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Despicable. At least we know what he was the best in the premier league doing fuck all. Our club has been terrible behind the scenes for a long time. Need to give Rafa the authority to clear out and rebuild :yao:

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Title’s ridiculous like. I know Carver has been a disaster for the club within the past decade but howay man - the insinuation there is unnecessary.


If you hear allergations that someone is a nonce you’re not going to immediately run to the police without evidence. You’d probably not believe it, or try and convince yourself not to believe.


It’s hardly an easy issue to solve.

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If you're in a position of power and a subordinate comes to you with a complaint of that nature you figure it the fuck out as immediately as possible. If the person in question did nothing wrong they have nothing to worry about. Always air on the side of the accuser, man. Until it gets figured out.

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If you hear allegations that someone is a nonce you’re not going to immediately run to the police without evidence.


What are abuse victims supposed to do? They rarely have any kind of evidence.


You'd think he'd at least have not let the dude be around kids until it was resolved. But he didn't do anything about it.

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Title’s ridiculous like. I know Carver has been a disaster for the club within the past decade but howay man - the insinuation there is unnecessary.


If you hear allergations that someone is a nonce you’re not going to immediately run to the police without evidence. You’d probably not believe it, or try and convince yourself not to believe.


It’s hardly an easy issue to solve.


Course it's a hard issue to solve, no argument there at all. But what you should never ever do, is nothing at all. Pretty simple and there'd be no beef with the thick twat at all if he'd at least investigated right away. Needed "time to digest", Christ.

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Yous have no idea how this went down, and it’s guesswork how yous would react yourselves in such a situation. Easy to just say what you would do, but it’s obviously not an easy situation to be in.


It’s nit like he had evidance he was a nonce and bever acted, he’d heard allergations (from people who also did nowt) and by the sounds of things never knew how to take them.

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Title’s ridiculous like. I know Carver has been a disaster for the club within the past decade but howay man - the insinuation there is unnecessary.


If you hear allergations that someone is a nonce you’re not going to immediately run to the police without evidence. You’d probably not believe it, or try and convince yourself not to believe.


It’s hardly an easy issue to solve.


Course it's a hard issue to solve, no argument there at all. But what you should never ever do, is nothing at all. Pretty simple and there'd be no beef with the thick twat at all if he'd at least investigated right away. Needed "time to digest", Christ.

Time to digest the allegations he means. They were just allegations, rumours. If I heard a friend was a nonce I’d probably not immediately run to the police either, I doubt many would. I assume most people would just try and convince thenselves they were false.
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Yous have no idea how this went down, and it’s guesswork how yous would react yourselves in such a situation. Easy to just say what you would do, but it’s obviously not an easy situation to be in.


It’s nit like he had evidance he was a nonce and bever acted, he’d heard allergations (from people who also did nowt) and by the sounds of things never knew how to take them.


The article makes it pretty clear reading between the lines that he hesitated to do owt because they were "good friends". Needing time to digest information like that is bollocks like. Fine gan home, sleep on it maybe, but then you speak up. It's too fucking heinous an allegation to leave on the back burner coz your pals with the bloke.

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I'm not sure what evidence you're expecting him to have.

I expected him to have no evidence, that’s the point, he’d heard rumours. So what do you do if you hear your mate is a nonce? In the real world, not in the world where you’re some kind of moral prophet?
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I'm not sure what evidence you're expecting him to have.

I expected him to have no evidence, that’s the point, he’d heard rumours. So what do you do if you hear your mate is a nonce? In the real world, not in the world where you’re some kind of moral prophet?


I like to think I'd do the right thing. And I'd like to think I'd be raked over the coals if I didn't.

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I know exactly how I'd handle it.


To make a long story short, a few weeks ago I was told a story by a female bartender at one of our accounts that our house comedian at the brewery had groped a female comedian she knew and there were "at least three other stories" that were very similar and at least once it might've happened at the brewery - and that there was a male comedian who could corroborate the stories. After talking to that dude and he confirmed he knew of the stories, I went straight to the fucking bosses/owners with that shit, man. It's this kids job to prove his innocence at that point. You can't have someone representing you/your brand/your company if they're out there even possibly doing that. It needs to be addressed to the bosses in a professional manner and not left to just fester for these possible victims who never found the courage to even stand up and come forward in a public forum but instead could only confide in their closest allies and friends. If it turns out to be true then I thank whatever god that I happened to be in that bar, that day, and the bartender felt like giving up that information on behalf of her friends. If it turns out to be bullshit (highly unlikely for what it's worth) then no harm, no foul, because nothing happened and we all go on our way after taking care of this internally and no one's name is out there being slung through the mud.


If you hear about allegations of this nature you get them in front of the people who have the power to find out the truth. It's as simple as that.

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I'm not sure what evidence you're expecting him to have.

I expected him to have no evidence, that’s the point, he’d heard rumours. So what do you do if you hear your mate is a nonce? In the real world, not in the world where you’re some kind of moral prophet?


I'd suggest being intelligent enough about it to have discreet discussions with the club a.k.a do the right thing, taking care of innocents probably too scared to help themselves. If the bloke's innocent, there should never have been a problem with that. It's pretty damn rare i'd think that those types of allegations are false or at the least, based in truth. An immediate internal investigation would have resulted and this would have gone in the right direction.


No other way to handle it. Doing anything else is indefensible really and just makes you seem like an accessory.

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I'm not sure what evidence you're expecting him to have.

I expected him to have no evidence, that’s the point, he’d heard rumours. So what do you do if you hear your mate is a nonce? In the real world, not in the world where you’re some kind of moral prophet?


I'd suggest being intelligent enough about it to have discreet discussions with the club a.k.a do the right thing, taking care of innocents probably too scared to help themselves. If the bloke's innocent, there should never have been a problem with that. It's pretty damn rare i'd think that those types of allegations are false or at the least, based in truth. An immediate internal investigation would have resulted and this would have gone in the right direction.


Fucking this, man.

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