangles with De Jong, Wijnaldum or whoever then getting himself into the space out wide to put a quick ball in.  It'd need work but we have the players to make it work and Cabella is certainly capable of being a provider.


Last season he was always fronting up to 2 defenders and didn't have the pace or strength to go past them himself, nor the people running off him to open things up a bit.  I hope he stays, assuming he gets a fair crack of the whip. 


End of the day there's simply no way he should be benched to accommodate Gouffran or Obertan, unless he physically can't play.

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Meh. I've got no idea if pre-season performances are a decent indicator of early season performances - the one we always refer to is the pre-"two points from eight games" where we looked ace, culminating in beating Roma 5-0.


What gets me about your pre-season is how appallingly amateurish the whole thing has been. The timing, the choice of opponents, the communication. Pre-season is primarily a preparation for the new season (integrating new players, trying out new tactics, building fitness) but is more and more an opportunity to build the brand - generating money in the short and long-term. Those two are often at odds, but at least friendlies typically do one or the other, if not both. I just don't have the faintest idea what your guys were thinking.


It was a preseason seemingly put together by the likes of Lee Charnley and John Carver man. There's no rhyme or reason nor any bit of pedigree in either of these men. Atrocious stuff. Small time clubs have better more robust preseasons. Alan Pardew Preseasons were better with Llambias around. That's literally how bad it's become.

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Re Perez and de Jong

At the moment I can't see either starting. Not necessarily on merit/ability, but on probable formation and current squad (however, still think there are comings and goings). I'm assuming a 4,2,3,1, as default formation. I'll skip the '4'  bit, as 50% of it still too worrying (fingers crossed Mbemba today). Tiote, Colback and Anita seem like the two starters and sub for the '2'. Gini is after the centre role of the '3' ( like a no. 10)  he could play him on the left but given  his goal scoring and preferences, I expect him to get a run where he is strongest (de Jong as cover). Sissoko (if still here) will be used on the right; Aarons pips Perez, IMO, and has earned a run in the left role. Mitrovic is the '1' - let's hope that statement proves prophetic!


I WBS if Sissoko, Tiote, Cisse, and Colo departed in August. With two clear 'starters' coming in (CB and RW/CF).


P.S. It's funny trying to fit everybody in, reminded me how many good players  (I think ) we have.

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Been reading through the thread wondering what the stats were for the game. As I suspected it doesn't look too bad. Although our first choice defence has weaknesses it will be a lot better than it was in this game.


I think everyone generally gets a bit over excited by pre-season, it's understandable given the break since we last saw the team play.

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Re Perez and de Jong

At the moment I can't see either starting. Not necessarily on merit/ability, but on probable formation and current squad (however, still think there are comings and goings). I'm assuming a 4,2,3,1, as default formation. I'll skip the '4'  bit, as 50% of it still too worrying (fingers crossed Mbemba today). Tiote, Colback and Anita seem like the two starters and sub for the '2'. Gini is after the centre role of the '3' ( like a no. 10)  he could play him on the left but given  his goal scoring and preferences, I expect him to get a run where he is strongest (de Jong as cover). Sissoko (if still here) will be used on the right; Aarons pips Perez, IMO, and has earned a run in the left role. Mitrovic is the '1' - let's hope that statement proves prophetic!


I WBS if Sissoko, Tiote, Cisse, and Colo departed in August. With two clear 'starters' coming in (CB and RW/CF).


P.S. It's funny trying to fit everybody in, reminded me how many good players  (I think ) we have.


Good analysis, if I may say. I'm not sure how the attack will shape up, but even without any new signings, we do have some options.


We've got to cut out shipping goals. Another CB to partner Mbemba would make a big difference, but the back four need some protection and I don't think either Tiote or Anita have the all-round quality to fill that role. One can't pass, the other can't tackle.


I assume that the 'S' in WBS means 'satisifed' rather than 'sorry'. Google wasn't much help to me there.

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The thing I don't get is that the last pre-season friendly is almost upon us and the most problematic area from last season has not really been addressed. 


The paperwork for our one defensive signing may not be processed in time for him to play so he could be going straight in ahead Southampton.  We are told that he does not speak English so communication could be a real problem.


Who does he partner him with?  The only CDs who have had any real game time are Williamson who everyone expected to have left by now and still expect to leave before the window closes and Lascelles who does not look ready to be a starter in the Premier League.  The other CDs are either not fit enough so are being protected because of dodgy pitches or injuries.


Why have we waited so late to address this area of the team?


Our opening fixtures are not kind and it is imperative that we get something out of the Southampton game.  Once York got a bit of confidence coming forward, our defence was all over the place.  I would not expect any player who started in defence last night to play against Southampton but regardless of how good (?) the attack or midfield might be, a team like Southampton (who will have already played competitive games in the Europa League) will just walk through our defence.


Now it looks like we are going to be using games against the likes of Southampton, Swansea, Man Utd and Arsenal to try and gel a defence.  That should be fun.


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there were 4 out of the 11 last night that would potentially start PL games - Aarons, de jong, mitrovic, perez (gouffran should be shot out of a cannon into the sea so I don't count him)


Also, some of our fans in the away end last night were a disgrace griefing darlow with some obscene stuff in front of their own kids and acting like it was a cup final against the mackems (one lad in particular who already had a broken face hopefully sustained in a painful way was lucky he didn't get lamped again) and should be banned from following us. Absolute howling spastics of the highest order.


it was a reserve team pre-season friendly ffs and a fitness exercise. I do however believe lascelles was at fault for their second goal but it was a canny strike


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Meh. I've got no idea if pre-season performances are a decent indicator of early season performances - the one we always refer to is the pre-"two points from eight games" where we looked ace, culminating in beating Roma 5-0.


What gets me about your pre-season is how appallingly amateurish the whole thing has been. The timing, the choice of opponents, the communication. Pre-season is primarily a preparation for the new season (integrating new players, trying out new tactics, building fitness) but is more and more an opportunity to build the brand - generating money in the short and long-term. Those two are often at odds, but at least friendlies typically do one or the other, if not both. I just don't have the faintest idea what your guys were thinking.



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Yeah pre-season doesn't always mean much. I think the season Spurs had a nightmare start (and was the reason for the Harry Redknapp "we had 2 points from 8 games") they had an unbeaten pre-season - just checked wiki in fact and they scored 33 and conceded 5  :iamatwat:

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I would love to see Newcastle develop a Bobby Robson Cup.


Every year or two, NUFC, one of Robson's other English clubs, and two of his European clubs.


Good mix of teams and interest for the supporters.

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